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* August 9, 1999 *
* Part 2 *
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In Today’s Issue:

This, That, and the Other
RE: Dream Concert
Punk? Dream Concert
RE: Dream Concert
RE: Kiss Off CD and Don’t Talk About My Music
Ahhh damn it….
RE: Corny Film
Re: Violent Femmes in New Zealand

This, That, and the Other
Thinking about my dream concert and I always come back to the Femmes.
They are really the only band that I dream about even after seeing them
many times. This may date me but I think that a great concert would be
the Femmes and Lou Reed with Lou Reed playing acoustic guitar. This
would ideally be at my house.
I heard the South Park cd with the femmes doing ‘I swear it, I can
change’ and I enjoyed this song a lot. I don’t think they wrote the
song as it is also performed by someone else on this same cd.
Also, I am going to the Seattle concert on Sept.4. Does anyone know
when the femmes are playing?


RE: Dream Concert
I like this question a lot. Too bad I was out of town when it was first
posted! Anyway, here’s Jen’s dream concert:

First of all, it’s NOT a concert. It’s a all day long festival on the
Riverfront in Nashville… a beautiful little concert spot, I promise.
The Femmes close the show and both the over 30’s and the teenyboppers
come and they get along great.There’s the fun hippie children who sell
cool handwoven stuff and silver jewelry, there’s friendly bikers in
their 50s who look terrifying but act like Santa Claus, there’s goth
freaky kids who came for Tori (oops! I gave it away!), there’s
ponytailed Nashville business execs who flip out their cell phones
every 2 seconds… everyone’s different, but everyone gets along.
Good vibes, and lots of ’em.

First Act: Tori gets her groove on! (I saw her and I diagree with
whoever said she’s sort of a bitch, she was actually affectionate with
the crowd, very talkative and friendly. But I wasn’t at the shows you
were at, so I don’t know…) She starts AND finishes with “She’s Your
Cocaine”, plays tons of other songs (EVERYTHING from Choirgirl Hotel!)
and does the trademark bump and grind with her piano bench. THEN…
Second Act: Courtney Love appears with the rest of the gang, kicks
Tori’s butt offstage (which isn’t very nice but IS interesting) and
goes to work proving that she’s the Queen of the World. No one’s really
convinced, but it makes for quite a show. They play “Whole Lotta Love”
and “Over the Hills and Far Away” too.
Third Act: Led Zeppelin gets mad that Courtney’s butchering their
music and they play for 2 hours! (hey, it’s a dream, OK?)
Fourth Act: Beck plays with Cibo Matto. Sean Lennon’s the bass
player for Cibo tonight, and he and Yuka Honda are absolutely adorable,
as usual. They play “Birthday Cake” and “Know Your Chicken” (Cibo Matto
songs), “Loser” and “Devil’s Haircut”, and “Queue” and “photosynthesis”
(Sean’s songs). During “Photosynthesis”, Beck does sone very randon
lyrics that makes no sense at all but kick ass anyway. Sean dedicates
the song to me for some reason that I can’t fathom.
Fifth Act: FEMMES!!!!! Need I say more? We get some “Never Tell”,
“Waiting for the Bus”, “Johnny”, all the classics… it’s eargasmic…
of course!

after it’s all over, I spend the night backstage with Tori, Sean, Yuka,
the the Femmes, drinking tea and smoking Cloves. I’m happy.
Um, it could happen, right??? 🙂 Thanks for reading!


Punk? Dream Concert
Over the course of this last year I have become more interested in punk
music (but not too hard). I now like bands such as Blink 182, Digger,
88 finger louie ect. and one day i was checking out this punk guitar
tab site (only punk bands) and guess who was on there..the femmes
do you guys think they could be classified as punk? i guess maybe a
couple songs which brings me to my Dream Concert

Violent Femmes
Blink 182
88 Finger Louie

and that might be getting a little long

does anyone else out there listen too this kind of music or will i now
be banished from the list


RE: Dream Concert
<< Playing half her set list, bitching out anyone who got up to go to
the bathroom during the concert, male-bashing between songs, generally
acting like a spoiled brat. >>

Hey, who knew she had so much in common with Courtney Love?
Ah, artists.

Claire’s Concert for when SHE’s a billionaire famous writer whose butt
everyone wants to kiss so they can be on the soundtrack of her next
smash bestseller-made-into-a-surprisingly-great-movie:

Violent Femmes
k.d. lang
Dead Milkmen (are they even still together?)
Cibo Matto
Jonny Lang (*drool*)
Michelle Shocked
Snakearm–IF YOU HAVEN’T HEARD THEIR ALBUM (“songs from my funeral”),
GO NOW TO THE STORE AND BUY IT!!! I really can’t begin to describe
them–“folktronic” comes closest.

I’m not including Tori because this seems like a folk-rock-blues
kinda joint and as she says, “I guess you go too far when pianos try to
be guitars….” 😉

Claire “Only four more weeks left at my hellish desk job” Vannette


RE: Kiss Off CD and Don’t Talk About My Music
Greetings and salutations from Vancouver again.

Rob: Thanks for your info on the Kiss Off CD. Unfortunately when I
back to the store of which I saw it once, alas it was not there.

Secondly, not having heard any bootlegs before, I was not aware that
Don’t Talk About My Music had been performed by the Femmes. I have a
recording of the song from a compilation CD entitled “Born To Choose”
released by Rykodisc in 1993, a benefit CD to donate to organizations
who support women’s rights to choose to have abortions.

It is actually a really good CD and I think it is still available
through CDNow, CDUniverse, etc., and I’ve seen it in stores here.
Here’s the track listing:

1. Photograph – R.E.M. with Natalie Merchant
2. She Said, She Said – Matthew Sweet (live)
3. Running Out of Time – Sugar (live)
4. Born To Choose – Mekons
5. Rant ‘N’ Roll – John Trudell
6. Filipino Box Spring Hog – Tom Waits
7. Pancakes – Lucinda Williams
8. Greenlander – Pavement
9. Don’t Talk About My Music – NRBQ
10. Lost My Driving Wheel – Cowboy Junkies
11. HIV Baby – Soundgarden
12. Distracted – Helmet (live)

Best regards,


-Pat. Says: Yes, but is it the same song, and if so, did NRBQ write it?
NRBQ. Ugh.

Ahhh damn it….
I just got the South Park and Mystery Man soundtracks the other day.
I’m a little disappointed with the Femmes version of I Can Change. I
was really looking forward to hearing Gordon sing “Hey Satan, don’t be
such a twit Mother Theresa won’t have shit on me.” But they took all
the swear words out. Dam…… uhhh I mean darn it. I still like the
song it’s just I really wanted to hear Gordon sing it they way it was.
I think it would have been ironic hearing the words to the song come
out of Gordon’s mouth. But that is just what I think. Oh and not to
mention getting to hear Brian sing “What if you remain a sandy little
butthole?” I also think it would be funny to hear Brian and Guy sing
“Uncle Fucka.” Man, am I to easily entertained when I haven’t gotten
any sleep. Oh another thing before I forget. In the song Gordon sings
a line “My momma picked cotton and my daddy bullweevil” (or something
like that) I’ve heard that somewhere else but I can think of where.
Can anybody help me out with this one?


RE: Corny Film
Reply to “Corny Film”, “Hold Me, Kiss Me., blah blah blah,” I think
the other Femmes song on the soundtrack is “Girl Trouble” and is early
on in the movie with a great placement in order to get full effect of
the song. Some body involved with this movie definetly has Femmes in
their CD jacket. This was a tough movie to watch otherwise.


Re: Violent Femmes in New Zealand
Hi everyone!
I was quite surprized to read the message from ‘James’ about his
discovery of the Femmes while in NZ. It’s not often that a small
place like New Zealand is mentioned. I am from NZ and have been a
huge Femmes fan for years. I have all the albums that have been
released here and have seen them in concert twice, once in about 1991
and in 1994. They haven’t been back here recently but hope to see
them again one day.

Can I ask why are some people finding the album ‘Rock’ hard to find?

Take care everyone

-Pat. Says: It was not released in the US.



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