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The Quote Of The Day:

PLEASE send your VF quotes to amusic


Nov. 7- University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (P)

**Dec. 7- Opera House, Spokane, WA (KAEP) (O)**
**Dec. 8- Colliseum, Portland, OR (KNRK) (O)**


**Nov. 9- The Knitting Factory New York, N.Y.**
A band called GODZUKI, Read Check This Out! below.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Tampa, FL
PsychoEvil (Colin)




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Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:

Une banane:Send in your top five faves each week to:

HERE I AM: Tell me where you live for the Here I Am list.


In Today’s Issue:

Final Call for Videos
Check This Out!
Irving Plaza
Re: Haverford Show!
RE: Universal
Re: Wisconsin Halloween and Chicago 11/3/98
RE: Drewery
Talk About It
It’s Gonna Rain
Freak Magnet?
DMFD Intros

Final Call for Videos
OK, folks, I’ve got my boot video in the mail and seen it a few times,
so now is the time for a last call for videos. By the end of this month
I want everyone who’s sending in a video for this compilation to please
email Deana at ddearry and send them to her ASAP.
I would really like for all of us to have a copy of this by the end of
the year if possible. To our newest subscribers: You don’t know what
I’m talking about, but we’re putting together a compilation of videos.
email me for details.

Check This Out!
GODZUKI !!!!!!
No this is not the sound I make when I sneeze – read on:

New York, N.Y.
Nov. 9- At The Knitting Factory
74 Leonard Street, New York City.
“Old-Office” Performances
at 9:00 & 10:30PM..

A gonzo, bozango world-music group called GODZUKI, in its debut
performance. John Kruth – Mandolin, mando-cello, Gongs (Electric
Chairmen, various groups); Ronnie Nyogetsu Seldin-Shakuhachi
(Hamilton Face Band, New York Sankyoku-Kai, Sparkling Beatniks,
variuos groups); Brian Ritchie- Bass, Didgeridoo, Shakuhachi
(Violent Femmes, various groups); Janathan Segal- Violin (Camper van
Beethoven, Electric Chairmen, various groups); Andy Demos- Tabla,
Dumbek, Percussion (various groups)

Copied from the Tai Hei Shakuhachi webpage –

If anyone goes to this please post a review to the list!

do you know anything about the Tampa show on Sat.?


-Pat. Says: I’ve already sent Robert what I know, but it occurs to me
maybe somebody on the list knows a lot more. So if anyone
is going who knows all there is to know about this show,
especially whether anybody (not just students) can go,
please email Robert.

Irving Plaza
Hi guys! i have not written on this in awhile. i am so excited to see
the femmes next wed in nyc i have not seen em in such a long time (more
then a year) i don’t think i can see em in sayorville though cause me
little sis is having her bat mitzvah that weekend, oh well. hey did
anyone go to that show at rider college, i couldn’t go cause it was
students only. well talk to you guys later. oh by the way when is
freak magnet coming out, i think i am the only one on this list without
a copy. bye bye.


-Pat. Says: The Irving Plaza show is on the 10th, which is Tuesday, not
Wednesday. Maybe I’ll be there too.

Re: Haverford Show!
i emailed Dan Primack , the student activities
director at haverford, a couple weeks back to ask him about the show,
he sent this to me, said that generally they’re only open to haverford
students, but he’d make an exception…don’t know how many people
that’ll apply to-anyway, here’s the meat of his email…

>Tickets go on sale Wednesday and can be ordered by
>sending a check, cash, or money order to:

>New Point Concert Series
>Haverford College
>370 Lancaster Ave.
>Haverford, PA 19041

>They’re $16+$1 handling fee, max of 5 tickets.

i just got my tickets (finally) yesterday-can’t wait!

adam grickis

Well… since it’s been over a year and a half since I last laid my eyes
on this wonderful newsletter, the last week for me has been a huge wave
of Femmeism 🙂 1. Finding out they’re coming to Pittsburgh in less than
2 weeks really razed my spirits. This was the biggest shock I think I
have ever experienced, as I check the Official Web Page almost daily and
didn’t see anything. However, since they’re finally coming back to
Metropol (haven’t been here since New Times tour in ’94), and since I
was an idiot and didn’t go the last time they were here, I got tickets
the first day they were out.

And, I believe, to make sure I’m noticed (which shouldn’t be too hard,
I’m 6’3″), I think I’ll make up a few t-shirts with the “Freak Magnet”
cover on them so I look l33t 🙂

OH well.. Enuf pointless rambling.

November 14th… The day I get the closest to seeing God . muhaha



I can’t go!!! It’s just not fair. I live two hours from Pittsburgh and
I can’t go to the show at the Metropol. That is such an awesome club
too. Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! If it were any other day of the week I
could go, but not on Saturday. Why?


RE: Universal
>Nov. 5- Universal Amphitheater, Los Angeles, CA (O,P) (with Devo, Ween)
> RISK!!!!

Yeah, it’s not. Not with the Femmes anyway. It was supposed to be one
of those radio festival thingies but i think it fell through. FUCK

>**Dec. 8th- Portland OR (lilboek)**

but, if this is true and they will be on the west coast, then
maybe…just maybe….they’ll play L.A. I hope so.

wish me luck,


Re: Wisconsin Halloween and Chicago 11/3/98
Well, I’m not gonna go on about the Halloween show, since it’s all been
covered, very eloquently, I must say, by my fellow AMers. However, I do
have a piece of somewhat interesting and exciting info to add:
Last night’s VF show at the Riviera in Chicago. . . I expected it to
suck compared to Halloween, really, I mean, it’s hard to take such a
Regardless, I was of course pumped to see them. I was extremely pleased
for a few reasons: first of all, Sig was there playing the keyboard and
various other instruments, and added a dimension to the band that should
really be present in their albums. Secondly, Brian sang the Stop Talking
About My Music Now song, which has gotta be one of my faves of late. I
was hoping it wasn’t going to be a one-time song, and I do hope he
continues it. The whole audience reacted to it with sha-bang, just like
in Mil. Thirdly, Gordon was joking with the crowd – there were a lot of
technical difficulties – and Guy was even talkative, which is always
really neat to see.
One quick note, I noticed in the Mil show and the show in Chicago (the
only times I’ve seen them play with Sig) Brian used his regular bass
guitar (instead of the 1 string) for DMFD. I think this is because Sig
was playing backup on the piano, and the 1 string would have just
overshadowed everything. Is this correct? In both shows they didn’t play
BAD, so was this just a case of them not having to tune another
instrument, or he what? Regardless, I’d give up on the strong 1 string
for Sig’s backup anyday. Thanks for reading,

john #3

RE: Drewery
I have always thought DREWERY…was Jewelry


-Pat. Says: It is.

Talk About It
>Don’t talk about my music!

emphasis on “MY”

he shouldn’t get so pissy….of course people are going to talk…if
you really want them to not talk don’t make cds……


It’s Gonna Rain
i was doing a project for my digital music class and i ran into this;

“it’s gonna rain” by steve reich 1965

basically this guy recorded some ordinary household sounds ala john
cage and over all that he put a preacher talking…i did a little and i
mean a little research because the name of the tune and a preacher got
me thinking femmes…so i found this

it’s gonna rain…voice of a young black pentecostal preacher who
called himself brother walter…

GOODMANS I’m Too Near Home
I’m Too Near Home; Born To Serve The Lord; I Saw The Light; Life’s
Railway To Heaven;
It’s Different Now; Jesus Use Me; I’ll Follow Thee; The Answer’s
On The Way; What A
Friend We Have In Jesus; It’s Gonna Rain (c N/A)


Canaan Country-Gospel Style Of Joel/Labreeksa
I’m Willing; Gonna Shout, Gonna Shine; Search For The Best; Angels
To Carry Me Home; Pity The Man; A Brighter Day Ahead; Satan Has No
Claim On Me; The Courage To Try Again;No, Not Jesus; The Ballad Of The
Watchman; It’s Gonna Rain; Why Pay The Cost (c N/A)

brian eno:

“That dubious credit goes to another piece of music by a composer
called Steve Reich. I think it was his earliest recorded
piece. It’s a piece called It’s Gonna Rain, and I would like to listen
to a bit of that now.

(It’s Gonna Rain played.)

For many years I was the only person I knew who thought that was a
beautiful piece of music (laughter). It’s quite a long
piece, it’s about 17 minutes long. It’s produced by a very, very simple
process. It’s a loop of a preacher saying “It’s gonna
rain”. Identical copies of the loop are being played on two machines at
once. Because of the inconsistency of the speed of the
machines they gradually slip out of sync with one another. They start
to sound like an echo. Then they.sound like a cannon, and
gradually they start to sound like all sorts of things. ”


Freak Magnet?
i really want to know about the new cd i heard that it was sopposed to
come out over the summer but i have gone to all the local shops and they
have heard nothin about it all please respond


-Pat. Says: It’s still in limbo.

DMFD Intros

I have not received many intros from people. Could you please repost
that messege about it.



-Pat. Says: OK, Daniel is putting together a page of DMFD intros. If
you have any but have not sent them in, please do so. As
you know, Brian’s intro to this song has often been a
highlight of every show; never the same but always



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