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The Quote Of The Day:

TOUR DATES (** means new tourdate):
O=Official homepage

None found at this time.


If you want a copy of the compilation video, email me and a distributer,
and I’ll put your name here. When you get your video, email me again,
and I’ll take your name off. That way we can track how smoothly this
is all going. And please – when you get your copy, remember to thank
the distributer and Deana (ddearry) for putting it
all together. I cannot overstress how much time, money, and effort she
put into this.

audremart (Audrey)
rhc75a (Rob) Will soon not be able to make copies
Lydon69 (Chris)
tylerboa (Tyler) May be able to make copies in Canada
Wait until I hear from him again before
inundating him with requests.
alweinmann (Amanda)
BurrResear (Bob)
chatch (Chris)
Frodo009 (Wes)
KTGrady (Kevin)
haziee (Beth)
grosefx (Jason; 2 copies wanted)
jish (Josh)
kimberly_annin (Kimberly)
Lazar921 (Jeff)
SkaManFoo (Zac) May soon be able to make copies. Wait till he
gives the go ahead.
aimee817 (Aimee)
copern100 (Al H)
welborn (James)
John (John)
MMStevens18 (Michelle)
mpdrum95 (Mark P)
mtsimo (Travis)
moonboy (Scott)


Please follow the instructions carefully, and if your name is on the
compilation wanted list, please ask me to remove it as soon as you get
your copy. If you do get a gen 2, please consider making a few copies

pwnordic – (Glenn) Canadian distribution only. Send a new
video that will hold 6 hours and $5 postage. Give
him time, because he’s only working with one VCR
right now.

gineryc – (Eric) Send a blank video, along with a postage
paid padded mailer. But definitely don’t send any
$, not even for postage, just make sure your
padded envelope has enough postage to cover it
being mailed back to you.

nflhwb – (Harry) UK and Europe distribution
only. This has been converted.

MonMcM – (Monica) Pay for the tapes through paypal or send a
check or money order for $6.00.
Monica M

j. – (Anna) New Zealand distribution. Give
her time to recover from surgery, and
we’ll get more details at that time.
This has been converted.




Yahoo Chat:

Discussion Group:

Past Tour Dates:


Glenn Gano’s Page:

Victor DeLorenzo’s Page:

AM Archives:

VF Desktop:


In Today’s Issue:

Request Line
RE: Request Line
Compilation Video Contents
Distributer Instructions
UK/Europe Distribution
Distributer Instructions
New Zealand Distribution
Distributer Volunteer
Compilation Wanted
Compilation Wanted + Question
RE: Furniture Store Gig
Labatts Commercial


Sorry it’s been a week, folks, but it took a lot of time to put
together all this info and get in touch with distributers. But I
think we now have enough to finally get this thing going.

Request Line
Remember to request Sleepwalking on KROQ!

KROQ’s request line is 1-800-520-1067
Make your requests at
email: requests

Call or email them often, please.

RE: Request Line
Apparently there are not many of us making the push to get the Femmes
played on the radio. I talked with a phone screener who counts the
requests and he said that he has seen fewer than 10 email requests for
the Femmes.

I’ve been making two requests a day for the past two weeks from
different email addresses. This is a disappointing turnout from the
lot of us so far.

email requests for Sleepwalkin’ to:


Compilation Video Contents
1. Gone Daddy Gone
2. Busking at the Eaton Centre – Toronto
3. Children of the Revolution video
4. Nightmares video
5. Used to Be video
6. Breakin’ Up video
(vid clips & short interview segments between each item 2-6)
7. VF Live on the Wedge
Interview and live performance: Key of 2 Machine
8. Official Femmes Press Kit 1991 (WDBS)
9. Newport Jazz Festival 1991 – interview & live performance clips
10. Saturday Morning Cartoons – Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah
11. From MTV – 120 Minutes:
3 different 120 Minutes Intros
Breakin’ Up interview from 120 minutes (followed by vid but
I cut this since whole vid is above)
Machine interview on 120minutes followed by Machine video
12. From MTV – Beavis & Butthead:
Breakin’ up
13. From MTV Live on 120 Minutes:
Blister in the Sun
Kiss Off
Add it Up
Color Me Once
14. Dennis Miller Live
American Music
Blister in the Sun
15. Avi Lewis Interview
great interview, more vid clips & a live performance of
16. Sabrina the Teenage Witch episode
17. Woodstock:
from MTV Live Coverage – Breakin’ Up & Blister in the Sun
from Woodstock Video – Dance MF and Kiss Off
18. Folk City Video 1986
Old Mother Reagan
Country Death Song
19. Pro Shot video 1989 – “No Let’s Start Over” (same show as
the “Kiss Off” bootleg CD)
20. Live from State Fairgrounds 1991 – Springfield, IL
Lack of Knowledge American Music
Promise Color me Once
Out the Window Old Mother Reagan
Prove My Love Girl Trouble
Hey Nonny Nonny Kiss Off
Blister in the Sun Gone Daddy Gone
encore – Add it Up
21. Live from Pittsburgh, PA 11/4/93
Out the Window Hey Nonny Nonny
Prove My Love Lack of Knowledge
Country Death Song Make More Money
Blister in the Sun Black Girls
American Music Gone Daddy Gone
Dance MF Add it Up
Promise Fat
Girl Trouble Kiss Off
Gimme the Car
** see note below
22. from Tokyo Japan 1995
Brian, Gordon & Guy signing autographs for some of their
Japanese fans
from Club Quattro 3/17 & 3/18
Out the Window
Outside the Palace
“Japanese” song
23. from Adelaide NSW 4/14/95
Dance MF
Death Drugs (1/2 the song)
Sweet Worlds of Angels (1/2)
24. from Melbourne 3/31/95
Good Feeling (I think that’s Mr. Spencer T. Jones on
the slide guitar)
25. from Hobart Tasmania 4/1/95
Blister in the Sun
26. American Music video

Old email from Deana –

“In response to the inquiries about the Comp, please post this –
I mailed originals to all the people who contacted me and volunteered
to distribute –
Monica (Arizona), Glenn (Canada), Harry (England), Nevin (Ohio), and

Glenn and Eric we already know about. Monica and Harry have responded,
and their posts can be found below.
Nevin has disappeared as far as I know.

Distributer Instructions

Anyone interested in a copy feel free to E-Mail me 🙂 My only
request is that you send a blank video, along with a postage paid
padded mailer. Then all I have to do is record the video, & put it in
my mailbox. If you’d like to include a Femmes show… wow! of course
I’d really appreciate it! (A list of shows I already have is at the
bottom of this message) But definitely don’t send any $ not even for
postage, just make sure your padded envelope has enough postage to
cover it being mailed back to you. Anyone that can make copies for
others on the list will be given priority, so let me know if you can.

Take Care,

Concert Photos, CDR’s, & Videos at:
Planet Blue

UK/Europe Distribution
Hi sorry for delay in replying, (computer has been driving me mad.)
I have a master of the Compilation Video for the UK.
anyone in UK or Europe email me on



Distributer Instructions
Yes I can send out VF tapes. I will start to make some copies and then
I will be ready to mail them out. I sell stuff on ebay and people
could pay for the tapes through paypal or send a check or money order.
I think that would be cheaper for them instead of paying postage to
send a blank tape. I always mail priority because the boxes are free.
I think $6.00 would cover everything.


New Zealand Distribution
You kindly sent me a copy of the video a couple of years ago. I not
sure if you have someone in Australia that can distribute or not. I
live in New Zealand so it would be great if there is someone else who
is able to distribute in Australia. I have just emailed the person who
was wantng two copies and hopefully the are kiwi. I just had major
surgery last week so I don’t know how quickly I can get on to
distributing as I am sleeping around 20 hours a day at the moment. I
will try my best though.

Take care,


-Pat. Says: Please give Anna time to recover. Show her some of that
highly admirable but often rarely seen human attribute
called compassion.

Distributer Volunteer
Hey Pat. I just wanted to let you know that I would like to have a copy
of that video. I am pretty sure I can make some copies too because I
have a TiVo and my boyfriend tells me I can record from video to TiVo
and from TiVo to tape. So, assuming this works I can easily make a
bunch of tapes to distribute. Otherwise I’ll do it the old fashioned
way of vcr to vcr. I live in Milwaukee and can send everything from my
place of work for less since we send a bunch of stuff UPS every day.

mlarson I will do whatever you need to help

-Pat. Says: I sent a 2nd gen to Melanie on Saturday morning; she should
get it soon. Give her some time before emailing her, to
get the tape, and for us to work out how she’s going to
handle her distribution.

Compilation Wanted
I definitely want a copy of this tape. All I need is an address of
where to send the money for postage too. My son and I are violent
femmes maniacs. I even have started corrupting my 2 year old by
teaching her the lyrics of many of their songs.


Compilation Wanted + Question
I would also like a compilation video. Also on the self-titled album up
in the upper right hand corner it says “Contains two bonus tracks”. Are
there any copies of this album that don’t contain these bonus tracks?

~Mark P

y100 in Philadelphia disrespected the Femmes the morning befofe their
annual FEZtival (which the Femmes played last year) first calling them
the wrong name…then saying that the were smelling like menonites…
they also said the Femmes were the worst interview ever and that were
bitter and mean.
They also said they were the worst live act ever. I thought I should
say somehting…I found none of this to be true when I met the Femmes
at a Sonic session for y100 earlier last year. Well later on.


RE: Furniture Store Gig
I wonder who’s getting top billing at the furniture store, the Femmes
or the puppet show.


Labatts Commercial
Hello femmes freaks!!!!!!!!!

Here in canada blister in the sun is being used in a labatts blue beer
commercial. Just some useless knowledge for you all.


