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The Quote Of The Day:

It seems that no matter how much I drink
I seem to still stay sober
Seems that no matter how young I am
I seem to still feel older.
-From Dating Days
-Submitted by Jeffrey_Wilson

**Dec. 29- 8:30 pm, Electirc Factory, Philadelphia, PA (P,T)**
(onsale via Ticketmaster Nov. 28)


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Portland, OR
parr (Nick)
LilBoek (Steve)


In Today’s Issue:

Portland Tix for Sale
New Year’s
RE: New Year’s
RE: New Year’s Etc.
Guy & Victor
Waiting for the Bus Lyrics
Something Eerie…
Check This Out!!!

Portland Tix for Sale
I have an extra General Admission (floor) ticket for the Femmes show in
Portland. I would rather sell it to a true femmes fan than one of those
other fans. No less than $30 will be accepted. If anyone is interested


-Pat. Says: I’ll run this till you tell me to stop.

New Year’s
Just to give you an update on the New Years tickets, they were still
available as of 2:30 Tuesday afternoon (DC time). I am happy to say I
got some of these tickets-minus the service charge-and anticipate a
wonderful new year. If anyone needs info on where to stay in DC or needs
help getting tickets I would be more than happy to help. I only live
about 1/2 hour from the campus
so I may be able to help with transportation as well. Hope to see some
of you there.

Keep smiling,


RE: New Year’s
<< Why would the Femmes play with a swing band(Squirl Nut Zippers) >>

Not to be a stickler, but Squirrel Nut Zippers isn’t really swing.
They’re more ragtime. 🙂

Resident Tight-ass,

RE: New Year’s Etc.
>Why would the Femmes play with a swing band(Squirl Nut Zippers) and a
>ska band(Pietasters) on New Year’s Eve… and they’re not even
>headlining. The Femmes have had 5 (in Southern California anyway) radio
>hits compared to the Zippers 1.

Actually the Femmes have had six hits, counting Nightmares, which got
some play when it came out… And the Zippers have had four songs
played on KROQ: Hell, Put a Lid on It, Suits Are Picking Up the Bill,
and Ghost of Stephen Foster, but only Hell got any real play. But the
Zippers are fucking great and i would totally LOVE to see both the
femmes and the zippers on the same bill…

>And getting completly off topic has anyone heard anything about the
>Femmes playing KROQ’s Acoustic Christmas? They are playing in Portland,
>OR a few days before the speculated date…

I am so fucking hoping they play it, preferably night one, because
offspring is doing it. Yay! I just saw Offspring the other day, they
were FUCKING great!


Guy & Victor
I’ve got an (inoffensive) question about Guy and Victor that’s probably
been asked before but bear with me. Does Guy play the drums standing up
like Victor? I’ve only seen the Femmes once (in 91) and I thought that
Victor standing up added an extra dimension to the show. (This type of
question is of interest to under privileged fans outside the US who
drool over your reports of the Femmes in concert.)


-Pat. Says: Ah! An original question! No, it has not been asked before
to the best of my knowledge. I’ll answer it for you…Guy is
a drummer prodigy. He plays both standing up AND seated!

Waiting for the Bus Lyrics
on tuesday’s edition I saw that “Bombastic” Bob wrote “We all get mad,
we all get laid” after his name this is how I always sing it but I
remember reading somewhere that it says “We all get mad, we all get
late” this would actually make more sense with the song but I like the
“laid” better. What do you guys think?


-Pat. Says: “Late” is correct, but I can see the attraction to getting

Something Eerie…
You know how when you play Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon”
album along with “The Wizard of Oz” it matches and stuff? (Actually I
don’t care what anyone says, start it when she opens the door and the
world turns color) Well I’ve found something really weird too. I tried
that and it was cool and I tried matching Willy Wonka to Radiohead’s “Ok
Computer” which was pretty cool too, but the coolest of all was one
night I found a tape with old episodes of “My so Called Life” on it.
Well I so happened to press play on the VF self titled album when that
Claire girl started dancing around her room for some weird reason. But
you have to see this to believe it. It matched so perfectly, you don’t
even know. I wanted to write to the people at the show but apparently
they took it off the air. Bastards.


Check This Out!!!
this is so funny:

have fun!!!

-Pat. Says: Warning! This is not VF related, but it did make me chuckle.
Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating it.
I give thanks to the friends I have made all over the world.



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