ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

currently run by Pat. Wary


August 1-Spinnaker’s, Panama City, FL (P,’Dana’)
August 2-Oak Mountain Amphitheater, Pelham, AL (P,O)
August 7-Hyatt Regency, Milwaukee, WI (O) Private date
August 8-Allen County Memorial Coliseum, Fort Wayne, IN (P)
August 9-Ben & Jerry’s Folk Fest, Fort Adams State Park, (P,O)
Newport, RI
August 22-University of Illinois,
Chicago, IL (O, Q101 homepage, KWSimonds)
September 1-Mill City Music Fest, Wharehouse District, (P,O)
Minneapolis, MN
September 13-Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountainview, CA (O)
September 26-Carolina Music Fest, Charlotte, NC (O)
NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
All other references are subscribers
The Quote Of The Day:

“I’d want him better if he wanted to dance”
-submitted by

send your quotes to

Unofficial: http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~mmerry2/femmes.html
Official: http://www.vfemmes.com
Guitar: http://www.bucknell.edu/~wtorres/violent_femmes/

In Today’s Issue:
ASCII Symbols
New Names and Moshing
New Ideas for the Newsletter Name
About the Video
Thoughts on the August 7 Show
The Price of ROCK!!!!!
VF 3-fer
How to Get the Femmes to Play at My College?
A VF Song on Chicago Hope
* * *

People, please don’t send posts with ascii symbols in them. That seems to
have been the cause of the problem with the July 25 newsletter. About the
vote on a new name, Wes suggested to me “The Blind Leading the Naked”,
and although it is the name of an album, I really like the name. I still
prefer American Music tho.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
I think the name of the mailing list should change also. I think American
Music is not a bad choice. I do think that there could be better choices.
How about, “That band that plays that one song” (Just kidding).

I also think that moshing at the Femmes is stupid. I think most of you
remember that a started a thread on that earlier. I think in the final
analysis only the Femmes themselves can’t prevent moshing (Sounds like
Smokey the Bear doesn’t it). Just like at a Fugazi show, where the band
will leave if the crowd doesn’t stay in line. The Femmes need to make a
choice between the fans who REALLY want to see them and a whole lot of
Frat Boys who want to hear “that song”. There is a monetary issue here.
They Might Be Giants does virtually the same thing as Fugazi. They are
more relaxed about it, but they will leave also if the crowd doesn’t
behave. No amount of our bitchin’ will make any difference I am afraid.


ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
I pesonally do not like the ROCK name. I don’t think it should be the name
of a Violent Femme song either. Can’t the name be VFemmes, Violent Femmes,
or Femmes? I think the name should include the bands name. Rock could be
any band, so I think we should keep it original. Just putting my
two-cents in.


ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
<< Oh, and Kara, I was just wondering if
you are still doing that femmes video tape thing? >>

i gave up on my lil’ video tape thing 🙁 i really wanted to put it
together, but i didn’t get enough stuff….maybe in the future. well i
guess if anyone is reading this and want to submit to it i can start it
up again. see my plan is to put together this tape of all this Femmes
stuff and send it out to Femmes fans who sent me a blank tape, the only
money i would ask for would be the money for shipping and i wouldn’t make
any income. maybe it’ll work this time but i doubt it 🙂


Pat. Says- Kara, would you mind listing the stuff you do have? I
have a video, the 1991 Press Kit, which I could submit. It’s
about 8 minutes long. I also have that horrendous Sabrina
show on tape (and PLEASE, let’s not start another thread
about this show. It’d be too personally painful for yours
truly), just one little mistake in it when hubby forgot to
turn it back on after a commercial.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
>The Femmes are as of yet UNCONFIRMED to play at the GenCon (?) Sci-Fi
>Gaming convention at the Wisconsin Center on August 7. To my knowledge
>they will NOT play at the Hyatt Regency, because the Hyatt “does not
>have the capacity for a band to play.”
>The convention people are going to call me back if the Femmes are booked,
>and i’ll pass on any info I get…
>But as of yet they are NOT scheduled to play Milwaukee August 7.

oh, too cool!! too cool!! the femmes at an SF con! wish i could go!!

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Hey everyone… at the risk of asking stupid questions and telling
pointless stories…
A few weeks ago in my friendly local music store, I decided to check on
the whole “Rock!” thing… the friendly guy behind the counter (who also
happened to be my personal version of gorgeous… but I will deny any
accusations that that was my reason for suddenly coming up with a music
question for him 🙂 ANYway… he said the Femmes were his second favorite
band… and then argued with me for 5 minutes that ROCK! exsisted… but
he DID look it up for me and we discovered that it would cost me 26
dollars to order it… I’ve questioned other places about it too. I
certainly don’t mind the 26 bucks… but why is it that I cannot just buy
the damn thing in a store? Why does NO one have this jewel of musical
brilliance? (this from the girl who’s only heard one song from the
album 🙂 Just a question… or maybe a complaint… possibly just a waste
of your time… but I personally would like to call it a question. 🙂

Have fun… and test the rules…


Pat. replies: Cin-D, don’t be blinded by a pretty face. 26 bucks is WAY
too much. Go to the Official Homepage, and click on the
merchandise link; you’ll find you can get it for $12.50.
As far as not seeing it in stores, well, it is an import,
and you just don’t see too many imports in your local
record bins.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Over on the Elvis Costello list everyone is debating their favorite 3
song sequence from one album, which got me thinking:

What are the Femmes best three in a row?

My current vote is either:
blister-kiss off-please do not go (what a way to start a career!)
I held her in my arms-children of the revolution-good friend

Does any one else have an opinion?


(To the person who asked about upstate NY: the femmes play this region
about 1-2 times per year)

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
i don’t wanna know when the Femmes are coming here, but i do have a
question about getting them here. you say “talk to who ever books those
things in your area.” is it really that easy? i do think i am a step
ahead of the game being that my bestest bud is the president of our
student activities council, but i don’t think that just my whining will
sway her to bring ’em. in fact i am sure the SAC response will be “The
Violent who? Is that some new girl band?” i would like to know if anyone
has actually succeeded in getting the Femmes to come where ever. and how
much cash-ola are they asking? if it is less then $2, maybe i can just
clear out my bank account
— HA! well, if nothing else, can’t hurt for trying.

**I’d want him better if he wanted to dance**

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
on the ABC show “Chicago Hope” something happened that surprised me. the
show is titled “The Day of the Rope”. The storyline is that a hostage
situation arises and at a very tense moment you hear the song “Nothing
Worth Living For” by the Violent Femmes. As the song is playing you see
scenes of doctors operating and other things and it was all very well
done. I am now trying to see how i could tape that show but i just didn’t
tape as I saw it and now i don’t know when it wil be aired again.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!