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The Quote Of The Day:

I hate the President
y’know that he’s killing me
-From I Hate the TV
-Submitted by hanzzzz

PLEASE send your VF quotes to amusic


Sept. 19- Newport Folk Fest, Concord Pavillion, Concord, CA (P,O)
Sept. 20- Fresno County Fairgrounds, Fresno, CA (P,O)
Sept. 21- The Outback, Tucson, AZ (O,P)
Sept. 22- Club Rio, Phoenix/Tempe, AZ (O)
October 2- Case Western University, Cleveland, OH (O,P)
October 3- St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI (O,P)
Oct. 6- Youngstown State Univ, Niles, OH (O)
Note: Pollstar lists this date as Oct. 4. Can anybody verify the date?

Oct. 22- 7 p.m. First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN (P,T) 21+ show
Oct. 23- 7 p.m. First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN (P,T) all ages show
Oct. 25- 7:30 p.m. Barrymore Theater, Madison, WI (O,P) $22
available at Barrymore outlets or call 608-241-8864
Oct. 26- 8 p.m. Opera House, Oshkosh, WI (O,P) $22.25 reserved price
call 920-424-2350
Oct. 27- 8 p.m. Grand Theater, Wausau, WI (O,P) $22 reserved price
call 715-842-0988
Oct. 29- 8 p.m. Hollywood Theater, LaCrosse, WI (O,P) $22
call 608-789-7400
Oct. 30- 8 p.m. State Theater, Eau Claire, WI (O,P) $22.50
call 715-832-2787
Oct. 31- 8 p.m. Pabst Theater, Milwaukee, WI (O,P,T)
call Ticketmaster or the Pabst Box Office 414-286-3663

Thank You,
Dale Kaminski and Rob Coons, for delailed info on the WI shows!

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Monterey Peninsula Artists.
Serious inquiries only.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!


Phoenix/Tempe, AZ




Unofficial: if this doesn’t work, try:
VF Message

Past Tour



Une banane:Send in your top five faves each week to:

HERE I AM: Tell me where you live for the Here I Am list.


In Today’s Issue:

WI Show Info
Pabst Theatre Tickets
First Ave Question
*ALMOST* Heaven, *ALMOST* Hell!
Southern Tour?
Italian Fans? Singles Online?
Femmes Quiz?
KROQ Flashback 500


Thanks, Andrea, for a timely and thought-provoking quote.
Off-Topic:Jonathan Richman will be on Viva Variety on the Comedy Channel
Tues. at 10pm, Wed. at 1am, and Sat. at 10:30pm. Any of you who would
like to see a person who may well have influenced the VF should tune in.

WI Show Info

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this morning ran an article about the
Femmes ‘unplugged’ tour of Wisconsin in October. I’ll spare you the
boring parts, talking about BITS, etc. and just tell you about the show
specifics… here we go…

The article didn’t say anything about the Green Bay show Oct. 3, but
the guy I talked to there didn’t say anything about it being unplugged
either, so I think it’s probably a regular show. Again, those tickets
were $15 in advance or $20 day of show (1-800-SNC-BOXX), on sale Sept.
Hope all this helps!

Pabst Theatre Tickets
According to the Shepherd Express ad, VF tix for the Pabst Theatre on
Halloween go on sale Monday!


-Pat. Says: Yes, they are onsale right now.

First Ave Question
Hi, I was wandering if the shows at first ave in Mn are age restricted,
and if so could someone boot it for me, i’ll pay. And also, does anyone
know if freak magnet will be on vinyl?

nick p.

-Pat. Says: One of the First Ave shows is 21+, the other is all ages.
You can get your ticket at Ticketmonster. Good Question
about FM. I don’t know the answer.

*ALMOST* Heaven, *ALMOST* Hell!
Um…how do these things work again? Uhh, tap-tap-tap, oops, delete,
tappity-tappity-tap. Alright, I’m ready now that I’ve refreshed rusty
writing reflexes. I apologize for the belatedness of the WVU review,
but I’ve been busy alright?! A few months ago, one of my friends told
me of his quest to have sex in all 50 states. That’s all well and good
for him, but since I’m such a stick-in-the-mud, old-habits-die-hard,
Why CAN’T I get just one fuck?, because “Religion ruined my life,
halleleujah!” moralist, I tried to think of something *I* could at
least try to do in as many states as possible. The perfect answer
finally came to me–Violent Femmes shows!!! The only problem I could
see was, where in WVA could the Femmes possibly play. I mean, they
wouldn’t exactly be welcome on the campus of Appalachian Bible College
(That’s a shame; it’d do a lot of those students a lot of good to hear
a VF song!)
A few months later, Deana calls to tell me the Femmes are playing a
date at WVU, WITH TMBG! and IT’S FREE!!! Of course I had to go! After
15-16 hours in a car, I was VERY HAPPY to see the WVU campus. Kate
(who I always think is a female version of Gordon: very dark hair, very
blue eyes, and very short! 😉 and Josh, two of my best friends from back
in PA had driven the 7 hours out to my new residence in IN the evening
before, so they’d had even more experience with a numb-butt, my favorite
road-trip symptom! I told them they were crazy, since they live a mere
2.5 hours from Morgantown and instead they turned it into a 22 hour trip
to the concert, but they insisted they wanted to spend time with me.
Shucks-darn, I’m touched but that’s just nuts! One of the highlights of
the concert happened almost immediately after we arrived and that was
getting to meet up with other people from the list–passing the time
before the music started was actually enjoyable! Kate had “enjoyed”
herself so much she was losing coherency while we were waiting for the
Giants to play. “I can’t wait for TMBJ!” she said. “Kate?” said I,
“They Might Be Jelly-doughnuts? They Might Be Jock-itch? They Might Be
Jehovah’s Witnesses? What exactly are you trying to tell me dear?” The
Giants’ set was wonderful good fun! “Apes! Apes! Apes! Apes!//Peo-ple!
Peo-ple!” And of course the highlight was the puppet-heads, although I
must note John #3 that I think they say “Ba Bada Ba Bada-ba-ba” and not
just “Da Da Da Da” or whatever–that just reminded me of the Volkswagon
commercial with the now infamous song by this group named “Trio” that
was from Germany (appropriate since where are VWs made? but the group
sucked.) They tried to get us to do a congo line, and I really enjoyed
joining in at a previous TMBG show but there was no way I was losing my
spot so we all kinda congo’d left a step, congo’d right a step, congo’d
forward, congo’d backward, rinse, repeat. All in all, I’d have to
agree with Deana–I enjoyed the TMBG set more than the Femmes, but I
think that had a lot to do with the crowd, which wasn’t as stupid while
the Giants played. The “musicians” that played in between TMBG and the
Femmes are the root of all that’s evil! I could have listened to some
Parliament, I could have listened to some Aretha, but I just couldn’t
listen to their dumb-ass mixing. I was soooooo tired and I wanted to
just close my eyes and go to sleep but I couldn’t bring myself to be
quite that rude. I think I annoyed them by not playing any of their
reindeer games though–I did not wave my hands in the air like I just
didn’t care, I did not shake my booty–I put in ear plugs and ate some
peanuts. I actually did fall asleep waiting for the Femmes. Apparently
I looked like I needed bothered because “sweaty, naked man” rudely
nudged me and said “Wow man! Like, how can you sleep standing up?!” I
told him I learned it from my horses and that there are lots of things
one can learn from horses. For instance, I know a man who is sterile
because one time he woke a sleeping horse and it kicked him in the
balls. Fascinating, isn’t it? When the Femmes came on it was obvious
the crowd’s intelligence had fled in horror after being insulted by the
previous act. It was the worst fucking crowd I’ve EVER been in. I was
constantly crushed up against the barrier for the entire show and had
to fight to breathe. For several days afterward I had a nice bruise
line right across my ribs and on both hip-bones from the barrier.
Never, never have I been in a crowd like that! I felt terrible because
I could barely concentrate on the show–fortunately or unfortunately, it
was a pretty standard set. However, it was nice to hear Guy talk during
the show, Gordon was the “happy dancing little man”, Brian looked “way
cool!”, and it was good to see Johnny back. When introductions were
made, Brian introduced Gordon simply by name, no quirky little joke.
Maybe he couldn’t think of anything to say? Gordon got Brian pretty
good though by introducing him as “Mr. Personality—BRIAN RITCHIE!!!”
Brian’s intro to Dance MF Dance explained how they were going to play an
old John Denver song, one that he’d taught them when he stopped by their
dressing room once to check them out. Of course, they changed it around
a little bit and now, it goes like this. . .! When the guys returned to
play Add It Up, Brian apologized for not being able to play longer, but
said they were going to play their “best song” and that should satisfy
everybody. Then they struck up with “Almost Heaven/ West Virginia/ Blue
Ridge Mountains/ Shenendoah River/ Dark and dusky/
him how out of place the “dark and dusky” line is?–It’s from the middle
of the 2nd verse. Oh well. All told, some parts of the trip were
“Almost Heaven”-ly while others were almost hellish!!!! Speaking of
which, anybody out there with an extensive bootleg collection, at what
point did Gordon change the words in Country Death Song to “Good
children go to Hell”??????? Just curious! love****amber


Southern Tour?

I was wondering if the Femmes were going to set some tour dates in
Florida this year? Maybe somewhere near Tampa?

Dan Crick

Italian Fans? Singles Online?
Do you know if there’s any Italian VF fans out there? I mean, I’m the
one and only receiving the American Music list in Italy (I’m from
Milan)? I’d like to find out some Italian femmes-maniacs to talk to. Let
me know about it.
Do you know if there’s any music store on the net where I can find VF
singles, like Breakin’ Up or Machine, etc.? I never found ’em in Italy.

Always waiting for FM (any good news?),


Femmes Quiz?
Can we just compile answers for the quiz so that someone can get it
right so we can get some correspondence back on the web page? Can
everyone give the answers that they are 100% sure on and then we’ll go
from there.
1. Jesus
3. Green Bay Packers
4. fuck
6. BoDeans
7. Star Trek – the next generation
8. 1981
11. 300,000
12. high school
14. Pretenders
16. Dr. Barry Baumann
17. Dahmer
18. Canada
19. Drake Scott and Caleb Lentzer
All replys welcome.

“Bring it on!!”

KROQ Flashback 500
Hey!!! Okay, check it out, for Labor Day Weekend, last week, this big
L.A. radio station, KROQ, counted down the top 500 “flashback” songs,
which are pretty much all 80’s songs that they used to play. Anyway,
the Femmes had 5 songs on it:

#293 – American Music
#52 – Gone Daddy Gone
#34 – Add It Up
#16 – Blister in the Sun
#3 – Kiss Off

so I thought that was really cool. The Femmes had four of the top 52,
more than anybody else, even Depeche Mode, or the Cure, the overall top
2 bands.

KROQ does these periodically and last time the same five songs were on
it, but American Music was 400-something and Gone Daddy Gone was
200-something. And Blister was #3, and I think Add it Up was 16 and
Kiss Off was 48.

If anybody wants to know what # a certain song was, just e-mail me.
I’ll list the top 10 here:

10 – Buffalo Soldier – Bob Marley (KROQ apparently used to play a lot
of Bob Marley)

9 – Mexican Radio – Wall of Voodoo (crazy song, has the cool line: “I
wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana…”)

8 – Jane Says – Jane’s Addiction (has anybody heard “All I Want” from
Freak Magnet? it sounds like Jane Says)

7 – 88 Lines About 44 Women – The Nails (um, well, what the hell do
you say about this???)

6 – Just Like Heaven – The Cure (AHHHH!!!! I love this song. It’s my
second favorite Cure song, right after Close to Me)

5 – Anything Anything – Dramarama (this was #1 last time, Tainted Love
was #2)

4 – Madness – One Step Beyond (whatever… this is probably only up
here because of the recent Madness reunion. like I said, whatever…)


2 – Brass Monkey – Beastie Boys (My favorite song from Licensed to Ill
(Paul Revere) was only #30, but I guess that’s good…)

…and the #1 flashback song….

Blasphemous Rumours – Depeche Mode!! Can you believe that?!?!
Blasphemous FRIGGING Rumours!! Geeez…


RE: Lots of Stuff

Lets see, you were in the front row- people bashing up against you all
night no doubt….and a headache with ringing in your ears – I take it
that you did not wear earplugs….here’s a little tip……
If you think they block out too much sound go to a music store(one
that sells instruments not cds) And ask someone about good earplugs that
don’t block out too much. That way when you are sixty something you
might still have good hearing. And no more headaches or ringing after
a concert.







-Pat. Says: Well, when you get an inside line on things, let us know,



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