currently run by Pat. Wary
There are no shows listed at this time.
NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers
To book a show, contact Monterray Peninsula Artists.
Serious inquiries only.
The Quote Of The Day:
I told you once and I told ya twice,
Japanese eat lots of rice!
-From Life Is an Adventure
-Submitted by
send your VF quotes to
When your wishes are fulfilled, please email
to have your name removed from this section.
This feature will run on Mondays only.
Would like boots of the following shows:
9/95 Maritime Days
1/96 Winterfest, Icehouse (first show)
7/4/96 Summerfest, Marcus Amphitheatre
8/97 Waukesha County Fair
Plus, I know there was a guy with a video camera at the Winterfest show.
Wanted: a copy of Film Noir, or any other VF material. Will trade a good
quality ’89 show at the Metro in Chicago.
Wanted: boots from Brian Ritchie solo projects. Will trade for VF stuff;
write for details.
Also wanted: boot of November 14, 1996 University of Maine Orono show.
Wanting to buy: a pre-New Times violent femmes poster.
I will also offer free copies of “The Mercy Seat” to all who ask.
Wanting to buy: a boot of the Lisle gig in IL.
Wanted: any VF boots, particularly the 9/16/97 Palace show in Hollywood.
Will trade for the following boots:
8/1/83 New Orleans, LA
1/20/85 Berkeley, CA
9/27/91 Seattle, WA
“Film Noir”
Wanted: any VF boots.
Will trade for the following boots:
50 Replacements and Paul Westerberg shows
1 Jonathan Richman
Big Star
OR will trade 2 blank tapes for each show.
Wanted: any VF boots.
Will trade for the following boots:
3 Nirvana
1 Sonic Youth
1 Sex Pistols
2 Rolling Stones
1 Who
Wanted: boot of the Carrol College show (WI), end of 96.
Will trade copy of Tom Waits singing a Jack Kerouac song at the Allen
Ginsberg Memorial show earlier this year, or will pay cash.
Wanted: boot from the Nov. 8th show at House of Blues in Lake Buena Vista.
Will trade whatever I have….
Wanted: a video released in 83 or 84, Femmes live, called “No, Let’s
Start Over.” I think that this was actually a legit release from
WB that never took off. Also, I’m STILL looking for a poster of the
original femmes.
Will offer free cassette copies of “Film Noir” and “Kiss Off”, both
live in europe 1984.
Wanted: Violent Femmes MP3’s. I have Blister in the Sun.
The tab digest is give and take; remember to share what
you have.
In Today’s Issue:
Violent Femmes in Car Crash
The UMASS Show
U of Ill Info Wanted
Show Dates?
Booking Contact
Brian Not Gay
RE: Is Brian Gay?
Solo Efforts
Violent Femmes in Car Crash
According to a friend of mine with connections, today (sat. 11-15-97) all
three violent femmes were in a car crash near Racine while driving from
Milwaukee to Chicago O’Hare airport. Apparantely they rear ended a dump
truck and some lady hit them. Their car was totalled and they were taken
to the hospital, but were released around 6:00 PM so the injuries must not
have been TOO serious.
I will have more information to pass along in a couple days once my friend
finds out more.
James Schrader
“the pain is somewhere, somewhere, very close to me”
The UMASS Show
…..the show was neat…they played never tell….sorry to the kid that
needed a ride….i quit my job thursday and went to montreal canada….
the show was a last minute thing…i drove from montreal to southern mass
in a few hours..hahha i’m crazy….they would not take my money at the
door…love atms woohoo…i’m tired…what am i don’t have to
post this..bla bla sleep…grr breaking up stinks
-Pat. Says: Kyle always makes me laugh. I am so glad the band members
were well enough to make the show yesterday.
U of Ill Info Wanted
Wasn’t there somebody or two that went to the show at U of I last
thursday, I just read a review and the people writing the review said the
show was awful, can anybody tell me if this is true, or is the guy
writing the review just an idiot. Thanks.
Show Dates?
what ever happened to the show dates?
-Pat. Says: Sadly, I can’t find any. If anyone knows of any, please tell
Booking Contact
Hi there. I’m wondering if anyone knows how to get in touch with
management of the band, bookings etc….. Basically I want to know
how I can go about booking the band. Any help would be greatly
Thanks in Advance.
-Pat. Says: To book a show, contact Monterray Peninsula Artists.
Serious inquiries only, please. In the future, this info will
be permanantly posted above.
Brian Not Gay
Brian Ritchie is not gay. Read his article about the femmes playing
way up north (on the web page). He mentions taking a long walk with his
girl friend. Also, I know he has a son, and you don’t get to have a son
by having homosexual sex. Bi-sexual, maybe, but whatever—–
——-HE KICKS ASS. Not only does he kick ass musically, but he also has
balls enough to eat lobster while it’s still alive. I know I probably
wouldn’t do that.
RE: Is Brian Gay?
In response to ‘s quote about Brian Ritchie, I was also at
that show and do recall him saying that he was gay. I believe that since
he wishes this to be of public knowledge by announcing it to 2000
screaming fans, he is looking for the acceptance of the American community
as a whole to the homosexual lifestyle.
One last thing….. To see a musician play 7 or 8 different instruments in
one show is something I will never forget.. Brian Ritchie is truly one of
the most talented musicians I have ever had the honor of seeing perform.
Colin “DogBoy”
That was your opinion on Goldfinger. Goldfinger is my favorite band (no
death threats please). I like The Violent Femmes too though. I don’t
see what the big deal about moshing is just stay away from the main part
of the pit if you don’t want to be moshing you might get bumped a few
times. I don’t really care if I look like an idiot. I’m just trying to
have fun but if I’m bothering someone I’ll move to a different part. I’m
not going to say anything about crowd surfing because I’d have to admit
I’ve had bad expierences with that.
I saw Goldfinger this Wed and to let you know my friends and I don’t have
any PIERCINGS and don’t plan on getting any and I sure wasn’t there to
defy my parents. The show was awesome!! All of the members of
Goldfinger are really cOOl people I even got Simon’s(bass) autograph.
Darrin sang the Chumbawamba song which was very interesting :). They
said they had just been in Flordia and things weren’t that great. The
good part of crowd surfing is when band members like Goldfinger stage
dive and crowd surf around you and you get to hold them up. Which
happened a few times. I don’t know what happened at the Flordia show
but I’m just saying what I know. Sorry if I offended anyone but you’re
the one saying all Goldfinger fans are moshing idiots oh well.
-Pat. Says: OK, I put this in because some of the letter is somewhat
relevent to the VF. Now, about moshing: I do NOT want this
thread to start up again, because it was done only about
a month ago. But I WILL say that the VF have stated several
times that they do not like moshing during their shows.
They REALLY don’t like it. So go ahead and mosh at other
shows, but out of respect for the band, please refrain from
it during VF shows. It’s their show, after all.
BTW, do any of you realize how many people unsubscribe solely
because they get sick of reading all the infighting?
They subscribe to learn something, share something, and all
they get is rancor.
Solo Efforts
A quick, pleading message: Listen to your Pat. She loves you and knows
what’s best for you. We don’t want to read about what a true fan is, or
economics, or your defense of some band that was slandered somewhere else.
We want to read about music. Please.
I would like to compare the solo albums of victor (pancake day), gordon
(mercy seat) and brian (i see a noise). Which does everyone prefer? The
relative merits of each? Notice how you can tell which femme produced
which album? Who are the other musicians involved, especially on Mercy
Personally, I love all 3. Victor is generally a touching mellow writer
with occasional funk interludes. Gordon’s album is just rocking punk
gospel, a contradiction that works so well i can’t even explain. And
Brian…well, find a copy and listen to the lyrics. The man is hilarious.
Bottom line, each member of the Femmes is insanely talented musically.
Imagine the drummer for (insert name of any lame pop band today) producing
their own fully developed album.
Well, enough for now kids.