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The Quote Of The Day:

You’re a flamingo
you stand on one leg
you’re a flamingo baby
you hatched from an egg
-From Flamingo Baby
Submitted by Extatika



**Oct 29- Excalibur, Chicago, IL (subscriber tip, see below)**

Nov 25- Rodon Club, Athens, GR (P)
Nov 26- Rodon Club, Athens, GR (P)
Nov 27- Mylos, Thessaloniki, GR (P)
Nov 29- 8 p.m., Vicar Street, Dublin, IRL, 16.00 (I don’t have
a pound symbol on my computer), 18+ only show (P,T-IRL)
Nov 30- 7 p.m., Forum, London, ENG, 14.50 (ditto about the symbol),
18+ only show, (P, T-UK)
Dec 2- Aula Magna, Lisbon, POR (P)
Dec 3- Coliseum, Oporto, POR (P)
Dec 4- Grosse Freiheit 36, Hamburg, GER (P)
Dec 31- Falls Festival, Lorne, AUS (P)

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Hornblow USA at: hbgusa
Serious inquiries only.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

London, ENG
NFLHWB (Harry)




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In Today’s Issue:

Chicago Date
About the Quote
do the vf do private gigs?
RE: VF on VH1
Blowing off Steam
john & mary and their band LIVE


Due to the info which you will read below, this issue was thrown
together in record time. I was busy all day baking Halloween cookies,
and throwing together a costume to wear which would be guaranteed to
embarass the hell out of my kids. In fact, I was the hit of the school,
and raised my sons’ social standing at least a few notches. Go figure.
So excuse any discontinuity, misspellings, and editing errors, but
enjoy nonetheless. I think I finally know what day it is.


If anyone is interested – the times are all wrong – I called Excalibur –
the Femmes WILL be there Friday NIGHT….going on shortly after
midnight. The club is open ’til 4AM….


-Pat. Says: No, it was right. The Violent Femmes were on the Mancow
show this morning. They played Add it Up. That’s it. I
know, because I listened to it online myself, suffering
through the entire shock jock schtick just to hear that
one song. Actually, he DID say some very nice things about
the band, thereby redeeming himself in my eyes.
I think they were on the show as a teaser for the concert
tonight, about which we never would have known if it
weren’t for you. Thanks for sending this in, and I hope
today’s issue is read in time for subscribers to get
their butts over to the Excalibur. If you don’t know where
it is, email me. I’m going to check the web page for
directions. I know it’s near or on Dearborn.

About the Quote
And now for an in depth analysis of this quote:
I really like this quote. I feel that it definitely conveys the
intended message, being that the experimental variable is being
desrcibed as compared to the control group. wait, no, that doesn’t
make sense. how about this: I like this quote, it’s funny, because it
talks about being a flamingo and standing on one leg. that’s much
better than the first analysis.


do the vf do private gigs?
i really mean to see the VF live and this year seems better than any
other. Except i already bought a ticket for the UEA (my college)
hockey(field) ball on november 30. That set me back thirty pounds
sterling (the price ticket and travel to VF would have cost). Can i ]
get the VF to come and play at my college? Its my birthday on nov.28,
so maybe they might come up for that?
Norwich is a really nice place after all.

i think i’m joking but i’m kind of whimsical too.

jez smith

-Pat. Says: The Violent Femmes will play anywhere, as long as they’re
paid. Have your school call their management, and book a
show. I’ll bet there are available dates to book yet.
Better yet, have the school do that AND sell your tickets;
see them twice.
Norwich, England must be a better place than Norwich, CT,
my birthplace (once home of the Norwich State Hospital.
Motto: we’ll find room for your loonies; even if we have
to discharge a few others in downtown Norwich!)

Nooooo…. It seems that they’ll be on tour in Europe, and no Italy


RE: VF on VH1
i think a vh1 behind the music on the femmes would be awsome. they
have a lot of iteresting things to base a show like that on. i think
that would be sweet.

bye, jp

Blowing off Steam
This happened to me a while ago, but reading the quote in the last
issue reminded me of it, and I just had to blow off some steam.

I used to work at a BP gas station near Cleveland. It would have been
a good job, but I had to work the 6p – 2a shift. It sucked.
Especially during the summer. I would be bored all day (all my friends
had jobs with normal hours), and then I had to go to work when all my
friends were out partying or doing other fun stuff. There were some
late-night parties, but even those were dead by the time I got there.
My only salvation was the fact that my boss would let us play our CDs
while we worked, as long as they weren’t too profane or offensive.
This meant that the person(s) with whom I worked were also allowed to
play their music. I don’t mind that much; I’m pretty tolerant of
different music styles (notice I said “tolerant” and not “fond of”).
Where is this story going? Ah, yes, I remember. From 6 – 10pm, I
would be working with various fellow high-school students, who were
cool about the music I listened to (namely the Femmes). At 10p,
however, came in this dreadful lady. We’ll call her Marianne (not her
real name). She usually lets me listen to the rest of whatever CD I
have in at the time, then she takes over and listens to some
crippity-crip-crap radio station that plays 80’s music and, well,
various other forms of crap. Really testing the limits of my
On this particular night, however, I happened to be listening to “Why
Do Birds Sing?” On comes “He Likes Me,” and after a couple verses,
she turns it to her radio station, right in the middle of the song. I
remember it was right before my favorite verse (“…Person to person,
it’s not on purpose, …”). There was a customer in the store, so I
waited until he/she left, then I blew my top.
“Where the fuck do you get the idea that you have the right to turn my
music off in the middle of the fucking song?”
“It was a fag song. I don’t listen to fag songs.”
If I wasn’t so tired, I would have picked up the nearest cigarette rack
and impaled her fat torso with it.
“What the hell do you mean, fag song? Did you listen to the fucking
lyrics?” Just then, my faith in God was temporarily restored, because
the next song on her radio station was sung by none other than Boy
I don’t really remember what happened next (I was still blind with rage
at her ignorance), but the end result was a lot of yelling by me, one
very worried customer, a total loss of respect for my coworker, and
Femmes music for the rest of the shift. Ah, victory against the sheep.


john & mary and their band LIVE
Hi, I just joined this list recently…. Pretty informative! I dont
know if any one is really aware of an album that I have not seen in any
discography featuring Victor DeLorenzo. The album is john & mary (of
10,000 Maniacs) & their band LIVE. it was made after John left the
Maniacs, and before he and Mary joined the band. I believe Victor had
just left the Violent Femmes at this point. The album was distributed
through the John and Mary fan club, but only 200 were made. I would
love to find other John and Mary tapes with this line up (I asked John
at a Maniacs show once how many shows they played, and he said about
17). Anyway, I can make CDr copies if any one wants to trade… There
is no Femmes material on it though.


-Pat. Says: You are hereby dubbed the Violent Femmes expert. I’ve never
even heard of this band. I bow my head to you in humility.



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