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The Quote Of The Day:

Won’t you stay with me just a little longer
You know it always seems like you’re leaving
When I need you here just a little longer
-From Good Feeling




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In Today’s Issue:

American Music Hall of Fame
RE: Hammerstein
Craig Kilborn
RE: Femmes in Mississippi
Update on Femmes in Mississippi
A New Album Out In November???
Re: Rerelease
Did They Break Up, or What???
VERY Interesting Link!
RE: Hall of Fame

American Music Hall of Fame
Here are today’s Hall of Famers. I’ve added several people to the list
today, so here’s a recap…Every issue, I list the usernames of people
who have been subscribers since I took over this list in 1997, the hope
being that at least a few of them will take it upon themselves to send
us their thoughts/experiences/etc. about the Femmes…and to thank them
for hanging out and listening to all our rambling on for so long. So,
without further ado, thank you to the following:

RE: Hammerstein
about the hammerstein thing, i think saw it on a violent femmes concert
tours page and it’s cancelled. here’s the page:“>Ticketmaster Events Guide


-Pat. Says: I couldn’t get that to work. Try this:

Craig Kilborn
I was sitting at my desk the other night (Sept. Thursday 28th)
doing boring school work as always, when a friend called me up and
said, “Man the Femmes are gonna be on Craig Kilborn tonight!” I
immediately put down my work and went to the TV. I was thinking it
would be a rerun of the last time they were on (which I missed).
However, I heard that it was a new episode of the Late Late Show.
Does anyone know if it was the rerun? I haven’t been much of a Craig
Kilborn fan in the past.
I am now finding it hard to believe the Femmes broke up at all.
I will give an update when I find out whether or not the rumor about
the concert at Millsaps is true. I tried e-mailing the Femmes about
the break-up, but I haven’t gotten any response.

Michael Hill

RE: Femmes in Mississippi
about the femmes in ms. i went to see them on march 26, 1999 at
rodeo’s (now the north end) it was a millsaps private party, and i got
in b/c a friend of mine who goes there got me tickets. it will be hard
to find out for sure if they’rea actually playing there since its
private and they keep it hush hush. if they do play there though i
will do anything i can to get in there and see the greatest rock
show…again! please someone confirm the show and date!


Update on Femmes in Mississippi
I just e-mailed a student at Millsaps, and she replied that she has
heard nothing about the concert there. She knew that they had played
there a couple of years ago, though, at a private function. I am sorry
if I got everyone’s hopes up. If I hear anything else, I’ll let you

Michael Hill

A New Album Out In November???
Ok peoples here is the deal.. I am on a mailing list from england,
cookingvinyl and they have the femmes freakmagnet album in the catalog.
OK anyways under the news-emails-addresses&websites it states and i


Another live album “the rock” will be released on 02-10-00. Please
also check out theur website

So does anyone know anything about this?? Is it true. or is it
possibly a misprint and they are just rereleaseing rock and they made
a mistake thinking it was a new live album.


oh yeah the femmes made it onto the foxsports pregame show for NFL on
the first week of the season. They were talking about the new Qb’s in
the league and played New Generation i was very immpressed.


Re: Rerelease
Is there going to be any advertising campaign to go along with the
rerelease of the Femmes first two albums or will they just be put back
on the shelf? I hope it all goes well either way. I’m sick of
explaining to freshman here at my university who the Femmes are. Some
of them do not even know Blister in the Sun!! Could two years make a
difference in knowledge of bands? Maybe 20-21 is about the cutoff for
listeners of the band? Any thoughts on pan-generation listening…?


I am still able to send compilation videos to femmes fans in Canada.
So far very few people have requested one. This video is a treasure
chest of fun for us diehard femmes fans as it includes tons of footage
from the early days to the present. Let’s just hope that the future
brings us more femmes concerts. It’s a bit unnerving not hearing
anything from the band about their future together.


Did They Break Up, or What???
Hey Guys-
Alright, what’s going on now? So many rumors, so much talk going on in
Milwaukee. So is it true? did the Femmes finally call it quits or what?
I mean, though nothing is official, i’ve heard plenty of rumors from
reliable sources here in Milwaukee and no tour dates can’t be good. But
i’m still hoping! I’m just wondering if anyone else has a clue about
the future of this band?


VERY Interesting Link!
There is an interview on the docrock site with Brian during VF’s stop
in Germany. The article is in German but there is also a real
audio/video piece (in English) on the same page! Find out how Dick
Parry came to tour with them, what Brian’s “side project” has been the
last 5 years, and listen as Brian drops a bombshell about an upcoming offering! This is great stuff!

Even if you don’t speak German, just surf to the page and then look for
the area about a third of the way down the page on the right that
reads: Klick hier, um das Interview anzusehen
Clicking anywhere on those words will launch the clip (as long as you
have a media player loaded on your computer).


-Pat. Says: How DO you find all these great sites?

RE: Hall of Fame
Lets see….First time I heard the Femmes was summer of ’85
(remember Live Aid?) from a girlfriend. I didn’t see them live til
Spring of ’89 at The Bouthouse, in Norfolk, VA. The show was just
amazing! (I think, my memory of the show is a little foggy) Actually,
I taped the show, but have since lost the tape, doh! The Femmes came
back to The Bouthouse a few months later in the summer of ’89, I taped
that show as well, & have managed to keep it in a safe place 🙂 The
next time I saw the Femmes was at The Boathouse in ’91. This show was
somewhat unusual because there were several cameras mounted on high
stands in the audience, and a camera person onstage occasionally. They
played Flamingo twice in a row because they wanted to redo it. Gordon
said something about having to record the song again. Also, Gordon
mentioned to the audience that we should keep an eye out for a video
release soon, “Live at the Bouthouse”. All three were in very high
spirits throughout the show, and it felt we were getting a behind the
scenes look at the making of a concert video. Gordon was chatty, which
added to the feel good vibe of the show 🙂 This was also the first
time I met the band, quite an exciting night! 🙂 (I had worked at The
Bouthouse as A stagehand/Lighting operator) My girlfriend & I met them
after the show along with several other people backstage. They were
very friendly, and not tired at all. They met & chatted with everyone
for at least 15 or 20 min. Then a warner Bros. rep (I think that’s
what he was) said they had to get going. For months I was excited, &
couldn’t wait for the release of the home video. Before I knew it a
couple years had passed…still no release. 🙁 At least a song from
the show made it on the “Add It UP” CD. I e-mailed a question about
the video to the Femmes website years ago, & Gordon replied that with
Victor leaving since the show, & Guy replacing him, the video didn’t
really represent where the band was at. I think he also mentioned that
the video didn’t turn out well either.
So I didn’t see the Femmes live again til summer of 1999 the Casino
Ballroom in Hampton Beach, NH. My wife wasn’t able to go, so I met
with Ron at the show. I had a great time, and met some really
wonderful people from the AM list. We all met the band after the show!
Brian & Guy seemed the friendliest, & Gordon looked exhausted.
The most recent Femmes concert was this past summer at Hampton
Beach. Another great show, although I think the one in ’99 was
slightly better. Well that’s about it 🙂

Take Care,



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