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currently run by Pat. Wary

The Quote Of The Day:

I gotta rolls royce,
cause its good for my voice,
but you won’t fool the children of the revolution.

-From “Children of the Revolution”
originally written by Marc Bolan, covered by VF
-Submitted by
AND by

send your VF quotes to





The tab digest is give and take; remember to share what
you have.


In Today’s Issue:

Happy Thanksgiving
RE: Brian is NOT Gay
RE: Lobsters
A Story
RE: Stories, GPB Soundtrack
Re: Grosse Point Blank Soundtrack
RE: Grosse Point Blank Soundtrack
RE: Balkan Falcon and Chinese Rocks

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, all you American Subscribers. Don’t eat too much, and
be sure to help wash the dishes afterwards. Of course, many of you won’t
be reading this, because you’re away from your computers for the holiday.

RE: Brian is NOT Gay

I saw Brian and his girlfriend (from india i think) about six months ago.

RE: Lobsters
Hey, i’m from Massachusetts, i visit New Hampshire and Maine
frequently, and every summer since i can remember i’ve been staying
on the ocean. My point is…first of all, lobsters do not scream,
and second of all, for all of you that feel bad for lobsters, they do
not feel pain because they do not have a brain. And that is a fact.
thank you and goodbye.


A Story
I have an embarressing memory to share related to the Fmmes. I was in 9th
grade and had just bought the self-titled album. I started listening to it
on the way home from the mall (just after buying the tape), in a car being
driven by my friend’s mother. My friend’s mom happens to be from Brazil
and is not completely fluent in english. The song Add it Up came on.
After the “Why can’t I get just one more screw?” lyric my friend’s mom
asks “what do they mean? Why does he want a screw?” I tried to explain
that he just meant the regular type of screw that a carpenter would use
and that I didn’t know why he wanted it. Of course before finishing this
false explanation the lyric “Why can’t I get just one more fuck?” blasts
through the speakers, and she knew what that meant. Then my friend and I
asked her to please take the tape out, that we didn’t want to listen to it
anymore (we were afraid of what other nasty language might be packed in
there which would make her mother worry about our lack of/loss of
innocence). Of course her mother refused, she said she liked the music,
and wanted to hear the rest of the tape.
Anyhow, that’s the story.


-Pat. Says: My two sons are under the impression that he wants a screw
to fix his bicycle. See, he’d know how to fix the thing if
only he could get his hands on one screw. I mute the next
verse when they’re around.
“Why do you turn it down there, Mommy? Huh? Why do you keep
turning it down?”
On a related note, when my oldest was 5, he used to loudly
sing “Do you got too many jugs” instead of “did you do too
many drugs”. He also, upon hearing ‘Free Joe Now’ by Black 47
used to sing ‘Free JELLO Now’.

RE: Stories, GPB Soundtrack
Hello Everyone!

I am loving all the Femmes stories. When I remember one, I’ll write in.

Helmsley asked:
>Would you recommend buying the Grosse Pointe Blank soundtrack? …
>I’m considering purchasing this but maybe I’d be better to buy 3
>or Hallowed Ground since I dont have those 2 albums either. Thanks.

Definitely buy Hallowed Ground or 3 instead of the GPB soundtrack. First
of all, those are two of the best Femmes albums and they are 100% Femmes
…while GPB has Blister 2000 twice and a bunch of other fairly
easy-to-get non-Femmes ’80s songs. (I don’t have my copy in front of me,
so I can’t name ’em.)

“3” and “Hallowed Ground” will not disappoint you, GPB probably will.

Just my $.02.


P.S. TMBG rock!

# James Welborn (JW1560)
# Webmaster, Vegas Deluxe <>

Re: Grosse Point Blank Soundtrack
Definitely worth it. Blister2000 is probably the worst song on there. The
others totaly rock. Its the whole ’80s alternative craze. And if you like
it….there is a second volume in stores now!


RE: Grosse Point Blank Soundtrack
I don’t own the GPB soundtrack, and maybe it is worth the money, but I’d
definitely recommend Hallowed Ground. 3 is good too, but I think Hallowed
Ground is better.


Balkan Falcon and Chinese Rocks
“Balkan Falcon” and “Chinese Rocks” were the two new songs from the
‘Machine’ album. I’ve never heard them or seen the cd in stores or
catalogues. Can anyone tell me if the CD is still in print or if there
is another cd that I may have missed that contains these songs? Thanks

Grand Kaiser

“It’s not my fault- my parents locked me in…”



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