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The Quote Of The Day:

I don’t believe in no car
I don’t believe in General Motors
I don’t believe in Ronald Reagan
Or the League of Women Voters…
-From Faith
-Submitted by Jeffrey_Wilson


Jan 28- The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA (O,P)
Jan 29- Pechanga Entertainment Center, Temecula, CA (P)
Jan 30- Winterfest, San Diego, CA (O)

Brian will be performing with Dr. Eugene Chadbourne on the following:
Feb 5,6,7- Knitting Factory Old Office, New York, NY (O)

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Monterey Peninsula Artists.
Serious inquiries only.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

San Francisco, CA
rcbarbato (Ryan)
Stepheno (Stephen)

Temecula, CA
welborn (James)




VF Message

Yahoo Chat:

Past Tour Dates:



Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:


In Today’s Issue:

The Seattle Show
RE: United Airlines
RE: Merchandise..Eep Opp…
RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
Don’t Take it (Was: Oh, Reggie)

The Seattle Show
Well, I just got in from the second Seattle show and it was great! It’s
my sixth Violent Femmes concert and they just amaze me! I waited around
after the show and got to talk to Brian a little bit. He’s such a sweet
person! Guy came out after Brian and I’ve read on this mailing list
that he’s shy but i can’t believe it! He had obviously had a few drinks
but he made my friend give him a big hug and then he wouldn’t let her
go! He explained that he liked her because she has three sylables in
her name. Funny, huh?!? Anyway, he finally let go of my friend and
they left. We waited around for about another half hour for Gordon
only to find out that he had snuck out through some back alley and was
long gone. I was disappointed but i got to meet Gordon at the last show
that i went to and I missed Guy entirely at that show. So, i guess it
was a trade off. I was dissapointed that no-one played the fiddle at
this show. Usually Gordon or his sister picks it up for at least one
song. Have they not been playing it at all this tour or was it just an
off night? Anyway, i love tha femmes more and more everytime I see
them and now I want to be a rock star just so I can tour with the


RE: United Airlines
United Airlines wouldn’t reimburse me for smashing my acoustic bass to
Anyone have one they want to trade for a $100 flight voucher?


RE: Merchandise..Eep Opp…
24 hour fax 818/981-7941
e-mail : celbmrch

I didn’t have any problem getting my stuff from Celebrity Merchandise
so I don’t know what to tell you about it. Here is the contact info
from their webpage. Maybe if you get a hold of them you can find out
what happened to your shipment.
24 hour internet orders
Mailing address : Celebrity Merchandise
15030 Ventura Blvd. #710,
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
e-mail : celbmrch

I hope the Official Homepage is back up soon, since Pollstar is proving
to be unreliable with their date info. I need a Femmes fix I hope they
come back to the east coast soon!!

“Eep Oop Ork Ahh Ahh, Eep Oop Ork Ahh Ahh get in this capsule baby we
are BLASTING OFF!!!” I honestly think that Gordon was just saying that
to be a goof. If you read the other quotes from inside the booklet most
of them are kind of goofy. Plus if I recall correctly I did see the
Femmes play this song live at UPJ in ’96 and I’m pretty sure they
weren’t doin’ the Milli Vanilli. (Have you ever seen drunk frat boys
sing this song. IT’s pretty damn funny. Almost as funny as watching my
father play video games.) Plus there is always one way to absolutely
positively be sure if they Femmes actually play a song. Listen to the
bass line it’s either Brian or it’s not. His technique is so unique
that I doubt anyone could easily copy it.


RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
the jovial, one-eyed person writes:
>”The Violent Femmes did not, in fact, perform on “Eep Opp Ork Ah-Ah.”
>was all played by studio musicians in Los Angeles under the direction
>Ralph Sall with Mr. Sall as producer doing the lead vocals. This is
>common practice in the music industry and meets my approval…”
> – Gordon Gano

> Now this upset me tremendously! I know that many books are
>ghostwritten. So where does that put the Violent Femmes? They are
>musicians. What, they couldn’t do the songs? Too difficult?

Unfortunately, I haven’t yet heard this song (though I REALLY want to),
but I know that I read someplace that Gordan was being facetious when
he said this. Just kidding around.
I’m sure that if it was anyone but the Femmes, it would become quite
obvious to anyone who knows their sound.
Especially the “common practice in the music industry” bit. No one
ever accused Gordan of not having a sense of humor.

– Jeff

RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
>Hey! When are they comming to the East Coast!! I need dates, sucka’!!

this is slightly amusing for some weird reason…

I can’t remember what the liner notes say on the eep opp thingy but it
sounded like they were just being their joking selves…i think they
played it and in the video gordon does the right jazzish type 7th
chords and brian is the only stick/fuzz player i know….
maybe i should read the actual post..nahh too lazy …


RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah

Listen to the song.
It’s the Femmes.
All ya gotta do is try to imagine someone else playing that song.
It doesn’t work.


RE: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah

Gimme a break, people! That entire quote is an obvious joke.


Don’t Take it (Was: Oh, Reggie)
>Brian ritchie said in one reply that you can legally walk out of a
>store with a promo CD without paying for it since it is illegal to
>sell them… food for thought, i suppose, but i’m not sure i would try

I wouldn’t. It’s still the property of the store. They can’t legally
sell you any of their advertising posters, lightbulbs or cash
registers, but just try and take one. I think Brian’s trying to get
people in trouble.
When I use to work for a bookstore, only the manager could stop shop
lifters and only if he saw them doing the act. All anybody else could
do was say ” Would you like a bookmark with that? “. Most music stores
actually have plain clothes security walking about. Our store catches
2-4 people a week.

Erik”36” Foisy

-Pat. Says: The point Brian is trying to make is that true promos
always have the notice that says something like:PROMO,
NOT FOR RESALE. These promos are not supposed to be
sold, so if you see one in the used bin, you should
be able to just take it, since the record store should
not even be trying to sell it in the first place. I suppose
that in a perfect world, that record store would get fined
or something for even trying to sell it. It’s a totally
different situation with displayed advertising posters,etc.
They’re (presumably) not trying to sell them, and so you
can’t just rip them off the wall. But why should the
record store profit from something they got for nothing?
Another related thought: If you bought what you thought
was a promo copy of Freak Magnet, and the “Promo, not for
resale” notice is not stamped on the front of it, I think
you can assume you have a burned copy of the promo. If you
see one of those in a record store, well shouldn’t you have
even more right to take it? After all, they’re then trying
to sell an illegally bootlegged copy of a CD which was
never even supposed to be sold in the first place!



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