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The Quote Of The Day:

What that means is that some people don’t…talk.
-From Never Tell

PLEASE send your VF quotes to [email protected]


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!


Phoenix/Tempe, AZ

Milwaukee, WI




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Past Tour Dates:



Une banane:Send in your top five faves each week to:

HERE I AM: Tell me where you live for the Here I Am list.


In Today’s Issue:

Address Change
Talk to Me
Outrageous Statements
You Can Dress Them Up…
Name That Tune
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime
A Story…
Religion..Meeting the VF
Going to Milwaukee

Address Change
ahhhh, sorry, i should have gotten this in for today’s issue, but um,
the tour date page has a new address. Now it’s:

I know it looks the same, but trust me…IT’S NOT!!!! I created a
subdirectory for my Femmes stuff, like the reviews and setlists and
stuff which everybody should KEEP COMING!!! YEESSSSS!!! KEEEEP


Talk to Me
This time last year, there was so much chatter I had to make several
issues two-parters. This year…well 800 people can’t think of anything
to say. So this issue is mostly *me* desperately trying to find a thread
which will interest you. Here’s a bunch of possible topics, and I have
tried to come up with my own examples to get the ball rolling. Don’t
like the topics? Well, it’s the best I can do after smelling tomato
sauce every day for three weeks.

Outrageous Statements
What is the most funny/outrageous/memorable thing you have ever heard
Brian say at a concert? We all know he comes up with the best lines. I
mean, this guy can get away with almost anything. Insult the entire
audience? Sure, why not!
This uttered at Scranton last year:
“Are you people related? Because you all have the same stupid expression
on your faces (exhibit blank stare and mouth agape)…
Except this girl right here, she’s got a big smile on her face. She
must be from out of town (that was me, and I was)”

You Can Dress Them Up…
We all know that the VF will be playing Milwaukee on Halloween, and
somebody recently asked if they will be wearing costumes. So, if you
had to choose costumes for the guys, what would they be?
Here are my choices, tongue in cheek:
Gordon: Reverend Trask (from Dark Shadows)
Brian: Loki (from Norse/Northern European mythology)
Guy: R2D2 (a nod to that alien abduction thing)

Name That Tune
Have you ever named a pet or even a person after a band member or a line
from a VF song? My uncle was a huge Beatles fan…had us all listening
to them before they even did the Ed Sullivan Show. As a result, when I
was 5 we had a pet rat named Ringo. My uncle named his bug-eyed fish
Juju Eyeballs, a striped fish Rocky Raccoon, his dog Jude, and I’m
sure there were other pets long forgotten. He also called his sister
Lil (her name is Nancy). I don’t have any VF examples. Sorry.

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime
What punishment would you devise for the sadist who devised that
freakin’ contest on the Official Homepage????
I suggest a month in a tiny hut in the Antarctic winter with Bill and
Monica (the match of the century: a man who doesn’t inhale and a woman
who doesn’t swallow); the only supplies being cracklins, sour milk
(or warm coke), Jessica Holt novels, Barry Manilow albums, and those
Olsen twins on the TV.
OK maybe some people like cracklins.

BTW, I chose the vat of Stilton, how ’bout you?

A Story…
Okay so I was listening to Freak Magnet last night and it occurred to
me that A story is a twisted Shakesperean tale. I’m fully aware this is
stretching it a bit but hey – humor me! Girl meets boy. Mom has
another beau in mind. Boy and girl plot to secretly marry. Boy & girl
die. You must admit there is a Romeo & Juliet element in there!! HEY!!
They could get Claire Danes & Leonardo to do the video!!! heh heh…
BTW – I’m curious what kind of imagery this song envokes for everyone.
What do ya’ll think the monster looks like? What color is he?

La de dah de,

Religion..Meeting the VF
I have a question for you about the Femmes………What is the deal with
their religous influence/background? As you know this is in a lot of
their songs. I was wondering about it.
I have been dying to meet the Femmes. I saw them acouple of weeks ago
in D.C. and now I am in college at Arizona State Univ. and I will be
seeing them on the 22nd in Tempe (put me the list). This will be the
5th time seeing them in two years. Do you have any tips on how I can
meet them or get an autograph or anything.

Thank You Very Much!

-Pat. Says: I’ve already responded to Emily, but she has some good
questions, so I posted her letter. Gordon is some sort
of fundamentalist Christian, and his father is a minister.
Faith has always been, and probably will always be, an
important aspect of Gordon’s psyche. Lest that put off some
of you readers, be aware that Gordon is not judgemental in
any way. Case in point: his association with Brian and Guy.
Brian has in the past declared his atheism. Whether or
not that is still the case is unknown, but he has been
a student of Eastern Philosophies, which he has declared
to be different from Religion. All that is said in the
Official Homepage about Guy is that he believes in alien
abduction. Nuff said.
As far as meeting the band is concerned, your best bet is
to locate their tour bus or otherwise discover where the
band will be exiting the venue. Be there after the show.
Whether or not you will actually get autographs depends upon
how much free time they have, what kind of mood they’re in,
what kind of show it was, etc.etc. You may have the best
luck getting Brian’s autograph; he is more accessible than
the others, and less prone to mood swings. Most importantly,
be respectful, be polite, be mature, and don’t act as if
they owe you an autograph. You paid to hear them play,
nothing more.

Going to Milwaukee
Well pat, you can put me down in the Milwaukee show section.
I bought my tickets today. it was pretty slick, My teacher let me call
for tix in the middle of class around 12 (when they went on sale) but
the line was busy for half an hour so i had to call after school around
230 but i still got some tix, in the orchestra section, which should be
cool, i dont know how far back, i hope not too far back.

i’m kind of intrigued to see what they’ll do acoustically, whether
they’ll just play the standard songs unplugged, or whether they’ll get
more intimate, mellow and get some rarer stuff played (i.e. “outside
the palace”, “see my ships”, “johnny”, “sweet worlds of angels”).
that would be so slick….

anyways, i’m out.



“i cant stop you from crying, but sometimes i can lick away your tears”

