currently run by Pat. Wary


September 26-Carolina Music Fest, The World Mardi Gras,
Charlotte, NC (O,P)
September 27-Smokey Mountain Jamboree,Knoxville,TN (P)
October 9-Benedictine University, Lisle, IL (O)
October 10-East Stroudsburg University, Abeloff Convocation Center,
East Stroudsburg, PA (O,P)
October 15-MontClair State University, Montclair, NJ (O)
October 29-The Forum, London, ENGLAND (O)
October 31-Sports Hall at Coimbra University, Coimbra, PORTUGAL (O)

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

The Quote Of The Day:

I think That I would really
Like to love
Give and receive
I pray that my spirit
May rise above
And I’ll live a good life
When Everybody’s happy
But me
-From When Everybody’s Happy

send your quotes to

Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Charlotte, NC

Knoxville, TN

Lisle, IN

East Stroudsburg, PA

Montclair, NJ





There are currently 14 subscribers to the tab digest.
This digest is give and take; remember to share what
you have. Mat thanks everyone involved for the super
effort. Keep up the good work!


In Today’s Issue:

RE: Various Stuff
RE: Various Stuff
RE: I’ll Play if You Pay
RE: Influences
Rockin’ the Fillmore
Heart Break
Meet Me in Lisle
Chat Rooms

RE: Various Stuff
Hey everyone! I’ve been a “silent” subscriber for so long! I don’t
know why I never wrote anything, guess I just didn’t feel like taking
the time away from riding horses, listening to the Femmes, and studying
for those damn organic chemistry tests I seem to have with annoying
frequency! Then, this semester, there’s been that problem of sorting
through an incredible stack of this newsletter since I didn’t access my
email all summer long. Picture a solid four month’s worth!!! Oh yeah
Pat, sorry about that email asking you if you were from PA when you had
written an “all about me” issue that I didn’t get around to finding
until two weeks later. But thank-you for your quick and delightful
response to an idiot like me!! Well, here’s my two and a half cents!

Christy wrote>I have a question for everybody. A lot of people have
written in about
>concerts where they met Gordon and the boys. How do you do it? I would
>able to die happy if I met them. But how is it done? Do you need

Actually, it’s fairly easy to meet the band. Just find where their
bus is parked and go wait there after the show for about half an hour
until the guys come out. Gordon is usually more than happy to sign
autographs and pose with happy happy fans for pix. Good Luck!!! (But
please, don’t die. I don’t want to face charges for an assisted

wrote:>You guys help! I’m going to DIE of
an…ticipation (yes, that was from
>Rocky Horror).

Yes,that was *incorrectly* from RHPS!!! As you should know, it is
“Antici. . . pation”!!! Am I really upset? No, I’m not nearly that
anal, but please people, let’s do this right!!! And why is everyone so
ready to up and die today?! Geez! And I have to add (since you were
asking) WDVE-a classic rock station (yeah, I know! It’s not even an
“alternative whatever that means” station) plays “Girl Trouble” every
now and then on their morning show.

>Just a quick first note: I am in “The Queen is Dead” a Smiths tribute
>based out of northern Virginia/ D.C. We may be playing our first show
>Halloween, so anyone interested come.

Sorry, Type O Negative in Philly for a Halloween show wins!!!

So, there you go. Now you’ll never hear from me for another two
years. Well, who knows. Love to all—Amber

RE: Various Stuff
oellablue…..why would you be embarrased to play Blister in the Sun? It
is a Violent Femme song, isn’t it?
and what’s up with Guy? I saw the femmes last night in san francisco and
guy is rad on the drums. are you jealous you’ll never reach the femme

billkid…..the femmes are incredible because they are the femmes.

beyz…..femmes on the radio… cool. and why and how do you hurt
your mother. that’s not nice; gordon would not be pleased. don’t get
too excited about fellow crowd-mates, they really suck. did your
brother flake out on you or were you making that crap up?

kesley……gordon did write I SAW YOU IN THE CROWD about me. no need
to pretend.

emily….have you had to explain femme songs to your little sister yet?
that will be the fun part when she asks why does he say i dig the white
boys cause they give it to me harder. and why does he enjoy throwing
the daughter in the well….and is my hand the one and will it always be
the one. HAVE FUN!

well, as previously stated i saw the femmes last night at the Fillmore in
san francisco. awesome show and oh my gosh they didn’t play BITS and i
was devastated. actually, i was hoping they’d play waiting for the bus,
that song is cool. and chiqwita, i know what you mean about the crowd
thing, it does suck when people are so lame.
peace to all and remember don’t take things too seriously, it’s only

RE: I’ll Play if You Pay

>The strange,pathetic,and scary part is That we played Blister in the
>sun. After I started the whole sick of it thing I went and played it.

You should play the Country Death Song.


RE: Influences
in response to the whole sibling thing as one person said me and my
brother dont always like the same music but when i first came home with a
violent femmes tape he said “no way you like the femmes thats cool!” what
can i say theyre a good band! well thats my 2 BITS!


Rockin the Fillmore
Hi Gang-

I’ve been a Femmes fan since college (and I’m not telling you how
long ago that was!). Last night at the great Fillmore Theatre in San
Francisco is the first time I have ever seen them live. They were
AMAZING!!! Much better than their CD’s, even their live ones. All
the renditions of the songs they played were so great — lots of
incredible guitar solos. Brian Richie played a wide variety of
instruments and was truly amazing. Guy on drums was great. And
of course, Gordo was Gordo — and wonderful!

The opening band was the Phil Cody Band. Never heard of them. They
started ok, but bored me after about 3 songs.

The Femmes were the opposite. They started a little slow, but once
they sang “Blister in the Sun” and “American Dream” the crowd went
insane. Everybody was singing along and “bouncing” around — just
awesome. And yes “Beyz,” they sang “Country Death Song”!!! I hope
you enjoy your concert on Friday as much as I did mine!

They closed with “Kiss Off” and “Add It Up” — I was in heaven!!!

Lovin’ those Femmes,
Chris in SF

Heart Break
Have any of you been heartbroken? I need some consoling. Today is
Friday. In a matter of hours, the best band in the world will be taking
the stage, singing to their hundreds if not thousands of adoring fans.
I won’t be one of them. My brother decided to play the asshole, jerk,
butthead, bastard, fucker that he is. He won’t take me. That’s right.
As much as I said I was excited and couldn’t wait, I’m not going to the
show in hour and a half away..the closest the Femmes have
ever been to me. Only $10 a ticket and I don’t have a ride anymore.
Sigh, I need some sympathy! I cried about this for hours….

Meet Me In Lisle
I am planning on going to the October 9th show in Lisle. The problem is
that none of my friends like the Violent Femmes enough to make the drive
from Iowa to near Chicago to see them. So, my question is… does anyone
want to meet up before the concert?? Wouldn’t it be great to see a show
with someone who loves the Violent Femmes as much as you do? If anyone
is interested please e-mail me at

Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks,

Hey Femmes Fans,

So I was at a party when the conversation died a horrible death and
some helpless wag (KITH) says, “If you were stranded on a desert island
for the rest of your life with only one album to listen to, which
Violent Femmes album would you pick, and why?”
What a thought provoking question I thought.

Happy Birthday Pinkerton.


-Pat. says: Something very similar to this was asked of the band on the
Official Page,except I think the question was what book…?
Check out the Letters section for their answer.

Chat Rooms
Oi. I was just wondering, since I accidentally deleted the letter
that contained it, what the names of the Violent Femmes Chat Rooms are.
I was looking for them last night as well as the night before. No luck.
Thanx for the info, if you can get it to me.

Eric Gano Trybek

I’ll sink Manhattan, I’ll sacrifice friends…

-Pat. says: I checked the Unofficial Homepage, and it lists two channels:
#femmes on
#femmes on
I have never been able to connect to the, and the one does not exist. SO if anyone knows of any other,
please let us all know. Maybe if there’s enough interest,
you could all set up a time to meet, and creat a channel
somewhere. I probably can’t do it, because most evenings are
spent with husband and kids.

