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The Quote Of The Day:


July 3- IC Amphitheatre, Pittsburgh, PA (O,P)
July 4- Freedom Fest, MCI Center, Washington, DC (stacey)
July 17- LoDo Festival, Denver, CO (P,O)
July 23- The Vogue, Vancouver, British Columbia, CA (O,P)
July 25- Calgary Folk Music Fest, Calgary, Alberta, CA (O,P)
June 26- Summerfest, Marcus Amphitheatre, Milwaukee, WI
$12.50+Summerfest admission (T)
July 30- 8 p.m., Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH
18+ show (T,P)
July 31- Barnstable Co. Fairground, Hyannis, MA (P,O)
August 15- 7:30 p.m., Villa Montalvo, Saratoga, CA (T,P)
Sept 4- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (O)
Sept 5- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (P)
Sept 6- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (P)

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Milwaukee, WI
Extatika (Beky)
Victoria.K.Grundle (Victoria)

Denver, CO
truman (Emily)
lmjacobs (Laurie)
mypen15 (Nick)

Saratoga, CA
sandycitarella (Sandy)
stepheno (Stephen)



!!!!NEW NEW!!!!

Yahoo Chat:

Past Tour Dates:



Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:


In Today’s Issue:

The Baltimore Show
Tourdate Confusion
Message Board
RE: Message Board?
This Would Not be Boring


Those of you who have been wondering…I’m finally almost done with
the craziness of the past month. The last project is (i hope) fairly
well documented on
It has nothing to do with Violent Femmes, but I hope those of you who
are expert web weavers will give some feedback, but remember that this
was my first attempt at html, and I just sort of winged it as I went

The Baltimore Show
This is for those of you who like the long show reports…for those of
you that don’t, just scroll to the next message I guess.

Well, I went to the Pier 6 Baltimore Show on Saturday and it was
absolutely wonderful!! I took a friend that had never seen the Femmes
before since my 2 best friends who are fellow Femme followers both live
in CA now. I got lost on the way there(I almost crashed a few times
while I was dancing to the Femmes while driving) and while stopped at a
stop light some dork in a Bronco in front of me opened his door and
puked not once, not twice, but three times!! It was so disgusting and
there was no avoiding it so now there’s that guys puke on my tires. I
had shitty seats (it was a seated venue) so I chilled up on the lawn
for G Love and the Special Sauce while trying to get some nachos from
a refreshment stand. I ended up waiting an hour for the shitty nachos
since the cheese was cold but the guy gave them to me free which was
nice. Once the opening band was done we went down to our seats and
I lit up a cigarette but an anal bouncer told me I couldn’t smoke
“inside” the pavillion. So I wandered to the right side of the
pavillion to enjoy my cigarette and saw one of the roadies crew members
that had given me backstage passes before and strolled up to the stage
to ask if he remembered me. He gave me a confused smile when I
reminded him that he hooked me up in San Francisco and at the 9:30 Club
in DC last year and finally said “Really? Ok, then I’ll give you some
tonight too!” I danced back to my spot in the smoking section grinning
ear to ear and the Femmes finally came out. Brian recognized me pretty
quick which was surprising since I was about 50 feet away from him
instead of my usual spot in front of him. So he pointed me out to
the roadie and I got my passes. The show was incredible as usual, and
I think I remember what they played so here’s the set list (in no
particular order)…

I Hear the Rain
Jesus Walking on the Water
Waiting for the Bus
Black Girls
Don’t Talk About My Music
I Held Her In My Arms
Dance MF Dance (Surprisingly enough, Brian didn’t do an intro)
Kiss Off
Blister in the Sun
Add It Up
I’m Nothin
Country Death Song
American Music
Out the Window
Gone Daddy Gone
Gimme the Car
Old Mother Reagan
Good Feeling (during which the entire audience was talking)
Freak Magnet
Rejoice and Be Happy
There was one more that I had never heard before and I can’t remember
any of the words to it either.

Brian pulled out the didgeridoo and his cat in the hat theramin at the
end of the show and started chasing Gordon around the stage which had
the entire audience cracking up. The Horns of Dilemna were nowhere to
be found but Brians tazmanian devil squeals during DMFD were just as
entertaining. I danced my ass off the entire time and the people
behind me thought I was on crack I guess because they wouldn’t stop
staring at me but what’s the point of going to a show if you’re not
going to let loose and have a good time? I practically lost my voice
from screaming along with all the songs.

After the show everyone who had a pass was led into this tiny room the
size of a closet and we were told it would be a few minutes until the
boys would see us so I started chatting to a girl sitting next to me.
Turns out she’s on this list too and had emailed me the day before!
(HI CATHERINE!) Brian was the first to come see us and Gordon and Guy
came pretty soon after him. There was some chick there that had gone
to high school with Gordon and she told us his bday was coming up. I
think it was on the 7th. She also had a flier for a July 4th show at
the MCI Center in D.C. that said “Just added: THE VIOLENT FEMMES. She
showed it to Gordon who laughed and said that was the first time he
heard they were doing that show. Sadly enough I’ll be in Hawaii
starting June 24th to go to school at the University of Hawaii
(PAT-When I get a new email address I’ll let you know, but don’t stop
sending me the list!). My bday is July 3 so that would have been an
awesome gift-to see the Femmes the next day. Oh well, no worries.

Brian said they’ll be doing New Years in Australia, so plan ahead!


Tourdate Confusion
help me, pat! i’m all confused again…i’m trying to plan a nice
weekend of
catching the femmes at hampton beach, and then seeing them once again
on the way back in hyannis…the dates differ between this lovely
newsletter and the homepage, and i have no idea when what is going down
…please please please help me! thanks, Ron


-Pat. Says: I don’t know what to tell you. The official page lists the
Hyannis show on July 29, and Pollstar lists it on the 31st.
I’ll try to clear it up for you by Monday’s issue.

Hey all, i havent posted in a while, so i thought it was time. even tho
there isnt much to say, i will say this.. i LOVE THE FEMMES.. im the
one who’s mom dated guy for a while, so yah.. i live in milwaukee, seen
them a few times. know the band, etc. but whenever they are here, i see
them.. and they are here.. at Summerfest. AND I’LL BE IN LONDON! god..
i am so upset about this….after seeing them at the Pabst in Milwaukee
on Halloween, i became overly OBSESSED with them.. went out and got ALL
their albums,ordered merchandise(which finally came) etc. and finally
they are back, and im gonna be over seas.. tell me how much that sux
so, anyone going to that show?????? let me know. even tho ill be

amber ……
and if its all right to you………………

how distressing!! i will be in the milwaukee area exactly one week
before they play summerfest….. what i wouldn’t give to be able to
stay 3 more days and see them play live!!!! oh well, my bad luck….

-flying dutchman-

Hi all :o)

Been a while for me to write… but I do get a chance to read all of
your postings.. I have to say some make me laugh and others well… I
won’t go into it. I do have just one question WHEN ARE THE FEMMES
COMING TO AUSTRALIA???? I so much want to see them :o( Well I will
leave it there for now… hope you are all well and happi bye :o)


-Pat. Says: By now you’ve read Danica’s letter, and seen there is a

Finally! Finally! The Violent Femmes compilation video? IT IS FINIS!!!
Thanks to everyone who contributed & special thanks to everyone for
being SO patient with me – I am very sorry that it took so long. The
tape clocks in at 5 hours 32 minutes and 17 seconds! Basically the
first two hours are vids, interviews and TV performances with the rest
of the tape coming from live concert footage. I pieced together 18
tapes to make this comp guys & only one of those was an original tape.
I’m not going to make any excuses here ’cause I’m proud of the final
result – but I want everyone to know what to expect so you won’t be
disappointed – expect some great Femmes footage but NOT professional
quality editing okay? :o)
Here’s how the cookie crumbles:
1. Gone Daddy Gone
2. Busking at the Eaton Centre – Toronto
3. Children of the Revolution video
4. Nightmares video
5. Used to Be video
6. Breakin’ Up video
(vid clips & short interview segments between each item 2-6)
7. VF Live on the Wedge
Interview and live performance: Key of 2
8. Official Femmes Press Kit 1991 (WDBS)
9. Newport Jazz Festival 1991 – interview & live performance clips
10. Saturday Morning Cartoons – Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
11. From MTV – 120 Minutes:
3 different 120 Minutes Intros
Breakin’ Up interview from 120 minutes (followed by vid but I
cut this since whole vid is above)
Machine interview on 120minutes followed by Machine video
12. From MTV – Beavis & Butthead:
Breakin’ up
13. From MTV Live on 120 Minutes:
Blister in the Sun
Kiss Off
Add it Up
Color Me Once
14. Dennis Miller Live
American Music
Blister in the Sun
15. Avi Lewis Interview
great interview, more vid clips & a live performance of
16. Sabrina the Teenage Witch episode
17. Woodstock:
from MTV Live Coverage – Breakin’ Up & Blister in the Sun
from Woodstock Video – Dance MF and Kiss Off
18. Folk City Video 1986
Old Mother Reagan
Country Death Song
19. Pro Shot video 1989 – “No Let’s Start Over” (same show as the
“Kiss Off” bootleg CD)
20. Live from State Fairgrounds 1991 – Springfield, IL
Lack of Knowledge American Music
Promise Color me Once
Out the Window Old Mother Reagan
Prove My Love Girl Trouble
Hey Nonny Nonny Kiss Off
Blister in the Sun Gone Daddy Gone
encore – Add it Up
21. Live from Pittsburgh, PA 11/4/93
Out the Window Hey Nonny Nonny
Prove My Love Lack of Knowledge
Country Death Song Make More Money
Blister in the Sun Black Girls
American Music Gone Daddy Gone
Dance MF Add it Up
Promise Fat
Girl Trouble Kiss Off
Gimme the Car
** see note below
22. from Tokyo Japan 1995
Brian, Gordon & Guy signing autographs for some of their
Japanese fans from Club Quattro 3/17 & 3/18
Out the Window
Outside the Palace
“Japanese” song
23. from Adelaide NSW 4/14/95
Dance MF
Death Drugs (1/2 the song)
Sweet Worlds of Angels (1/2)
24. from Melbourne 3/31/95
Good Feeling (I think that’s Mr. Spencer T. Jones on
the slide guitar)
25. from Hobart Tasmania 4/1/95
Blister in the Sun
26. American Music video

Special thanks to: Marylee, Cheryl, Steve, Pat, and Eric for your
contributions. Also thanks to the many people I’ve traded with
over the years – keep passing that Femme “thang” on!
**Very special thanks to Dale Kaminski for the ’95 tour footage
(#’s 22 -25 above). I hope he doesn’t mind that I went a little
beyond our agreement of including “a few clips” but it was tough to
choose from so many great shots. For those of you who are
interested in the rest of this wonderful vid – shot by Dale &
edited by Dale & Guy – please contact him at .

Well that’s it. I hope everyone enjoys it.

-Pat. Says: So there you have it, folks. Let’s get a distribution ring
going. Just PLEASE let me get through the weekend; I
haven’t even had time to look at the videos (other than to
notice my Pitt. tape wasn’t in the box, but Steve’s were,
and he’ll get them back soon, with many thanks for not
once asking where his tapes were.) You know, I’m so tied up
lately I’ve never even written to tell Deana I got them..
VERY SORRY!!! I will be writing everyone soon.
Anyway, come Monday, let’s get volunteer distributers, and
of course we’ll need someone from Europe who can convert.
Which format do you use in Russia, Arzhan?(another person
I need to write to!!!)

Message Board
Will you PLEASE give an update on the VF message board?
Do you have plans to re-open it after the “Big Crash”?
Life just isn’t the same anymore.


-Pat. Says: Chris Staley runs the message board, and we must all be
thinking the same lately, because I had emailed him asking
about it. Read on for his reply…

RE: Message Board?
Hi, Pat.

I think you are psychic. I was just thinking yesterday, “I need to
write pat and tell her what’s going on with the message board.” As it
still stands, I no longer have my account on that system, and from the
way things are looking, I may not have it again.
When I saw your messsage in my inbox this morning I called up my
instructor whose computer it was and asked him the status of the
system. As it is right now he only has his account active on it.
Evidently he got some flak over the fact that his system had adjunct
faculty accounts on it, and if the administration had a problem with
that, he really isn’t sure how they would react to having student
accounts. I couldn’t find this out earlier because he was gone on
vacation. The real message I got from him today is that even though
there was no trouble with me as a user, or with the fact that I had the
web board, he cannot promise anything about me getting my account back
up. As it is now, he evidently doesn’t even have the computer totally
back up for his personal use. He is also leaving again in a couple
weeks for the rest of the summer.
I would love to have the board back up, but as it is currently, I
have nowhere to host it, nor do I have a backup of the board. We would
be starting over from scratch (or at least October of 1998). I wish I
could put up a page at the address of the board redirecting them to a
different site, or at least with a message saying what happened. It
got a fair amount of traffic (first listing for Violent femmes in
Yahoo) and I am glad that it could bring people in to American Music.

I will do what I can, but right now the future doesn’t look
particularly good for the message board. I’m sorry I don’t have
better news.


This Would Not be Boring
by the way, i don’t want to bore you with another tale, but i played
with the gang again…if you think the story may be intriguing, let me
Ron from Camellia

-Pat. Says: That’s what we’re here for! Bring it on!



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