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ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

currently run by James Schrader

The Quote Of The Day:

“Turn the key, turn the lock,
Nationalism you can suck my..”

From “America Is” on ADD IT UP.
contributed by:
send your quotes to

In Today’s Digest:
* * *
9/27 show in SUNY Albany
ROCK track list
Re: ROCK!!!!! for 8-27-96
Brian Ritchie — “Religion Ruined My Life”
Re: ROCK!!!!! for 8-27-96
Concert Dates
Femmes for HomeComing
Femmes & St. Louis

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: Kaia Wong
Subject: 9/27 show in SUNY Albany

I want to get tickets as soon as possible.. everyone please e-mail me on
how i’d go about this! -kaia.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: J Brown
Subject: ROCK!!!

Well, i finally did it–I finally got a hold of the ROCK!!! cd. I had
to travel all the way to delaware, from PA, to get it too! well,
actually i was on vacation in Maryland and just happened to stop off at
a cool little store in delaware. and they just happened to have it in
stock. I absolutely love it. i am slowly collecting all the femmes
CDs–so far i have Rock!!, Add it Up, Violent Femmes, New Times, Why do
Birds Sing?, and Hallowed Ground. I cant decide which i like the
best–they all rock, of course.
Yet there is still a little piece of my life thats missing–um, let
me think could it maybe be the fact that i have yet to see them in
concert. I mean you know how some people dont go to their senior proms
and then when they are like 50 they regret it, well i regret not going
to the y100 shindig last may–although it was not MY fault, it was my
stupid parents, but anyway, i bet when I am like 50 i will still feel
like part of my life is missing. Unless of course i see them before
then. so everyone out there, pray that the femmes decide to come and
play in the Philadelphia area.

oh yeah one last thing—if anyone knows where or how i can get a hold
of some (or just one would make me happy) femmes bootlegs, e-mail me at


Jen Brown

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: Robert Goodwin
Subject: ROCK track list

The track list on ROCK is as follows:

1. Living a Lie
2. Tonight
3. Bad Dream
4. I Danced
5. Thanksgiving (No Way Out)
6. Dahmer is Dead
7. Life is an Adventure
8. She Went to Germany
9. I Wanna See You Again
10. Didgerblues
11. Death Drugs
12. Sweet World of Angels

All the songs are previously unreleased and I have no idea why the album
was only released in Europe and Australia. I suspect that it might be
because New Times came out just shortly before it and many record
companies are reluctant to release 2 albums by the same artist within at
least a year. (hence prince’s ongoing battle with Warner and Beck releasing
3 albums on 3 labels) It wouldn’t surprise me if we see this album on
the racks over here shortly.


Robert Goodwin

Nature is by and large to be found out of doors, a location where, it
cannot be argued, there are never enough comfortable chairs.
— Fran Leibowitz

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

Subject: Re: ROCK!!!!! for 8-27-96

I know this one may go unanswered, but I caught the femmes show down here in Atlanta a
few years ago, and it was, of course, great. But they haven’t been back since, and I
guess the big question on everyone else’s mind is “When are they going to come to my
town?” If anyone knows their touring schedule, please post it on ROCK!!!!! I’m waiting
patiently for them to return…And to whoever was looking for the Brian Ritchie album,
some small independant record stores can special order it for you! It may cost a couple
bucks extra, but its worth it.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: Bec Hamadock
Subject: Brian Ritchie — “Religion Ruined My Life”

> From: “WARDG”
> Subject: ROCK!! stuff
> Hello fellow Femmes fans! Does anyone out there have Brian Ritchie’s
> album “I See A Noise” ? There is a song on it I have been trying to
> get ahold of – “Religion Ruined My Life” for quite some time.
you can order it for $12 from
Charm School Records
P. O. Box 93273
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
the rest of the CD is pretty good, too.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: Neil Fahey
Subject: Re: ROCK!!!!! for 8-27-96

Hi everyone!!! Remember me? I am the ex-list moderator of ROCK!!!!! Thanks
to everyone for sticking with James while i was away and now that i have
handed the list over to him permanantly. And especially thanks to James for
taking over.
My trip was good but i’m glad to be back. Ireland is a scary place when
you’re stuck in the middle of a warzone!!! So i’ll look forward to hearing
more from the list now that i’m looking at it from a different point of view.

To Tracy9239 who said:
>I would like to know if any of you have or know where I can get boot legs.
> If any of you do can you please e-mail me at Tracy9239. Thank you.
Search for bootlegs on the web and have a look through the respnses you get,
there should be one page which has lists in alphabetical order of bootlegs
by band. like this:
Click on V and then chose Violent Femmes and you should get some links to
femmes boots. I think Film Noir is the best Violent Femmes boot.

To Raylene who said:
>I was wondering if someone would let me know what kind of songs are on the
>new album “Rock”. I am thinking about purchasing it. If anyone knows if the
>Femmes will be performing in Pittsburgh anytime soon, let me know.
Rock is brilliant, it would have to be obne of the best albums from the
Femmes. It’s different, kinda catchy pop music. Buy it. You’ll love it!!!!
…That sounded like a home shopping network add or somethikng. heheh 🙂

Bye for now everyone.
Your ex-list moderator.
Neil Fahey

Check out Neil & Bon’s Magic Dirt Homepage at-

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

Subject: ROCK!!!!!!

Hello. I really want to get Rock!!!! but it hasn’t been released in
Canada yet. Does anybody know if it will be coming here? Also, if
anyone knows of the Femmes coming to Canada in the Montreal or Toronto
area, PLEASE let me know, i’m dying to see them live!

“I wonder if I’m happy, I wonder if I’m mad
I wonder why the whole wide world’s so wonderfully sad”

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

Subject: Concert Dates

I have some concert dates:

St. Louis, MI – 9/18
Columbus, OH – 9/20
Albany, NY – 9/27
Guelph, ONT-9/28

Too bad I can’t go to any of them.



ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

Subject: the blind leading the nekkid

does anyone know who originally sung the song “Children of the Revolution” as
sung by the femmes on the blind leading the naked??

“you’re so ugly, all of the time”

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

Subject: Femmes for HomeComing

Hello everybody out there. I just want to tell you that I made Home
Coming Court and when I walk out at coronation, they play a song of my
choice. So, I picked “Life is an Adventure.” It should be pretty good. I
hope a lot of people like the song, cause’ then the femmes good word would be
Also, I bought Pancake Day by Victor. All my friends say it sounds like
bad eighties music, but I like it. Also, I ordered “I hear a noise” by
Brian, and I should have that in about a week. It’s no longer made, but
apparently you can still order it in tape version.
Got to go, bye.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: “WARDG”
Subject: Covers?

I took a closer look/listen at a bootleg tape of a live recording
where the Femmes play a couple of songs I haven’t heard before or
since: “Fashionable” and “I ain’t gonna wait for you”. I’m not sure
of the actual titles of the songs, but if I had to name them from the
lyrics, that’s what it’d be. Are these covers or their own stuff?
Does anyone still need the ROCK!! CD? For some reason the place I got
mine from ordered two. They just called and said the second one is
in, and I don’t need another one. If anyone is interested I can pick
it up and mail it to you. It was kinda pricey. (I paid $29 for
mine.) But I’m sure we can work something out. Thanks to Dave for the
tip on Brian’s CD!

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

Subject: Femmes & St. Louis

It seems to me that the Violent Femmes have a strong connection with St.
Louis. For the second time in half a year they are comming to the area, and
yes I went to the first one which was March 16, and the second one on
September 18 i have tickets that are four rows back. Does anyone know why
they come here so much? There aren’t really any people who like them.

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