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The Quote Of The Day:

Stop the train
I’m getting off
-From Heartache

TOUR DATES (** means new tourdate):
O=Official homepage

Thu, 04/26/01 – 7:30 pm, Midwest Wireless Center, Mankato, MN, $20,
w/Mason Jennings (T,O,P)

Fri, 04/27/01 – Univ. Of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
w/Mason Jennings

Sat, 04/28/01 – 8 pm, Duluth Ent. Conv. Ctr. Auditorium, Duluth, MN,
$21-$24, w/Harmony Riley (T,O,P)

Mon, 04/30/01 – 8 pm, Irving Plaza, New York, NY, $26.50, $30 at door,
16 to enter; 21 to drink (T,O,P)

If any of you are going to any upcoming shows, and would like to meet
fellow subscribers who are also going, send your name and what show you
will be attending, and I will put it here.

Irving Plaza
Fraggle3 (Shannon)



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Past Tour Dates:


Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records: (not working 4-26-01)

Victor DeLorenzo’s Page:


In Today’s Issue:

Spring Weekend Scandal
Taking Exception
Femmes Review
New Stuff

Spring Weekend Scandal
Scandal rocks Spring Weekend as Femmes play at Moses Brown accidentally

By Stiles Makinsky
Brown Daily Herald – Brown University

The University campus is struggling to survive from a decade’s worth of
scandal squeezed into this year’s Spring Weekend.

“Forget Horowitz!” said one senior who requested to remain anonymous.
“The story of the year is Gano!”

The story of which she referred to, of course, is the absence of Violent
Femmes’ singer Gordon Gano, from the Thursday Meehan Auditorium concert.
Gano, confused while getting off his tour bus, ended up playing a
marathon one-man show at the adjacent Moses Brown High School front lawn.

“The five 14-year-olds who showed up really seemed to have a good time,
especially after the security guard realized that I wasn’t some drunk
bastard,” Gano said. “I pulled out all my old hits and did an extended
ending to ‘Gone Daddy Gone’ that was choice. I really feel like I’m at a
peak in my artistic creativity right now. Please buy my new album so I
won’t be known as that guy who wrote that song about staining my sheets.”

Gano showed utter disregard for the students forced to sit through what
sounded like a “bad Violent Femmes cover band,” as said one Brown Concert
Agency worker. An angry mob looked to get even with Gano after the show,
finding him on the Moses Brown lawn and carrying him to Wriston. Gano was
then made to drink from the Phi Psi hot tub.

“Dude,” said Phi Psi pledgee John Goldberger, “He’s gonna pay for that
shit. When I pay $20 to see Weezer, I exp…oh wait, he’s not Rivers Cuomo?
Oh shit, dude. That’s fucked up.”

The Office of Student Life is forming the Students Against Violent Femmes
Task Force to look into the incident and to the political correctness of
the bands name. “I am deeply troubled by the name ‘Violent Femmes’ and the
message it says to women who may be insecure about how they are perceived
by the community,” said Dean of Student Life Jean Joyce-Brady. “This task
force will get to the root of the problems and then present a series of
initiatives that the Office can implement over the course of the next
several years to ensure that the Femmes do not return to Brown.
Subsequent task forces will be created to analyze the success of the
first task force.”

“We are very excited about the opportunity that this task force will
allow, even though we are very dismayed by the events that caused this
task force to be created,” said Dean of Student Life Susan Pliner. “We
in the Office love to provide opportunity for students to grow.
Hopefully this controversy can bring our campus together again.”

-Pat. Says: Recent concert reviews are always welcome. Please send us
your impressions if you have gone to any this past week.

Taking Exception
<< Now the biggest thing is a combination of rap and
metal, which are two of the worst genres available. So it’s like,
is this good? Is this progress? Or is this, like, a marriage made
in hell?”

what a terrible old man. granted, i like neither metal nor rap, but
what a closed minded, ignotant thing to say. not everyone digs
‘rock n’ roll’ or you know, the other types of music out there, but
you have to give a certain respect to all types of music even if
they’re not your style. maybe good old brian is turning into a
crotchedy old man after all. ill still be seeing them in NY on the
30th though.


Femmes Review
I was going through some of my past issues of Modern Drummer magazine.
I was looking at the June 2000 issue and there is a section in the
magazine which reviews albums and I saw alittle blurb called “From the
Editors Vault” to my suprise I saw that this months album was the
Femmes self-titiled album, which they gave a 9 out of 10 (10 being the
Heres what the review said:
“Being a college freshman when this 1982 album came out is a case of
synchronicity I’ll always be thankful for. Most people who
discovered The Femmes early on will tell ypu the same thing: Their
combination of the Velvet Underground and Pete Seeger was hugely
shoking, yet instantly fimiliar. “Add it Up” titillated thousands
of teens with with its risque subject matter, but truthfully, the
entire album shines. Drummer Victor De Lorenzo plays wonderful
direct brushes throughout, and is largely responsible for the band’s
unique sound. Sensitive or scary, with heaving dynamics or steady
time, Victor was perfect for this music. He was also a pioneer of
“unplugged” drumming in a time when MTV couldn’t see past Duran Duran,
Madonna, and Micheal Jackson. A land mark album.
-Adam Budofsky”


New Stuff
In addition to Something’s Wrong, the MP3 on, an upcoming
box set is mentioned by Brian in the letters section of the homepage.
Anyone got any knowledge of it all?




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