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The Quote Of The Day:

Run, skip, jump, play
My little boy is happy
Look..he’s smiling
Because he knows no
-From I’m Free


May 1- 4:30 p.m., Harvard, Cambridge, MA (O) STUDENT ONLY SHOW
May 1- 9:30 p.m., Johnson and Wales College, Providence, RI (P)
May 4- Le Batacian, Paris, France (P,O)
May 5- Forum, London, England (P,O)
May 6- Student’s Festival, Lisbon, Portugal (P,O)
May 8- Oporto Festival, Oporto, Portugal (P,O)
May 10- E-Werk, Cologne, Germany (P,O)
May 11- Rockefeller, Oslo, Norway (O,P)
May 12- Akadamiske, Bergen, Norway (O,P)
May 13- Stutentersamfundest, Trondheim, Norway (O,P)
June 5- Pier 6 Concert Hall, Baltimore, MD (vanallen)
June 6- Performing Arts Center, Newark, NJ (P)
July 17- LoDo Festival, Denver, CO (P)
July 31- Barnstable Co. Fairground, Hyannis, MA (P)
August 14- Historic Mountain Winery, Saratoga, CA (P)
August 15- 7:30 p.m., Villa Montalvo, Saratoga, CA (T)
Sept 5- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (P)
Sept 6- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (P)

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Cambridge, MA (If correct)
potatoe482 (Em)

London, England
xav (Xav)
eirikurs (Eirikur)

Baltimore, MD
vanallen (Bobby)
stacey (Stacey)
kerrinross (Kerri)

Denver, CO
truman (Emily)
lmjacobs (Laurie)



VF Message

Yahoo Chat:

Past Tour Dates:



Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:


In Today’s Issue:

A Shameless, Off-Topic Plug
The Cleveland Show
Baltimore Info Needed
Hyannis Info Needed
RE: Johnson and Wales
RE: Used to Be Single on Ebay
RE: Used to Be Single on Ebay
RE: Used to Be Single on Ebay
RE: Delmore Schwartz
Live VF Real Audio Show

A Shameless, Off-Topic Plug
I forgot to mention-my oldest son (Austin) came in 3rd on his 60 and
3rd on his 80 last weekend. My youngest (Ethan) came in 5th; his best
place this year.
See my oldest here:
and both of them (look for 7w and 11w going for the hole shot) here:
No race this weekend, so I won’t be boring you with the results next

The Cleveland Show
I would just like to add my thoughts about the Cleveland show. This
show was my 7th time seeing the Femmes and I must admit that it was
one of the best shows I have ever seen them do. They played a variety
of songs from a lot of different albums. And as SDavid4810
said they did not play Dance M.F. Dance. Which was also a
disappointment to me. They play it so well live. An interesting
side note: for the encore Gordon said they “had played in Cleveland a
lot of times before but that this was the best crowd that he had seen
here. Since you guys are so special we’re going to do something
special for you.” They then proceeded to bring out a music stand and
placed some music on the stand. Gordon was looking at the music and
Brian was looking at it over Gordon’s shoulder. They then proceeded
to play Ohio’s state song. Not many people knew what it was but it
was just so cool!

Can’t wait until they come back again.

The opening band was a local Cleveland band named Rosavelt. They
opened for the Femmes the last time they were at the Agora. They are
actually not too bad.

Happy listening!!

John POP.
Mr. John E. Popadak II, Senior Library Assistant
KSU, Trumbull Campus Library
4314 Mahoning Avenue, N.W.
Warren, OH 44483-1998

EMAIL: popadakj

Baltimore Info Needed
Does anyone know how to get tickets to the Baltimore show? Are they
already on sale?


Hyannis Info Needed
I had a question, how can I get tickets to the July 31st show in
Hyannis? I know it by pollstar, but I don’t know what to do with that
knowledge! Thanks.


RE: Johnson and Wales
Hello everyone……I just wanted to comment on the Johnson and Wales
show. I called the college to get info on the show and in regard to:
“are you a student?” posted by…”em”…(is that right)….I asked the
women that I spoke with if I should bring my student I.D. Hoping that
she would say “no,” because I don’t go to school there and therefore
don’t have one. Her exact words were ” Well, maybe, just in case.” This
tells me that there’s a good chance that they will not be checking
I.D.s. So, if your close to the college “em,” you might just want to
give it a shot. All they can do is tell you to go home. I was
considering going to the show myself, but, being that I live in Florida
and was planning on flying up (I’m on vacation that weekend) it might
be too big a chance for me to take. I’m still considering it
though……………….also….in regards to the “Used To Be” Aus.
single……thank you LilBoek for asking why it would be at $137.50.
Because, I thought maybe I was missing something……(IE: solid gold,
perhaps or maybe it included dinner with your favorite femme?) I didn’t
know, but, I guess Pat’s right some people deserve to lose their cash.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only confused person out there!!! Anyway, until
next time…enjoy life!!

Tammy from Tampa

RE: Used to Be Single on Ebay
$137.50 for a single? ouch!!!!!! I picked mine up for about the same
as Pat …… i was also blessed to find the freak magnet promo for
$8.00 at the local used cd store so the whole talk about the outrageous
price on is also amazing.


RE: Used to Be Single on Ebay
Hi pat!

I just thought I would comment on the absolutely ridiculous price I
just saw the Australian Liberation records Used to Be single go for on
Ebay: 143 dollars and change! Is it really that rare? Does somebody
want to pay me a 140 dollars for mine? I love the femmes, but at
this price I think I could be convinced to give that single up. I
think I paid six bucks for it a a used cd store. Anyway, I just had
to make some comment about this.

(cstaley, ChrisS, etc.)

RE: Used to Be Single on Ebay
Ok im the one whos got the bid in on the used to be single and its
only cause its one of the last two cds i need to complete the whole vf
record release collection also me and the seller have talked behind the
auction and im not paying 137.50 moe along the lines of 15-30 bucks so
if you dont get it thats to bad, theres nothing between your
understandings and my intentions and willingness, so let me know when
you own everyone of there record but one and will see how much your
willing to pay!

Nick Parr

-Pat. Says: Let me get this straight..the auction is bogus because you
and the seller have already worked out some sort of secret
deal. Do you do this often? Isn’t that against Ebay rules?

RE: Delmore Schwartz
Someone who attended the Wetlands (NY) show wrote that Gordon played
> A trilogy of songs written to the poetry of
> his favorite poet (I think his name was Delmore Schwartz).

FYI: Delmore Schwartz was a poet and author, and Lou Reed’s teacher
and mentor at Syracuse University. His most famous piece is ‘In
Dreams Begin Responsibilities’, which is a haunting story– rather like
a pre-cursor to the modernist movement in literature. It’s worth
checking out. He was also a famous drunkard, who held his classes at
bars and essentially befriended Reed because he could go drink for
drink with him.
He died sometime in the late ’80s, I think, drunk and destitute in NYC.


Live VF Real Audio Show
Here is a link to a live VF show at 1st Ave. in Minneapolis. You’ll
need RealAudio and the show starts at about 25 minutes on the counter

P.S. “Freak Magnet” is at 28 minutes.




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