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The Quote Of The Day:


July 3- 3 p.m., IC Amphitheatre, Pittsburgh, PA, $20 (O,P,T)
July 4- Freedom Fest, MCI Center, Washington, DC (O)

**July 16- Double Diamond, Aspen, CO (O)**

July 17- LoDo Festival, Denver, CO (P,O)
July 23- The Vogue, Vancouver, British Columbia, CA (O,P)
July 25- Calgary Folk Music Fest, Calgary, Alberta, CA (O,P,T-CA)
Gates open at 9 a.m., tickets (through TM CA) $30
w/ Joan Baez and Joan Armatrading
July 30- 8 p.m., Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH
18+ show(unless w/parent), $19.50 in adv., $21.50 day of
show, doors open at 6. (T,P,O)
July 31- Cape Cod Summer Music Festival, Barnstable Co. Fairground,
Falmouth, MA $20 in adv., $25 at gate (P,O)
Tickets available through ticketweb, or call 510-594-1400
see http://www.baitfish for lineup
Aug 15- 7:30 p.m., Villa Montalvo, Saratoga, CA $25-$36 (T,P)

**Aug 28- Jones Beach Amphitheater, Long Island, NY (O)**
**Sept 2- Blue Note, Columbia, MO (O)**
**Sept 3- Liberty Memorial Park, Kansas City, MO (O)**

Sept 4- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (O,P)
Sept 5- 5 p.m., Rose Garden Amphitheater, Portland, OR, $25 (P,T)
Sept 10- Gas Lamp Quarter, San Diego, CA (P)
Sept 11- Los Angeles County Fair, Pomona, CA (P)

**Aug 20- Knitting Factory, NY, NY, Brian Ritchie! (O)**

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show, contact Hornblow USA at: hbgusa
Serious inquiries only.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Washington, DC
Eor24 (Catherine)
vanallen (Bobby)

Denver, CO
truman (Emily)
lmjacobs (Laurie)
mypen15 (Nick)

Hampton Beach, NH
Potatoe482 (Em)

Falmouth, MA
Potatoe482 (Em)
Rubaiyat (Marylee)

Saratoga, CA
sandycitarella (Sandy)
stepheno (Stephen)

Seattle, WA
stevens (Michelle)

Portland, OR
stevens (Michelle)
LilBoek (Steve)
friday (Sandy)

Pomona, CA
mypen15 (Nick)




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In Today’s Issue:

Summa… summa… summa fest!
Freedom Fest
Re: Portland – Cake/Femmes
San Diego?
Fall in DC?
RE: Carmaig DeForest
Femmes Live, Etc.


Major thunderstorms all day yesterday…kept the computer shut off
most of the time. Haven’t backed up the subscriber list in awhile, so
I have to be very protective of my files 🙂
Where are you, cheezeboy?
Summa… summa… summa fest!
Hey everybody!
I finally got my Sis to take a couple days off from work/school and we
did a whirlwind tour of Summerfest this weekend! We packed in as much
laughter, music & miles as we could in 58 hours – oh and of course some
Leine! It was a blast! I had hoped we’d have a Snopek sighting during
the show and we were not disappointed. Horns of Dilemma were smokin’
too but there were so many of them even I couldn’t catch all the names-
Brian likened it to a HOD sundae – at least that’s the image I think he
was trying to convey when he introduced Sig as “the cherry on the top!”
:o) The Marcus is an unbelievable facility – acoustically, absolutely
perfect. Good crowd too – lots of dancing and singing. The set was a
little too “old-fave’s” heavy for me but it gave everyone a good excuse
to sing along to every song. I always enjoy surveying the crowd when
they bring the house lights up for Blister – what a great feeling it
is to see so many faces smiling and hear so many voices in unison!
There were some really extraordinary moments in the show too – Brian’s
possessed ending to Dance MF, and Gordon doing the Wisconsin state song
-you know the crowd kinda liked that one – eh?! – the highlight for me
was the drum solo on Black Girls – the beats echoed around in the Marcus
and Guy & Johnny O just kept it coming! Wow!! We met some true Femmes
friends this weekend too – people who’ve really been around from the
very beginning – nothing like a first hand account of what it was like
to see them playing on Downer all those years ago! Speaking of that –
Brian said onstage that the Femmes had just celebrated their 19th
anniversary! How ’bout that!?! We even met the man behind the melody
… Peter Jest. I tried to get him to tell me exactly what it takes to
get the Femmes to name a song after you but he took the 5th! He kept us
laughing with a few other stories though! It was a truly great time –
Love ya’ Carrie – and thanks Milwaukeeans!


Well well everyone… if you haven’t thought this thought yet today
here’s your chance… the Violent Femmes Rock!!! Yes its true! I just
got back from seeing them at Summerfest. I hadn’t seen them live in
over a year and let me tell you that was way too long! I was just so
excited to see them in their hometown…which by the way is one of the
coolest places I have ever been! I had a great time in this city!!!
Okay here’s a recap…
(check all that apply to you)
I got to see the Femmes LIVE!
I got to hear all the favorites!
I got to see Sigmund Snopek play with the Femmes!
I got to see a great Horns of Dilema section!
I got to see the UGLY LAKE!
I got to go to Summerfest!
I got to meet the band!
All in all it was FAN DAMN TASTIC! (with a cherry on top):O)
So thanks to the femmes and thanks to my kick ass sister (you know who
you are) this was one of the best weekends/ roadtrips EVER!


Freedom Fest
First of all Pat, you can sign me up for the freedom fest, cause i’ll
be there. 10 bucks, are you kidding me. plus, it is walking distance
to the mall for the fireworks. for those interested, here are the
other bands at freedom fest this year:

Fighting Gravity
2 Skinnee J’s
Jimmie’s Chicken Shack
Modern Yesterday
The Ernie’s
Mary Prankster
Colouring Lesson
Soul Purpsoe
Mile Post Nine
Carbon Leaf
Citizen Cope
and special surprise guests
and of course the femmes

see ya there


Re: Portland – Cake/Femmes
<< I tend to think that this is a Cake show with the Femmes opening.
Cake is riding a giant wave of popularity and can now play bigger
venues than the Femmes (at this time). >>

This show is definitely Cake opening for the Femmes. Even though Cake
is riding a wave of popularity the Femmes have always had a large fan
base in the Northwest. All the papers have been billing it as The
Violent Femmes show… I think the Femmes have enough respect to
headline the show as opposed to the “flavor of the year” band… (I’m
not dissing CAKE I like them a lot, but popularity doesn’t always rule
a lineup…


San Diego?
<< Sept 10- Gas Lamp Quarter, San Diego, CA (P) >>

Hey femmes fans, just trying to get some info on this concert (as
“Johnny” plays in the background on my computer’s CD ROM, tee hee). Is
this a free thing?, because TicketMasterBater doesn’t have anything on
it (which is good, because i’m already giving them almost 15 bucks in
surcharges for the Tori and Alanis gig in Irvine). I know they played
in the Gaslamp for free for Super Bowl last year (and of course I was
there) or is this maybe part of some festival I’m not finding…? At
any rate, I anxiously await info.
Thanks, y’all!


Fall in DC?
My friend told me that the Femmes will be making their way back up to
DC in the fall. She said that WHFS is putting on another festival and
the Femmes are going to be there! Anyone know anything about this?


RE: Carmaig DeForest
hey i would like to reply about carmaig deforest …. i was in the
front row at the elizabeth town show and it was so amazing… me and my
friend got there like 2 hours early and were looking for the line for
the concert so we walked around campus… we saw the huge line so we
started to stand it thinking that it was for tickets which i had
prepaid for already…, well anyways once we got too the front of the
line we realized it was for pizza!??!??! there was a huge line for
pizza at a cafeteria of all things…
then we went to the library and asked for information… the hot
librarian directed us to the tent sale and we saw that there was not a
single person in line… i guess there arent as many devoted femmes
fans as i thought, an hour before the show and no one in line for a
general admission show… what the hell was up that ?
anyways… we seized the oppurtunity and waited in line while
reading this hysterical book called “children of the grass”.. its the
unofficiail official handbook for marijuana (not that i would ever do
illegal drugs or everything 🙂 )…. the book was so funny though so we
werent bored in line at all… well we got in and got in the front row
and camped out til the show started and then some guy named carmaig
deforest came on.. his first song was acapella and it was pretty cool,
it was about like little indian girls or something. well he proceeded
with the set and kept going from good to bad gradually and the crowd got
pretty damn rowdy… i was hoping carmaig would leave myself although i
did like a few of his songs… but i dont agree with the way the crowd
behaved themselves, people were throwing quarters and really anything
they had at the poor guy. He took it like a man though and kept on
going with a pissed off attitude kind of saying “ok you want me to
leave ? i’ll just stay longer”.. the last song he played though, had to
have been the worst piece of crap i have ever heard…. he would say
one word and then keep repeating it followed by another word( kind of
like in “don’t start me on the liqour” when gordan goes- dont, dont
start, dont start me, dont start me on, dont start me on the, dont
start me on the liqour..).. but carmaig did this the whol song for
about 7 minutes and it was so annoying…
so after that song i basically thought he sucked and i hope the
femmes could save the day, but after a half hour or so they came on and
opened with “out the window” and i realized that i would’ve paid 15
bucks just to see them sing that one song 🙂 the show was amazing


-Pat. Says: I enjoyed that last song very much. Didn’t you catch the
way the words were strung together so that you would expect
the next word to be one thing, and yet he would put in a
different word which changed the whole meaning of the
previous words? I was constantly put off balance by the
developement of the song, and thought it very clever
indeed. It was cool, daddy-o.
Anyway, that book? Might it have been “A Child’s Garden of
Grass”? I bought it way back in ’75, and it still sits on
the bookshelf (though unread and unappreciated), along with
“Steal This Book” and “Revolution for the Hell of It”. I
can’t believe it’s still in print!

Femmes Live, Etc.
Sorry, these thoughts are in response to two issues ago, but i was at
my family reunion (remember? i missed summerfest!!), so i’m allowed to
be late. deal with it.

The femmes have a live version of “Kiss Off” on the MTV 120 Minutes
live comp disc. They also have at least one live CD, entitled “Kiss
Off”. hmmm… a theme…

Dave Tienen (think wrote the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article that
led to the song “Dont Talk About My Music”) is an idiot. Plain and
simple. He has NO taste in music — in fact, I have never read a
review by him about a concert he enjoyed! i think he has something up
his ass. anyway — not only did he write that article about the
Femmes being old and washed up that Deana shared with us, he also did
not bother to attend the concert the next night, let alone write a
review about it. HA!

Anybody boot the summerfest show?

ok, that’s enough for now i suppose.




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