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The Quote Of The Day:

Can I put in something like,
this is American Music
Take one
1, 2, 3, 4
-From American Music
-Submitted by hbedard


Nov 25- Rodon Club, Athens, GR (P,O)
Nov 26- Rodon Club, Athens, GR (P,O)
Nov 27- Mylos, Thessaloniki, GR (P,O)
Nov 29- 8 p.m., Vicar Street, Dublin, IRL, 16.00,
18+ only show (P,T-IRL,O)
Nov 30- 7 p.m., Forum, London, ENG, 14.50, 18+ only show, (P, T-UK,O)
Dec 2- Aula Magna, Lisbon, POR (P,O)
Dec 3- Coliseum, Oporto, POR (P,O)
Dec 4- Grosse Freiheit 36, Hamburg, GER (P,O)

**Dec 12- Newport Music Hall, Columbus, OH (P)**

Dec 27- Australia Anniversary Park, Perth, Western Aus, AUS (O)
Dec 31- Falls Festival, Lorne, AUS (P,O)

**Mar 20- Babylon, Munich, GER (P)**
**Mar 21- Longhorn, Stuttgart, GER (P)**
**Mar 22- Hugenottenhalle, Neu-Isenburg, GER (P)**
**Mar 23- Hirsch, Nuremburg, GER (P)**
**Mar 24- Kesselhaus, Berlin, GER (P)**
**Mar 26- Live Music Hall, Cologne, GER (P)**
**Mar 27- PC 69, Bielefeld, GER (P)**

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Hornblow USA at: hbgusa
Serious inquiries only.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Thessaloniki, GR

Dublin, IRL
adobly (Alexandre)

London, ENG
NFLHWB (Harry)

Lorne, AUS
cmc688 (Chris)




Yahoo Chat:

Past Tour Dates:


Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:


In Today’s Issue:

Late, Late Show
Femmes on the Late Late Show
A True Story of Inspiration and Personal Endurance
VF on Loveline
FM Release Date?
Yahoo! Clubs New Times Violent Femmes Club
Viva Wisconsin
Violent Femmes on R’n’R Is Cool!

Late, Late Show
I just had to write to let everyone know how strange I thought it was
seeing the Femmes on a TV late night talk show. I didn’t even know
that old man Tom Snyder wasn’t doing it anymore, instead it’s some guy,
Craig Kolburn or something. I’m not saying that I didn’t enjoy it, but
it was very odd for me. It’s too bad there weren’t any true fans there
to make it more enjoyable for them. That would have been very cool.
Also, wanted to say Hi to the girl who put on the big show in Hampton
Beach this summer about taking pictures and then none of them came
out!! Sorry, but it was a great time!! (from the nice girls in VT)
Hi Ron!!
See you guys when the Femmes finally come back to New England.


Femmes on the Late Late Show
Hey guys!
so, what did you all think about “blister” on the craig kilborn show?
wasn’t that great??? They sounded good and looked awesome. But what
did the rest of you think? I sort of wish they would have played
something else, but we all know “blister” is popular with just about
everyone. anyway, just wondering if anyone else liked their

PS- if anyone finds ANYTHING out about the Femmes coming to Wisconsin
(they better, seeing as their new album is “viva wisconsin”)…
please let me know through e-mail.. im hoping somone out there hears
something about it.


A True Story of Inspiration and Personal Endurance
Well on Fri. night, when i was awaiting the coming of the Femmes on the
Late Late Show, i was reclining on my couch, and i was all warm and
comfortable, and my mom was sitting on the chair right next to the
couch. During the interview part of the show i drifted off. It was
about 1:00 in the morning, and i had had a long day, and i already sat
though Nash Bridges, the Local News, and David Letterman. And all this
after having watched the new James Bond movie. Well while Craig was
interviewing his guests, i lay there slumbering, and then my foot was
violently shaken, and my mom was yelling, “Quick wake up, they’ve
started playing” And low and behold, there they were playing BITS in
thier whinnest voices EVER. And then after they were done i went back
to sleep on the couch.

“When ignorance reigns, life is lost” – Zach de la Rocha

-Pat. Says: The world is saved by cool moms. Mine unfortunately is
250 miles away. I fell asleep during the guests, with my
puppy curled up beside me, and awoke during the last
notes of their song…turned the satellite to CBS West…
and slept through that, too.
Well, the next night my sons and I were invited backstage
to meet Smash Mouth, and now my sons are very happy, and
absolutely positive that I am a cool mom, because Steve
Harwell, the lead singer told them I am, so I guess things
even out in the end.

VF on Loveline

The Femmes were on Loveline last night (the radio show not the
television show). They played “Blister in the Sun” and “Gone Daddy
Gone” from Viva Wisconsin and didn’t really talk a whole lot during the
calls. I recorded it though. They were on during the 1st hour. And I
also recorded their apperance on Flashback Lunch where they preformed
“Blister…” “American Music” and an aweome version of “Add It Up.” And
the interview was pretty cool. The guy who won the trip to Jamacia
didn’t seem that enthused about it though.

Although Flashback Lunch came in OK, Loveline came in fine.

The only real tidbit of info is that Freak Magnet is scheduled for
Feb. 23. In case no one knew (like I did).

If anyone wants copies of these I could do it if they sent me a tape
or something.


FM Release Date?
do you know the date that “freak magnet” will be released? i think its
in feb. but i don’t know the date.
also, was anyone else other than myself listening to love line (radio
show) on nov. 18th? The femmes were on, they played a few tracks off of
“viva wisconsin”


-Pat. Says: During the chat session, I think sometime late February
was mentioned as the release date (Feb. 22 or 23?). Keep
your fingers crossed. And hey, if it is different from
the first version, please don’t make a million copies of
the promo, K?

Yahoo! Clubs New Times Violent Femmes Club
Hey Everybody!

Viva Wisconsin comes out tomorrow! Finally a new Femmes album after a
long wait. Call your record store and make sure they are getting it and
if they are not complain loudly! Then have everyone one you can con,
bribe, or blackmail call and complain also. Speaking of new albums
Victor DeLorenzo’s new album has come out and I’ll let everyone know
how it is when mine comes in the mail. For all of you who missed the
chat this week it was a good one. Brian said that when Freak Magnet is
released it will be nothing like the promo. In other words their will
be NEW SONGS!!! Woo Hoo! So hold on to your promo because it is now a
big collectors item. Also I have redesigned my site and put up new
photos and articles. Tell me what you think.



Viva Wisconsin
ok everybody, i hope you all got the album today. the femmes are so
great. my favorite songs off the new album are “i’m nothing” and
“sweet worlds of angels” GET OUT AND GET THIS ALBUM you wont be


Violent Femmes on R’n’R Is Cool!
-Pat. Says: I don’t know how this guy found me, but I received this
in my email-box today, it’s worth a look-see:

Please take a moment to visit the R’n’R Is Cool website and read the
review of the Violent Femmes’ latest release, “Viva Wisconsin.” While
you’re there, please check out other reviews as well, ranging in
musical styles from Motley Crue’s hard rock to Len’s bubble-gum pop.

The address to R’n’R Is Cool is:

Thank you for your time, and please pass this along to others!

Jason Carter
R’n’R Is Cool Editor

Your on-line source for rock and roll reviews!


-Pat. Says: I sent him an email back, thanked him for writing, and
asked him to check out Freak Magnet when it is released.

I have a favor to ask. Can you please go to the following web site
and vote for the Violent Femmes to come to UMBC (Univ. of Maryland in
Baltimore County) and play at our quadmania. You don’t have to be a
student here, I just don’t want to end up with Korn or something
playing at quadmania.I would be incredibly excited if we could get them
to play here.
Tell all your friends too.

peace and thanks,



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