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ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

currently run by James Schrader

If anybody has a tape (I don’t care how good or bad the sound is) of the Femmes last night (7-4-96) , PLEASE email me at . It was amazing. Oh, if anybody wants to send to send a review or something about the concert last night or any concert or anything, just send it to me and i’ll post it.

In Today’s Digest:
* * *
Stop the brutal bashing
I saw the Femmes!!!
NEW Gano recordings!!
RE: ROCK!!!!! for 7-3-96
femmes and punk

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: “Marcus Aurelius”
Subject: Stop the brutal bashing

Alright, I think it is about time for the bashing to stop. Every
Femmes song has its place and so does “Blister in the Sun”. So while all
everybody sits and bashes this song (one that I happen to like) I will be
the lone person to stand up and defend it.
While it may be true that most people know two songs by the Femmes
(“Blister in the Sun”, “Add it Up”), you must realize that most bands are
known for only a few songs. Who cares if everybody can only recognize the
Femmes for 2 songs, its their loss, not ours. Its like another of my
favorite groups, Rusted Root, people have only heard “Send me on my Way”
and none of the others.
In short, this letter says Get over it and quit your whining. Don’t
complain that everybody in this world does not share your devotion to the
Femmes. Life sucks, buy a helmet.



“You’re trying to persify me”
-Mike Enz

“It’s like the black sheep calling the other one
-Mike Enz

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: I dig the black girls
Subject: I saw the Femmes!!!

Ok kids, I went & saw the Violent Femmes as the special guest at Lollaplooza
’96 (because they are not playing anywhere else in Ohio on this tour, & it’s
making me maaad). Anyway, the Ramones were supposed to be up soon, so I was
standing near the edge of the crowd waiting for them to come on when I noticed
the roadies tuning an *acoustic* bass. hmmm….then I saw them bring out a
xylophone & some busking drums, so I freaked out & ran up in front of the stage
(not too hard to do). Then (duh) the Femmes came out! There were several
confused ppl around me going “whoever this is this isn’t the Ramones!” & a
bunch of Femmes fans screaming. I got in the pit which was directly in front of
Gordon, so i could see him most of the time…the other guys too. Brian had on
this pair of really ugly green pants with a funky-ass pattern on them, a dark
shirt, & sunglasses. Gordon had on a white baseball cap, mirror sunglasses, &
white pants w/matching teeshirt. Anyway, this is what they played (sorry it’s
all out of order except for the opener & closer):

Blister in the Sun
Old Mother Reagan
Kiss Off
No Killing
American Music
Dance, Motherfucker, Dance! (yes this song *is* dumb but it’s way fun in
Black Girls (with a loong drum solo, then some stuff by the Horns of Dilemna,
then Brian played a conch shell for a bit)
Prove My Love
Dahmer is Dead
Gone Daddy Gone
Country Death Song
Add it Up

…I think that’s all of them. At one point Gordon said “Hits, hits, nothing
but hits” & played Kiss Off. Since this was Lolla, they did playa pretty much
“hits” set & I know everyone’s been going around about that but I have all the
Femmes albums blahblah…ANYWAY they fucking rocked! Brian went really berserk
on the xylophone on Gone Daddy Gone…funny. Gordon played electric guitar the
whole set, Brian switched off between acoustic & electric bass. They were just
great. Also Gordon is one of the tiniest people I have ever seen. I always
heard he was short but never really got the idea of how true it was until I saw
them. No one jump on me here because I like short people (I *am* one) but I
saw him & I was like “Holy Shit!!” I hope to see the Femmes in concert again
soon! 🙂

eep opp ork ah-ah,

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Subject: NEW Gano recordings!!

For all you ROCK!ers looking for a new musical experience:

John Flansburg, of the mighty band They Might Be Giants, has a new music cd
club called Hello. Hello is 10 cd’s containing 4 or 5 new songs by
alternative bands. (you are sent 2 new cd’s every month). What grabbed my
attention is the fact that Gordon Gano is one of the featured artists, and
within the next few months I’ll be getting his cd. These are new songs, not
demos or old unrealeased recording studio outtakes. Soul Coughing is one of
the other featured bands, as well as a good deal of TMBG stuff.

To join the Hello CD club, or just get sent the info brocure for it, call
1-800-HELLO-41. Toll free, obviously.

The cost of $47 for the 10 cd’s is a little high if you’re only interested in
that Gano cd. As soon as I get it, i’ll be glad to make copies and trade for
concert tapes, femmes video stuff, your soul, etc. And please, cover postage
on all soul transactions.

300 women in 3 hours/
told me, boy, forget the flowers.


ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

From: “Haluska’s”
Subject: RE: ROCK!!!!! for 7-3-96

hey, does any one know of any places on the net where I can get vf vids or sounds? I would like some for my comp, i just can’t find any good ones!
mike haluska

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Subject: femmes and punk

Yes, I like the Femmes and I also listen to a lot of punk. And to Andy Im
going to admit that Green day is my favorite band. Im proud of it. Im not
trying to start something here by saying that to anyone who hates them.(the
Femmes are one of my next faves) Everyones got their own right to listen to
what they want. Billie Joe did say in an interview that they werent punk, cos
to tell the truth hes not sure what “punk” is anymore. I luv the music but I
cant blame him for saying this. The world has turned it into something that
has made it just another form of rock. To many people are taking it the wrong
way. Mainstream can destroy sometimes. Take NOFX for instance. They dont
make videos and they dont want radio stations playing their music cos they
dont WANT to get any bigger than they already are. Which is really a good
thing. And so the line “GREEN DAY IS NOT PUNK” is starting to get a little
old. I think most of us kinda know by now. OK now Ive started rambling so Ill
just say one more thing. If you can get hold of the April issue of the zine
“Scrimmage” theres a letter this guy wrote that is kinda like this except it
goes in deep and really says something. Id read this if I were you.
Especially if you didnt get the point IM trying to make.
snoochie poochies!!
mandi aka girl from mars

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

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