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The Quote Of The Day:

It’s late, I spent an hour trying to get online, only to be kicked off
after a half hour…then spend another hour and a half trying to get
BACK online….It’s almost midnight, and I have to be up be 5 AM…
there’s no quote today.


June 28- day show, Y-100 Festival, Sony Center, Camden, NJ (O,P)**
June 28- 8 p.m., Irving Plaza, New York, NY (O,P,T)**
Tix:$26.50 adv, $30 door, 16+ show.

June 29- 8 p.m., Bottle and Cork, Dewey Beach, DE, 21+ show (O,P,T)
June 30- 8 p.m., Hampton Beach Casino, Hampton Beach, NH (O,P,T)
With: Psychedelic Furs
Tix: $23.50

July 7- Summerfest, Miller Oasis Stage, Milwaukee, WI**
Oct 25-7 p.m., Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC, NY (T)

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers

To book a show:
in the US, contact Frank Riley at Monterey Peninsula Artists
in EU, contact Paul Boswell at Free Trade Agency
Serious inquiries only.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Camden, NJ

Hampton Beach, NH
gineryc (Eric and Jennifer)

Milwaukee, WI
rhc75a (Rob)
vfpony (Bill)
jjwil90 (Julie)

New York, NY
RatFink746 (Frank)




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Past Tour Dates:


Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:

Victor DeLorenzo’s Page:


In Today’s Issue:

Invitation to Join vf2000
June 24 Hoopfest Concert:)
Spokane Show
Philly Shows
Hampton Beach
Viva Wisconsin! YAY!
RE: Compilation Video
RE: Compilation Video

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June 24 Hoopfest Concert:)
I just got back from the Violent Femmes Spokane concert, and it was
great! Quite a bargain for only $15 per ticket! 22 Jacks wasn’t bad,
either. But like I said before, I was only there for the Femmes! 🙂
They played a good number of songs from their older albums, and a great
deal from Freak Magnet. I can appreciate Freak Magnet more now that I
have heard some of the songs live. Too bad they didn’t play A Story,

Also at the concert were Cynthia Gano and the Horns of Dilemma!
Cynthia is actually a really good singer–for one of the encore songs,
they sang a song that she wrote. Pretty neat! (I’ll let Steve Boek
try and relate the song list, because I am lousy at remembering the
order of the playlist:)) As an added bonus, 2 or 3 couples in the front
row thought that they were solid gold dancers and did the bump, grind,
and obscene grope throughout most of the show. I had to laugh at some
of the antics, even though it was pretty distracting:

I went to a VF concert over a year ago at the same place (Spokane
Opera House) and I thought that the acoustics were kind of lousy back
then. Of course, I was in, like, Row V last time. This time I was in
the second row (BBB), actually in the orchestra pit. I could actually
see their faces and the sound was great!! In fact, my ear drums are
now bleeding and I am deaf, but it was worth it! 😉

I noticed this time (since I could actually see them!) that the band
dresses rather oddly on stage! Well, Guy looked normal, but Gordon
looked a little bit like he needed to wash his clothes. Brian wore a
big orange housecoat (or something!) for the first part of the show
and then stripped down to a purple t-shirt with the sleeves cut off,
that had some kind of chess logo on it. I don’t know what I expected,
but this was very interesting to me!

All in all, the band seemed more enthusiastic this time, the
experience was better for me, there were more entertainers, and the
ticket was cheaper. It rocked!! 🙂 I hope that they come back again
soon–the Femmes are marvelous entertainers!

BTW, when they come back, I would like to get up the nerve to ask for
an autograph on my ticket. Is that taboo or anything? If not, what
is the best way to go about doing this? Where do they go after they
leave stage? I don’t want to be annoying or chat with them for an
extended period of time; just want to get a little momento. Any advice
or ideas would be appreciated!


-Pat. Says: Depending upon how much time they have after a show, you
may very well get a ticket, CD or T-shirt signed. Look for
the tour busses at the back door, and wait patiently. If
someone from the crew happens to be around, you might try
asking politely if the band will be out to sign autographs.
Always remember to say thanks.

Spokane Show
Well, I hit the road again to go see the Femmes. It was worth every
I was able to get row B tickets and thought I was going to be in the
second row. But like most venues there was a little section in the
front that had three rows in front of that. I think that all those
tickets were for the local radio station that was putting on the show
because they all had freak magnet cloth aftershow passes. Well, I got
there about 20 minutes before 22 Jacks opened up the show. They
rocked and had a lot of energy. The crowd seemed to sit for a while
during the show. I don’t know if they were tired from Hoopfest (a 3
on 3 basketball tournament they were holding in Spokane) or what.
Then while the road crew was setting up the stage Guy Hoffman came out
to set up his drum sticks. I yelled at him and he came out to the edge
of the stage. I reminded him of the Seattle shows and he remembered
me. We talked for a few minutes and asked me about the Brian Ritchie
Cd that I had. He then told me that Brian had about 1,000 of those in
his closet. I asked if there was any way we could get to the meet and
greet session after the show. Guy told us to meet him around back of
the building after the show at the door with the V on it. We were
stoked. They then went on to play a great show and some of the people
were still sitting down to watch them play, I thought it was odd. I
started yelling really loud when they played “Nightmares” because I
hardly get the chance to hear something off of 3.
Cynthia was there again and played in the Horns of Dillema and they
sang a song of Cynthia’s during the show. The jam on Black Girls was
awesome as always and Guy seemed to have a lot of energy that night.
Well, after the show we hung around for a few minutes and Guy came
up to pack up his sticks. He then said, “You remember that door I told
you about? Go there now.” So we walked around the back but there was
no V’s on any door. But very shortly Guy poked his head out the door.
About 20 people crowded around the door. A girl asked him if she could
get autographs on her shirt. Guy took the shirt and told me and the
girl I was with to come on in.
We then went back to the dressing rooms. Gordon was sitting on couch
drinking some water and his nephew was sitting down relaxing. Guy went
around with the shirt and got Brian and Gordon to autograph it. After
Gordon signed it he told Guy to take it away because it’s kind of funky.
I asked Gordon if he was working on a solo album and he said that it
depends on what you consider a solo album. He wrote most of the
material on the album but he really only sings one of the songs. Most
of the other songs are sung by artists like PJ Harvey, Frank Black,
They Might Be Giants, and others. He said that it’s been done for a
while but because of record label problems it’s difficult to sign all
of the artists to an agreement to get it out. I then asked him about
the “Hitting the Ground” soundtrack and Gordon said that they are one
and the same. So now that’s clarified for me. I got Brian to autograph
my “I See a Noise” CD and told him that Eva was my favorite track on
the Cd. Brian then said that most people like Religon Ruined My Life
the best. We then got a couple of pictures and they headed out to do
the meet and greet. Since there was nobody left backstage and we
didn’t have passes the security told us we needed to leave. We had no
idea where Guy went off to so we didn’t get a chance to say thanks.
Well, then we went out the back door and there was still about 15
people waiting around that door. We were walking across the front of
the building and we could see Guy through the windows and we waved to
him. He gave us a sign to hold and and came down to the door. The
doors were already chained together but we were able to open them about
6-7 inches. I thanked Guy for the memorable evening and he said that
he had something for me. He said it was kind of a bootleg shirt from
Germany. It was a simple black shirt that said Violent Femmes and had
the circular saw blades from the New Time album. I thanked him
profusely and that was the end of another memorable evening with the


Philly Shows
What’s up Femmes fans…this is a multi part email thing…First I
just heard this morning a sonic session from a Philly show i attended a
few months back. It was a free 50 person show…it was the 3rd of the
5 times ive seen the femmes that I got to see them for free. I have
tix to our radio feztival this weds. and cant wait to see the femmes on
the main stage…they are playing for an hour in the mid afternoon.
Well here is the set list from the sonic session for anyone who is
Flamingo Baby
American Music
Rejoice and be happy
Add It Up
Cold Canyon
Good Feeling….

And it was all acousitc as we interacted with the femmes the whole show
…it rocked..well’


-Pat. Says: I am jealous. I wanted to see this show so very badly…
in addition to not having seen the band since April 1999
or so, I have never seen Catherine Wheel, or any of the
bands appearing on the main stage. Should be a good time.
Instead, I shall taking the dog to the vet for x-rays. What

Hampton Beach
Hi Pat!
How are ya? Could you add “Eric & Jennifer” to the Hampton Beach
Jul 30 show listing? Thanks 🙂 I can’t wait till the show! It’s been
a year since I’ve seen the Femmes live. Actually, the last time I saw
them live was at Hampton Beach last summer 🙂 It was a blast, & I
remember meeting some great people from the list as well.

Have a great summer!

Viva Wisconsin! YAY!
Add me to the list for SUMMERFEST! yay!
The Femmes and summerfest again! and not on the night when 12 zillion
other bands i like are there! yay!


I just have a dumb question. My sister and I are going to see the
Femmes at summerfest this year, and we’re both really hoping we’ll see
one of the boys somewhere so we can get something signed. (Although
none of them really seem like the type to be walking around or anything,
but you can always hope, right???) Anyway, we both feel really dumb
about going up to total strangers, so I was just wondering if anyone has
ever gotten the chance to talk to them, or if anyone thinks one of them
would be more approachable than another. Or, if anyone has any
encouraging stories about talking to any of them, I would really
appreciate it. My sister and I need some serious confidence-boosting
before the big event, JUST IN CASE!


-Pat. Says: Au contraire, Julie! Many people on this list have met the
band in this way. Depending upon how pressed they are for
time, you may very well meet a band member walking around.
Approachability is dependent upon what kind of mood each
happens to be in at the moment, your behavior…lots of
things could affect your experience. Remember, they’re
people, too, and although you bought a ticket to see them,
that doesn’t mean you can lay claim to their private time
unless they allow it. Somebody should write a FAQ about
how to meet the band. At any rate, I hope your letter will
cause many people to write of their “I met the band”

RE: Compilation Video
just wondering if i completely missed the compilation video or what…
and if so/if not how i can get my hands on a copy

ok thank you
bye bye

RE: Compilation Video
<< I was watching the Femmes compilation video >>

You mean it’s already done? Please let me know who’s distributing near
DC or Hawaii so I can get a copy.

I was watching some cheesy indie flick called “A Reason to Believe” the
other day and to my surprise the Violent “nice butt” Femmes were on the
soundtrack along with Blind Melon, REM, and a bunch of other silly
bands. Did anybody else know about this one? I also forced myself to
watch “I was a Teenage Zombie” just for my boys.


-Pat. Says: The compilation videos were sent to distributers months
ago. Would the people with copies please email who and
where you are, so others can enjoy and appreciate all the
hard work Deanna put into this? She is not a distributer;
she’s already done her part. I think if I search through
my poor currupted old computer I may find the email listing
distributers, but the damn thing sits, unhooked, in the

This morning I heard the guitar parts from “Color Me Once” used as
the backdrop for news and voice-over on WBUR — Boston’s public radio
news station.

I know I have heard it before during Morning Edition or another NPR
show … within the past year or so. Every time it comes on, I get
giddy and can’t concentrate on the announcer, but it’s really perfect
music to go behind stuff like that. They always surprise me with
their eclectic choices.

Just wanted to mention.

Also, tonight the Femmes are playing in Las Vegas. This is the first
Femmes show in Nevada that I’ve missed in the past 10 years. I feel a
bit ill. I hope someone still out there or someone who made it to the
show can give me a review of it — or a set list or something.


James Welborn

