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currently run by Pat. Wary


Mar. 3- 8 p.m. The Great Hall, Woodard Campus Center,
Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, VA, $8, $16 (P,0)
Mar. 4- Bohagers, Baltimore, MD, $20 (O,P)
Mar. 5- 9 p.m. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA (O,P)
Mar. 6- Nightclub 9:30, Washington, DC, $20 (O,P)

**Apr. 2- Brandeis Universtiy, Waltham, MA (O) TENTATIVE**

Apr. 4- Mt. Union College, Alliance, OH (P,O)
Apr. 5- 7.30 p.m. Elco Theatre, Elkhart, IN (T,O)
Apr. 6- 9 p.m. World Mardi Gras, Indianapolis, IN (T,O) 21+ SHOW
Apr. 7- Knight’s Hall, Bellarmine College, Louisville, KY, ~$17.50 (P,O)
Apr. 18- Winona State University, Winona, MN (P,O)

**Apr. 19- Fargo Civic Auditorium, Fargo, ND (O) TENTATIVE**
**Apr. 21- Madison Theatre, Peoria, IL (O) TENTATIVE**
**Apr. 22- To Be Determined, Cincinnati, OH (O) TENTATIVE**
**Apr. 23- To Be Determined, Asheville, NC (O) TENTATIVE**
**Apr. 24- Center CityFest ’98, Charlotte, NC (O) TENTATIVE**
**May 3- 99X Stage@Music Midtown, Atlanta, GA (O) TENTATIVE
**May 15- Chocolate Fest, Burlington, WI ()**
Official Homepage lists this show as TENTATIVE

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Monterey Peninsula Artists.
Serious inquiries only.

The Quote Of The Day:

Yeah, I’m gonna corner you in an elevator
and then you won’t be able to put me off till later.
I’ll put on my charm and I’ll tingle your spine.
I’ll take off my charm and then you’ll wanna die

-From Sweet Misery Blues
-Submitted by

PLEASE send your VF quotes to

Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Fredericksburg, VA

Baltimore, MD

Washington, DC

Alliance, OH

Indianapolis, IN

Louisville, KY

Winona, MN

Peoria, IL (Tentative)





Une banane
dans l’oreille: Send in your top five faves each week to:
. They will periodically be
compiled and posted.
HERE I AM: write to me, , to add your name to
this list. Once it’s up and running, you can then
write in to find out who lives near you, or who lives
in a town you’ll be visiting.


In Today’s Issue:

Indy Show..Web Page Update
Alliance Info Needed
Mount Union Info Needed
Wayne State Show
Album Release..New Tour Date
RE: Stop the Evil
RE: Stop the Evil
RE: Stop the Evil
RE: Who’s Screaming?
RE: Who’s Screaming?
Pork….RE: Who’s Screaming?
Glenn Gano
First Timers

Indy Show..Web Page Update
I got a call from my cousin, who lives in Indy, last night. He ordered
me some tickets to the VF show there at World Mardi Gras (which,
apparently is 4 bars connected together), and the date is indeed Monday,
April 6.
Also, if you haven’t yet, check out the VF page for more updates on tour
stops and a small mention of the new album.

Pat, I’m going to the Peoria and Indy shows, so if you could add me to
those lists of people attending, I’d dig it. Thanks.


Alliance Info Needed
Here is the info I need on the Alliance Show:
Exact directions
and whatever else

You can mark me down as going! Definetly
I realize this information may not be available yet, but as soon as
someone knows something, please let me know!

Mount Union Info Needed
Does anyone know if the Mount Union College concert is for students
only? or is there any age limit?


Wayne State Show
I just saw them in Wayne. They were wonderful. I don’t remember the
set list, I’m sorry. The played some old stuff; they played some
(really cool) new stuff. The crowd sucked because they weren’t really
fans; they just got their tickets free because they went to Wayne State.
A lot of them pissed me off, but I tried not to let them get in the way
of my enjoyment. It was beautiful. I couldn’t have been closer to
them if I was on stage. I don’t know what they thought of rural NE.
I would’ve liked to meet them and talk to them, but it was REALLY cold
outside. I just wanted to brag…


Sandi Barr

Read this on Glenn Gano’s wepage this evening…


FREAK MAGNET!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! My boss and I have this “thing” with
the word FREAK! Two summer’s ago when I was fairly new at my job I
asked for the day off from work to attend Lollapalooza (had to see
those Ramones!) he said, Yes BUT you must repeat this phrase now and use
it often during the concert … get away from me you FREAK!” Everytime
I ask off to go to a concert (which is often) he teases me that I like
“Freak” music! He will LOVE the irony!

Album Release..New Tour Date
According to New Rock 1021 in Milwaukee,

the new Femmes album will be released
May 19

it’s a little further away then we would like, but at least we have a
date now…

The Femmes will also be playing a show, again according to New Rock,
May 15 at Chocolate Fest in Burlington, Wisconsin, south of Milwaukee.


RE: Stop the Evil
Su: Puff Daddy is not good.

your close- mindedness is opressing you.

you would be amazed at how differently the world looks through unbiased

consider it. think about it. talk about it. try it.



RE: Stop the Evil
Although I am a big Puff Daddy fan, I agree that remaking a Led Zeppelin
(a band which I also love) song is taking things a bit too far. But, in
drawing this conclusion, I must also take into account that the rumor
includes that JIMMY PAGE is working with Puffy on this. I wouldn’t put
all of this on Puff Daddy’s shoulders if Page has agreed to help Puffy
write the song. I am also interested in how exactly he is going to rap
Kashmir, because it seems like a very difficult task to me. Puff Daddy
has been heavily criticized for the fact that he only has a couple of
songs that are truly his own, but that is the direction that type of
music is taking: remakes. I didn’t hear too many people ripping on Will
Smith for “Men in Black”, which is based on the music of another song.
I am also a big fan of the Benjamins remix. Its easy to say that Dave
Grohl shouldn’t collaborate on another type of music that you may not
like, but what about exposing the fans of rap to their sound? By
combining the two styles, they are reaching a much wider audience and
spreading the two different types of music to an audience that would
NEVER have listened to their music otherwise.
I assure you that a lot of rap fans think that the Foo Fighters suck
as much as you think Puff Daddy does.

RE: Stop the Evil
In a message dated 98-02-27 11:26:43 EST, you write:

<< Puff Daddy working with real musicians is giving music a bad name. I
agree that he must be stopped. >>

as my pal justin says…why don’t you people take two flying fucks…who
cares…it’s the femmes music not yours…if they want to collaborate so
be it…i hate puff but i don’t give a fuck….
love kyle…
hit me with the hate mail i can handle it!!! ya dig!!!!
sorry pat and other people for the bad letters that form something that
is illegal…i am
“sooo” sorry =/


???? what the heck!!! country, rock, folk, punk… the femmes dig it
all(sorry shaft in africa got to me) they even rap….see that girl…
she put me in a whirl…..i rap in the day i rap in the night but kyle
does not rap when he has stage fright…bust it…sorry i have been up
all night…i’m going pp now

-Pat. Says: I incorporated two letters here from Kyle, both were on the
same topic. I NEVER said writing fuck is illegal. Say it all
you want. Just don’t call someone on this list a fucking
asshole or something similar. Sheesh. Do you all think I am
such a prude?
One other thing: Can we please end this puff thread? It was
fun, but now it’s done. It’s way off-topic.

RE: Who’s Screaming?
In a message dated 2/27/98 2:02:17 PM, you wrote:


Gordon of course. I know that voice better than my own.

RE: Who’s Screaming?
In a message dated 98-02-27 10:24:08 EST, you write:


I’m thinking it’s gordon cause it seems like he is singing/saying/
screaming everything in that song. it sort of sounds like him to me


Pork….RE: Who’s Screaming?
In a message dated 98-02-27 11:26:43 EST, you write:

<< “i like pork” >>

Dear Mr. Scrader
I also enjoy pork!! I like the way the fat slops over the side
like butter melting off of a hot biscuit…the smell alone can make the
tummy rumble in a hippie-core meat hater……
useful stuff ahead—> i lied….to bianca……i believe it is gordon’s
voice…..has anyone noticed that richard simmons sounds like mr. gano
when he screams…..hey pat!! i know you are a music master…could you
tell me what is on wolverton mountain???? i think it is a girl and some
guy that is good with a gun and a knife??? clifton clowers??? i can’t
remember ughhh


-Pat. Says: Kyle received from me the entire lyrics to that song, so
he’s happy now.

Glenn Gano
I was just wondering what other people thought about the Glenn Gano
album, if anyone out there has it. I should be getting it in a couple
days and I just want to discuss it with another person.

First Timers
I would just like to reply to Bianca being a first time writer. A local,
Chicago radio station 103.5 which most people from Chicago should be
familiar with. There is this guy named ManCow in the morning and he has
a little song which he plays about being a first time caller. Something
like “first time caller, first time caller turn your radio down and no
swearing aloud…” So, my point being mabye American Music needs a
little ditty to recognize first time writers and give them some good
tips. Just a suggestion,


-Pat. Says: Tips are included in the Welcome Letter received by each
new subscriber.



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