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currently run by Pat. Wary


October 10-East Stroudsburg University, Abeloff Convocation Center,
East Stroudsburg, PA (O,P)
October 15-MontClair State University, Montclair, NJ (O)
October 29-The Forum, London, ENGLAND (O)
October 31-Sports Hall at Coimbra University, Coimbra, PORTUGAL (O)

**November 8-House of Blues, Lake Buena Vista, FL (T,O)**
**November 9-The Chile Pepper, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (O)**

November 10-Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL (P)

**November 11-Tulane University, New Orleans, LA (O)**

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

**Brian Ritchie will be playing shakuhachi: solo, with others, and **
**led by James Nyorako Schlefer, on October 18 and 19 from 1-3 p.m. **
**at the Ney York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx. Tickets are $3.00.**
**Be aware that this is NOT the Femmes. **

The Quote Of The Day:

I would love to love you lover
-From Add It Up
-Submitted by
send your VF quotes to

Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

East Stroudsburg, PA

Montclair, NJ





The tab digest is give and take; remember to share what
you have.


In Today’s Issue:

FAU Update
Forum Info Needed
RE: ESU Sold Out
RE: Set For ‘KnoxVegas’ Show
RE: Blister Video
RE: Blister Video..Chat Rooms
RE: Chat Rooms
RE: Musical Tastes
RE: Easy to Find Rock
Bad and Rejoice
Try For Skidmore..Boot Trade?
Femmes Popularity
A Femmes Story
Call For New Topics

FAU Update
Hello, oh how we femmes fans here in Florida suffer! Femmes concert has
been taken off FAU academic calendar, but do not despair, it’s not final
as far as I know. I called FAU director of events, who was very helpful,
and who in turn called Student Government (party responsible for the
concert) to find out the following:
the auditorium is booked, but the contract is not finalized, therefore
the tickets can’t be issued, and the box office hasn’t been notified.
My ever so optimistic guess is, that the concert has been taken of the
calendar so not to confuse anybody untill the contract is settled.
Also for those of you who live up- north, or unlike me don’t have to work
on Sat and can drive to orlando there is going to be a Femmes concert at
House of Blues, in Lake Buena Vista Nov 8, at 8:00pm Ticketmaster
that’s all

-Pat. Says: Sometimes those signatures take an excruciatingly long
time to get. I think many of you in FL will be happy to
see the added FL dates.

Forum Info Needed
Do any of the British subscribers (or anyone else, for that matter)
know any details about the gig at “The Forum” on the 29th?

-Pat. Says: I can’t be sure, but after a bit of surfing I found a place
called the Forum in Kentish Town. This is what I found:
Forum, Highgate Rd, NW5
Kentish Town Tube/BR (0171-2840303)
formerly known as the Town and Country Club.
I hope this helps. If you find anything, please let me know.
While I’m on the subject of European shows, I do not know
any details of those shows, but I would like to. If anyone
knows anything specific about either the Forum or Coimbra
shows, please share with us all.

RE: ESU Sold Out
Oh no! I’m the dumbass! I got my car, Blue, looked at yesterday
afternoon and everything checked out fine so I was going to order
concert tickets this morning but I called and found out (as everyone
knows by now) that they are sold out! (And ~550 mi is a *bit* too far
to drive just in the chance that somebody will have an extra ticket to
sell at the door!) Damnit, it looked so good seeing my name under the
“who’s going” list at the beginning of AM! Ah well, the Femmes seem to
have a liking for PA so I am comforted that I will get to meet Pat et.
al. someday. And as long as the Femmes keep touring I’ll keep going to
concerts. Have fun everyone!!!! Love to ya—Amber

RE: Set For ‘KnoxVegas’ Show
>I’ve finally finished compiling the set list for the Knoxville TN show
>last weekend. Here ’tis :

Wow, that’s cool, I saw them in Hollywood on Sep. 16, and the setlist
for that was completely different. Not completely, but it was
definitely not a replica show like most bands do. They didn’t play Out
the Window though, dammit. There was this one new song, I don’t know
what it was called but it had this chick on violin. It was really good,
it has me looking forward to the next album, even more than I was
already. They ended with Add It Up too, and that was incredible!!
Everybody knew it was coming and Gordon milked the moment for all it was
worth. Oh, it was classic. It’s stuff like that that makes you want to
be a performer.


RE: Blister Video
>I have seen the VIDEO! It’s for Blister in the Sun.

–>I just wanted to add my knowledge to this … I haven’t written to
this list before, however, I have read everything that has been said.
Before I didn’t think I had much to offer … but this time I do.
The video that you speak of, with Gordan is stalking the famous cat,
was on M2 the other day, and I remember being really happy to see it
… and then I read yr. letter and it confused me. I’m afraid that the
video in question was the BLISTER 2000 video, and not the original video.
They played the original video after the 2000 (which matches yr.
description) and it was completely different.
I don’t mean to create unrest, but I thought it should be said, to get
the facts straight.


RE: Blister Video..Chat Rooms
The music video that you saw was for BITS, not Blister 2000,
however it was NOT for the original song. The Femmes had to re-record Bits
for the Grosse Point Blank soundtrack because of problems with Slash,
their old label. This is why this version of BITS sounds somewhat
For those of you looking for chat rooms on the femmes, I run a
few off of the undernet:
#femmesrule, #who?, #kiss off
These are not official, I’m still working on getting bots, I should have
one for each in about 2 weeks so give me some time. Otherwise, look for
Smile….You’ll live longer 🙂
P.S. Mrs. Stoner Ben, I know that you read this newsletter, when
are you going to write something????????

RE: Chat Rooms
<<>>, on dalnet, ifnet, undernet, etc etc? which one so it will all be
at the same one…not on 3 diff ones..

RE: Musical Tastes
I think that almost anyone who listens to the Femmes would have to listen
to a wide range of music. The reason being that you cannot classify our
beloved Femmes. Think about it. You cannot call them rock; you cannot
call them folk; some people have tried to classify them as alternative (I
just don’t buy into that.) So I feel justified in saying that I listen to
the Dead, Aphex Twin, I heard someone else say Paul Simon (fuck ya!), Bob
Dylan (The man), Pink Floyd, and a ton of others along with the Femmes.

Can anyone disagree? How would you classify the femmes. I might, if I
had to, say that they are a funky folk rock band with a crazy twist that
no one can explain.


Sandi Barr

“In the dime stores and bus stations,
People talk of situations,
Read books, repeat quotations,
Draw conclusions on the wall.”

-Bob Dylan

RE: Easy to Find Rock
as far as green bay sales establishments i would also like to note that
Surfin’ Bird on main st in green bay frequently has half off sales and at
one time had a whole bunch of early femmes cds for like, 4 bucks.
excellent deal!


–>>why did the chicken cross the road…according to bill gates…

“I have just released the Chicken Office 2000, which will not only
cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents and
balance your checkbook.”

Bad and Rejoice
In the last news letter some one was commenting on these two new
violent femmes songs. The reason Gordon makes the comment about
knowing your Bible well before he plays Bad, is because the second
half of the song is paraphrased from on of the apostle Paul’s letters
in the New Testament. I belive it is 1 Corinthians. I also have
heard this song in concert. The other song Rejoice is another
classic Gano gospel original. The main line goes like this, “Rejoice
and be happy for His name sake, rejoice and be happy for our Saviour
told us to, rejoice and be happy when men revile you.” The last part
of that line is a quote from the gospel of Matthew, chapter 5 verse
11. I spoke with Gordon about this song and he said they were going
to put it on the new record.

Try For Skidmore..Boot Trade?
I just got to school about a month ago (skidmore college) in saratoga
springs and i remembered someone saying that they were from the area,
i am not sure about getting the femmes to play here but we could try,
anyway write me at
I also just got a live tape from this guy, it looked kind of sketchy
but the tape is really good, Gordon has a lot of audience interaction
and stuff. If you want to trade with me from something you have like
that (such as live performances of the femmes, thogh other bands are
cool too) write me at that address i put up above. thanks


Femmes Popularity
I just wanted to share my little violent femmes experinces. I never
realized how many people know the violent femmes because I never hear
them mentioned until the last month….. The first time I was at work and
my friend was being accused of being high (he wasnt) we were in the back
working and he was talking about it all of a sudden he sang “Im high as
a kite I just might…”
and the song was stuck in my head all day! Then I was talking to this
girl in my class and we were talking about listening to music in our cars
and she mentioned the femmes. Then I was at a Third eye blind concert
2 days ago after the concert was over a group of girls were standing
around singing songs and we were all singing along, then they starting
singing BITS it kinda shocked me but it was really cool to see how many
people like them! well just thought i would share!


A Femmes Story
in 1994, here in Tucson, the femmes had a concert. At one point when
Gordon was just sort of strumming along, talking to the crowd, he said,
“When we come to Tucson, and we pass through here only about once a year
(I wish. They sure don’t play concerts here that often) you know where
we always go? We go to Eegee’s! (loud cheers from crowd. segue into the
next song). Eegee’s are a frozen fruit slushie, and it is also a local
chain fast food store. Besides their delicious drinks, the have
fantastic subs.
Well finally last December I got to see them again, this time in
Phoenix (great show; if you want my whole story on it, I have it written
down somewhere) After the show I went around to the back of the theatre
and waited for them to come out (along with only 10-15 other people) I
had brought the poster that I had bought two years ago with me, to see if
I could get them to sign it. Brian came out first, and he signed some
stuff, and talked with people, let them take photos, etc. I asked him to
sign my poster which he kindly did. Then Gordon came out, and the group
of people made a beeline for him, but I noticed that Guy was walking
quickly towards their van, so I walked over to him, and asked him if he
would be willing to sign my poster. He seemed surprised that I would
actually want his autograph. I thanked him and he disappeared into the
van. (I was actually the only person who got him to sign anything that
night) I then made my way over to Gordon (and now the point of my story)
and asked him as well to sign the poster, which he did. By this time he
was a little bleary eyed, and looked like he could use a good nights
rest. I reminded him about the concert in Tucson, and how he said that
he liked Eegee’s, and he immediately got this glazed look in his eyes, a
smile spread across his face, and he said “Mmmm, Eegee’s!”

Call For New Topics
Just an observation- almost every single entry in the last AM was either
about ROCK! or live shows. I don’t mean to trash, but aren’t these tired
subjects? ROCK is good, get it, pay however much. Femmes are great live,
they’re playing somewhere near you, you and your boyfriend went to the
show and you hate the mosh pit people….. come on! There HAS to be some
new subjects out there. We got tired of the Victor/Guy debate right when
it was really getting interesting, but now all we can talk about is
“safe” subjects and personal experiences. What’s the deal? Have we lost
our edge?
(I always think I’m going to get flamed on the next issue, but I never
do. Speak out! That would be a good discussion.)


“The stars in the sky are very bright.
The stars in the sky are very bright.
The stars, they really suck tonight.
The stars in the sky are very bright.”
-Phish (Dude of Life), “Sanity”



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