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The Quote Of The Day:

Travel ’round the country
Look out for what I can get
Another blessed highway
Mister, you’re gonna regret
‘Cause you just remind me of something
I long to forget…
-From Cold Canyon
-Submitted by Jeffrey_Wilson


Dec. 29- 8:30 pm, Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA, $17.50 (P,T,O)
($0.25 of each ticket goes to charity)
Dec. 30- 9:00 pm, The Boathouse, Norfolk, VA, $15.00 (T,P,O)
Dec. 31- 7:30 pm, Patriot Center, Fairfax, VA 52.50 Plus 6.75 service
charge for phone orders!!! Call 800-551-7328 to order (O,P)
(With Pietasters and Squirrel Nut Zippers)]
Jan 21- 7:45 pm, Universal Amphitheatre, Universal City, CA (P,O)
$47.75, $38.75, $31.75
Jan 22- 8:00 pm,The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas, NV (T,P)
Note: The Official Homepage says they’re playing at Z Place, in
Park City, UT. Somebody please check on these to confirm.

**Jan 23- University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (O)**

**Jan 24- Doubletree Ballroom, Boise, ID (P)**

Jan 25- 8:00 pm, Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA (T,P,O)
Jan 26- 8:00 pm, Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA (T,P,O)

**Jan 28- The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA (O,P)**

**Jan 30- Winterfest, San Diego, CA (O)**

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Monterey Peninsula Artists.
Serious inquiries only.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Philadelphia, PA
JMES4249 (Jennifer)

Seattle, CA, 1-25
LilBoek (It’s Steve, isn’t it?)

Seattle, CA, 1-26



VF Message

Yahoo Chat:

Past Tour Dates:



Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:

In Today’s Issue:

Re: Quote and Poll
Not THAT Long…
Please Do Not Go
RE: Merchandise Problem


I’m not going to even attempt to put out an issue tomorrow, and none of
you of the Christian persuasion should be reading it then anyway. Spend
time with your families or friends instead.

Re: Quote and Poll
First of all, I was going to write the “quote of the day” today and use
CONFESSIONS, but someone beat me to it…. and I love LOVE AND ME MAKE


Not THAT Long…
Ok, finals are over, I’m going home (to my juno account, sorry pat),
and I can at last write in to my favorite newsletter about my favorite
band. I think Love and Me Makes Three is a stupid song. I hate it.
But I asked for it on CD for Christmas anyway cause I don’t have a
record player at school.

American Music. I listened to that song (the whole WDBS album
actually) two years ago like everyday when I drove with my friends up
to work at the Lafeyette Theater in Suffern NY. You have to see this
place. It’s like an 1800’s opera house turned into a movie theater.
I loved it there. They even had a top of the line “Corn-ado” popper

Anyway I just have these memories of looking at all the people coming
with their families to a Friday night movie and this song would play
through my head while I sold them all tickets or popcorn. It was


Please Do Not Go
And quickly for those who couldn’t make it through the first… Please
Do Not Go. Golly gosh. I have these wonderful memories of laying on
my friend Pete’s bed, the two of us sitting there recently dumped and
lonely. We were nearly in tears listening to that song. Oh man.
Yeah we were. I felt so pathetic. I was the King of All Patheticness
at that moment. And Pete was the Jack of Misery. I’d give anything
to be back there right now. I don’t know why, but even though it was
so hopeless it was so poignant too. Thanks Gordon for providing life
with a great soundtrack.


RE: Merchandise Problem
>I ordered VF stuff from their webpage like a month and a half ago. and
>well, it still hasnt come.

i ordered a shirt a year ago and it never came!!!


This is a very cool mailing list….I love it already and this is only
my first issue:). I have been a Femmes fan for about 4 years now. My
friend introduced me to Blister in the Sun and, needless to say, I was
hooked. Just this past November my boyfriend told me they were playing
at the University of Central Florida’s Homecoming. The tickets were
cheap and he was paying so I said ” What the hell”. We got there….AND
I WAS TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY! We nudged our way up to the front of the stage
and Gordan Gano and those BEAUTIFUL blue eyes had me in a trance for the
rest of the show. It amazed me when they would play Blister or Kiss Off
….the whole crowd, including myself, sang in total unison….I have
never heard a crowd at a concert do that before. It was amazing……I
am ashamed to admit that up till that point the only Femmes album I had
was the Add it up collection….I made my friend buy me 4 of their cd’s
for x-mas:P. I can’t wait till they come back to Florida…..oh…stupid
me….my name is Samantha, by the way, and I am 22 years old. Obviously I
live in FLorida….anyone here who wants to just chat about the Femmes
sometime just drop me a line….I’m always looking for a fellow fan to
chat with:)

Love the list!!



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