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The Quote Of The Day:

i think that the problem is very deep
cuz every time i try to sleep
i have nightmares
thinkin about gettin together with you
-From Nightmares
-Submitted by DRANA33

PLEASE send your VF quotes to amusic


Oct. 22- 7 p.m. First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN (P,T,O) 21+ show
Oct. 23- 7 p.m. First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN (P,T,O) all ages show
Oct. 25- 7:30 p.m. Barrymore Theater, Madison, WI (O,P) $22
available at Barrymore outlets or call 608-241-8864
Oct. 26- 8 p.m. Opera House, Oshkosh, WI (O,P) $22.25 reserved price
call 920-424-2350


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Madison, WI
vgrun464 (Victoria)

Milwaukee, WI
schrader (James)
tombaas (Tom)
DidacticCP (John)




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Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:

Une banane:Send in your top five faves each week to:

HERE I AM: Tell me where you live for the Here I Am list.


In Today’s Issue:

The First Time
RE: First Time
RE: Official Webpage
RE: Happiness Is
RE: Freak Magnet
Favorite Part of Show
Make it up Yourself
Unrecorded Song?
Bass Tabs?

The First Time
The first time i heard the femmes was when i was in 8th grade on the
bus. i’m in 11th grade now. So, it was a few years ago. My friend Tony
had Blister in The Sun on tape from her older sisters’ cd collection and
i loved the song so i ordered Add it Up from BMG and i loved every song
and the Violent Femmes have been my favorite band since. I love them.
love Amber M.


RE: First Time
<< My friend Nathaniel also almost got a drumstick they threw out >>

When i went to a femmes concert a little bit ago i got a guitar pick
it was pretty cool, and since i play guitar i am pretty happy with it


RE: Official Webpage
<< What’s the point of having an official homepage
if it’s only updated every four months. >>

one time when i was talking to guy he said that brian does pretty much
everything on the page (or something like that it was about a year ago).
so considering that it looks like they tour every waking second of their
lives, maybe they just having gotten around to it. true, maybe it
should be updated more. but is it really that important? i dont mean
this to sound all sarcastic and whiney, its just a thought. 🙂


-Pat. Says: I think what Guy said, or meant to say was that Brian
contrubutes most everything on the page. I don’t beleive he
actually does the work on it. Apparently, Guy has been
answering letters, but they haven’t made it to the letters
section yet.

RE: Happiness Is
i was hoping that “happiness is” was that song i sang in 3rd grade…i
was charlie brown and i talked about pencils and telling the time


RE: Freak Magnet
OK, is it me, or am I the only person who wasn’t heard a single song off
Freak Magnet?! …living in dark over here… Anyway, any info on the
Hunka Bunka Ballroom show will be greatly appreciated.


Favorite Part of Show
ok. i think i have a good question for everyone: What is your favorite
part of a femmes show?
for example: Mine is at the very beginning, like the first minute and
a half or so. This is the part where noone in the band says anything,
they just strap on their instruments and all of a sudden it all starts.
The first song, in my experiences anyway, is usually one of the more
slow cool songs (ex: digeriblues). guy is minding his own business
behind the set, brian has that weird grin as he looks from his bass, to
gordon, to the crowd, then starts over again. Gordon is kind of keeping
time by doing this little bounce thing and that’s when his voice goes
really high for a second 🙂
you know what i mean right?

the only reason i ask is because ive been all sooped up about getting to
see them in november. so yeah, i told mine-tell yours 🙂


I haven’t written in to whine since April, but I feel that I once again
cast my plea for sympathy.


Let me explain-I have been a loyal fan for nearly six years, and I grew
up in Dallas. If you’ve ever been south, you know that Dallas is the
music center of the south, we got all the good concerts, nearly every
touring band played there. By my count, I have been to about 200
concerts from my eighth grade year until present (the tender age of
20). In this time, I have NEVER seen the femmes, due to several series
of events beyond my control. So I’m begging–send them South. Texas,
Oklahoma, Louisiana, hell, even Arizona around the holidays would be
fine. Can we start a letter writing campaign or something? Why must
they play in Illinois 5000 times a year, when we suffer down below the
Mason Dixon line?

Do they just not like the south? Is there less of a fan base here? Is
it my bad karma? What’s going on?

PS- Yes, I realize they played one show here this past summer, of course
I couldn’t attend. But, that was the first Dallas show in four years,
and I am sure it’ll be another four years before they come back.

Make it up Yourself
Hey, many, many, many props to all of you putting together and helping
distribute the compilation thing. I’m sure it will be ab fab no matter

Do any of you make up little choreographed bits to Femmes songs? My
friends and I have; to Out the Window. It wasn’t on purpose or
anything, we just got in the habit of always doing the same thing. I
guess that might be why Out the Window is one of my favorite songs.

Have any of you made up your own lyrics for Femmes songs? We kinda
molded Gimme the Car into our own perverted dominatrix theme song,
substituting certain objectionable phrases with others and so on and so
on. It makes for wonderful memories (pardon the cheesiness).

Pat, I’m sorry to ask this, but do you know of any Femmes shows near
Stanford or Santa Cruz? I’m visiting my friends during November and we
thought it would be pretty cool if we could see the Femmes in CA since
they stopped doing New Years in DC. What poopie heads. Anyways, hope
everyone is alive and kicking since we aren’t hearing from a majority of
the list. You know, no decapitations or anything.

Much luvins,

-Pat. Says: The only CA show I know about is the Universal Amphitheatre
one, which Pollstar lists but not the Universal page itself.

Unrecorded Song?
one time i was hanging out with my friend’s wife in boston and this guy
came over…loud obnoxious drunken horse…i started playing a femmes
song on the kazoo and he started talking about gordon….and he sang a
song that gordon had written and apparently the drunk man played guitar
for…i think it was titled fuck…and it had a lot of swears and funny
lines in it….


Bass Tabs?

If anyone knows of any cool spots to get bass lines from please e-mail
them to me



-Pat. Says: I guess the web pages listed in each issue aren’t enough,
because I got this request again. If anybody knows of any
other place to find bass tabs, please let NoFX531 and me
know about it.



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