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Apr. 21- 7:30 p.m. Madison Theatre, Peoria, IL (O,T,P)
Apr. 24- Center CityFest ’98, Charlotte, NC (O,P)
Apr. 26- La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA (O)
May 2- Salisbury State College, Salisbury, MD (O,P)
May 3- 99X Stage@Music Midtown, Atlanta, GA (O,P)
May 9 – WestFest, Charles Ives Center, W. Connecticut U., Danbury, CT
gates open at noon (O,P,T)
May 15- 8:15 pm, Chocolate Fest, FestGrounds, Hwy 36 N. Burlington, WI
May 16- U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (O,P)
May 17- Spring Fest, Pensacola, FL (O,P)

**May 22- New Rock Music Fest/WLVM, Milwaukee, WI (O)**

(Thanks, Mercy2 for bringing this to my attention)

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Monterey Peninsula Artists.
Serious inquiries only.

The Quote Of The Day:

I told you once, I told you twice,
Japanese eat lots of rice
-From Life Is An Adventure
-Submitted by

PLEASE send your VF quotes to

Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Peoria, IL

Charlotte, NC

Salisbury, MD

Atlanta, GA

Burlington, WI

Pensacola, FL

Milwaukee, WI




Past Tour
Une banane:Send in your top five faves each week to:
[email protected].
HERE I AM: Tell me where you live for the Here I Am list.


In Today’s Issue:

Peoria Info
Salisbury Info
New Rock Fest
More New Rock Fest Info
New Rock Fest
The UWSP Show
Stevens Point Show
Ontario Rumor..Interscope
RE: Write Interscope..HFStival
RE: Write Interscope
RE: Write Interscope
RE: Sabrina
Scott Weiland Influenced by VF
Bass Tabs Needed
Eric’s Webpage Updates

Peoria Info
i was wondering if you know the number of the madison theater box
office in
peoria. i would really like to go to the show and i need info on

here’s a cool story:

the show in peoria is on the 21st of april, which just happens to be
years to the very day that my friend and i saw the femmes for the
time. and she goes to school in peoria now. uncanny.


-Pat. Says: The Madison Theater is on 107 NE Madison in Peoria. The
phone # is (309) 674-7529

Salisbury Info
This is a copy of a letter I received from someone at Salisbury:


So sorry, folks, but you’re going to have to strike up quick friendships
with Salisbury students in order to see this show.

New Rock Fest
As some of you may know, The femmes are going to play in Milwaukee’s
New Rock Fest on May 22nd. That is only a week after the one in
The official announcement will be given on new rock on Friday (April
just thought I would give you guys a head start.


More New Rock Fest Info
The Femmes will be playing New Rock Fest ’98, at the Marcus Ampitheater,
Milwaukee, on Friday, May 22. I haven’t heard a time for the Femmes,
but the show starts at 4 pm, i know that much.
Other bands scheduled include: Green Day, Semisonic, Soul
Asylum…there’s a whole list.
More info might be avaiable at

Tickets are on sale now at Ticketmaster


New Rock Fest
i’m just saying that i do indeed have my tix for new rock fest and
will be attending.. the first fest was the first time i saw the
femmes and this will be the 4th.. row f section 2!! i ‘m pumped.. so
you can put me and kelly arth on the list..

shane lundeberg

The UWSP Show
Well, what can I say? These guys are incredible!! I didn’t catch the
name of the band that opened for them, but they were pretty good. I
think most of the audience was a little thrown because a lot of their
songs had references to God and Jesus. However, my roommate and I
enjoyed them.
Then, the FEMMES! She and I were pushing to get up to the front. The
crush was incredible, but we ended up about 3 rows from the barrier.
After about the 3rd or 4th song, they stopped because some morons had
thrown a shoe, two coins and a whiskey bottle on stage. Brian said if
anything else came up, the concert would be over. The whole time he was
talking, some jerks behind me were yelling obscenities and yelling
“punk.” (I don’t think a lot of the people there had heard anything but
the AIU CD.) Anyway, I was having a great time, despite not being able
to move, when I felt my ankle (which never fully healed from a sprain
last year) get wobbly from all the shoving. I was telling Laura, and
some people got the impression I was going to throw up, so they called
a guard and shoved me forward. Well, I’m no lightweight, and the
barrier is over waist high on me. The guards start yanking me over, but
my legs were trapped by the crowd, so I couldn’t help by getting them
over the barrier. (my one leg is bruised all along it’s length).
Someone grabs my arm and drags me off to a side hall where a lady makes
a black mark on my hand and starts telling me that if I come over the
barrier again, I won’t be allowed back in. I told her the guards
dragged me over cause they thought I was nauseous. She pushed my in
the direction of the lobby, said “drink some water and watch it.” So
charming. Anyway, I shoved my way through (it was easier) and got
back almost to the place where I had been before–in front of Brian,
about 3 rows back. Unfortunately, some people started a mosh pit right
behind me, so I had guys nearly a foot taller than me (and heavier),
slamming into me quite a bit. After awhile, I noticed it seemed to be
the same two guys, so I had no qualms about jabbing them with my elbows
when they nearly knocked me off my feet. Also, some of the body passers
were a bit too heavy, and when one came forward (and no one ahead–
all girls) was paying attention, I nearly lost my glasses when his leg
slid down my face. I could see Brian was starting to look really
stone-faced towards the end of the concert when he’d see them coming
forward. Frankly, I go to concerts to SEE the band live as well as hear
them. I know many don’t agree with me, but I feel if you want to ignore
the band and just concentrate on body slamming and passing, do it at a
club or somewhere to recorded music. If you’re not going to pay
attention to the band, why come? Still I wouldn’t have missed the
experience for ANYTHING! This was my 3rd Femmes concert, and my fave
so far, I think. After the concert, I was looking around for Laura up
front, when I saw one of the roadies hop down with something in his hand.
Curious, I held out my hand with the others and got a pick!!! If the
guy wasn’t just stringing us along, those picks were some used when the
guys practiced or something. It was still pretty cool. After the show
I would have gone back to the bus to hang out, but I had an Ecology test
this morning, and hadn’t really studied at all at that point.
Okay, the set list. These aren’t in order and I may have missed
some,’cause I got so wrapped up in the show, I had to rehash it with my
roomie later.

So, here’s what I remember:
I Wanna See You Again
American Music
Gone Daddy Gone
Dance MF Dance
(Bad, Bad, Bad)????
Old Mother Reagan
Country Death Song
Black Girls
Dahmer is Dead (no one seemed to know this one ‘cept me where I was
Faith (a lot of people didn’t seem to know what they were spelling!)
I Held Her In My Arms
Girl Trouble
Add It Up
Kiss Off


Maybe Alden can help me out on this. Anyway, my love of the Femmes
has been revitalized and I’m still running high from the show!


PS: On a sort of down side, I found out today that Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
had been in WI last night as well. Damn. I wish I could be in two
places at once!

Stevens Point Show
Hey all-
went and took my friend to the Femmes show in Stevens Point for his
It was a all-around good time. The opening band, The Univiteds, were
pretty good. They were from San Fransico…I do not know if they are
tagging along with the Femmes for a while or not. the Femmes played
a kind of different playlist then I usally hear from them. Songs
I wanna see you again, blister in the sun, 36-24-36, good feeling,
Faith, Freak Magnet, some other new songs I didnt quite catch the title
of, dahmer’s dead, Dance MF dance (of course), Digerido Blues and
guess what the final song was…………………..
Wrong it wasn’t Add it up. It was Kiss off!!! Quite a change from the
norm for me at least. That just about covers all the news you would
find interesting about the concert. i am sure the couple others will
fill in the blanks I forgot to say.

Alden Miller

Ontario Rumor..Interscope
Rumor Mill : I’ve heard that the Violent Femmes may be coming to Edge
Fest in Barrie (Ontario) this year, some other bands on the rumor
mill for this include Foo Fighter, Green Day, The Hip, The Verve and
Radiohead. I highly doubt any of these bands but the Violent Femmes
and possibly The Verve willl be there though.

Final Thought : If we mail bomb Interscope like someone suggested in
the previous issue, we stoop to their level. I’m sure the Violent
Femmes are mature enough to handle it without our help, and truth
is, Interscope has been screwing bands around for a lot longer than
this, and most of the bands who leave them end up better off and in a
better position when the dust settles. Just a thought.


RE: Write Interscope..HFStival
Okay you guys, I feel your pain, but we can handle this Interscope
Records bullshit set-back. I think we should all follow Claire’s
advice and bombard them with hate mail. I know I am.
Just remember that the Femmes are actually putting out a new album.
Isn’t that enough to keep us happy? Sure it is! Is that a smile I see?

While I was reading American Music the other day, I got extremely
pissed off when I saw that the boys are playing in Minnesota on May 16.
When I was talking to Guy at the show in DC he said they would be
playing at the HFStival which just happens to be on that very day. I
camped out overnight in the rain for those freakin tickets just so I
could see them. They sure do deserve a spanking for getting my hopes
up and not coming through with what they said.


RE: Write Interscope
>here’s what I’m thinking: We all write a few letters, send a few
>e-mails, and make a few phone calls to Interscope to express our,
>shall we say, DISPLEASURE with their idiotic ways.
>I’m working on getting the phone number and/or mailing address.

Here is the info. from when we sent the Petition for a New Release to
Interscope back in October. MAYBE it did some good last time to get a
release going (I don’t know how many of you actually sent the petition
in-I got about 2 responses) This time, it might feel good for us to
vent, so I say GO RIGHT AHEAD, but in truth I don’t know if it will
change anything for the VF.

Tom Whalley, CEO Phone: 310-208-6547
Interscope Records Fax: 310-208-7343
10900 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1230
Los Angeles, CA 90024
email:[email protected]

RE: Write Interscope

I’m up for it!! Already sent them an email or two.

RE: Sabrina
Oh my Lord, I just saw the infamous vf “sabrina” episode. Now, we
all know that the VF is one of the most amazing bands in music history,
right? And we all (well, all of us who have actually heard of it) know
that SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH is one of the most dodious shows in
television history. I knew these things before hand, but I always
thought that the VF must have found a really good reason to appear on
the show, some redeeming quality unbeknownst to the rest of us.
Now, after seeing the show, I’m speechless. I ask, with the utmost
respect, what were they thinking?
However, I did learn one thing from the experience. For the last
five years, I have been saying ‘Gordon Gahhno’, and as it turns out,
it’s pronounced ‘Gayno’. Dont I feel stupid? (Yep.)
Thanks for letting me vent.


Scott Weiland Influenced by VF
On my local radio station (KROQ) last Friday, the morning show deejays
(Kevin and Bean) had on Scott Weiland, the singer from the stone temple
pilots who just released his solo album, and right before he came on,
they played “Add It Up” and then the interview started and for the first
5 minutes or so, they were talking about the Femmes and how important
and influential they were. It was so cool to hear Scott Weiland talking
about the Femmes because STP used to be my favorite band and I thought
Weiland was like the coolest thing in the world (until I realized that
he was a fucking crackhead, but he seems to be better now…). One
thing he said that was really cool was that “they don’t let you into
college without a copy of [the first album].” That was so cool.
However, I was in college before I got it. But it’s just community
college so it doesn’t count. hey, you know what would be really
interesting: to hear the Femmes cover that song from Monty Python’s
Life of Brian – “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.” That would
be so cool.


Bass Tabs Needed
Hi there, I need any bass tab you can find. Thank you just e-mail it
to me.

Eric’s Webpage Updates
Oh, I have A bit of news to share, I just re-scanned the Femmes
newsletter, & tour schedule, it’s now larger, & much easier to read.
I’m also going to scan/add an article/very interesting interview with
Gordon that was in A guitar magezine A few years ago, should be in the
BootHaus photo gallery in A day or two.

Take Care,

-Pat. Says: Eric’s webpage is the Palladium/6918 listed in the webpages



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