Subject: ROCK!!!!! for 6-24-96

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

currently run by James Schrader

In Today’s Digest:
* * *
Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-10-96
my mistake
The Guffs & The Refreshments
Femmes at Lolla!
ROCK!!!!!: Dance, Motherfucker, Dance
Vidio Collage
ROCK!!!!!: New Concert Date!
Re: Rude, Azure, Holly
Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96
Femmes on da radio
RE: Femmes Punk?
Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96
Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96
Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96
when my love is so strong
* * *

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996
Subject: Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-10-96

Hey, GenXBayb mentioned that the Femmes will be at Summerfest, any idea when
or on the status of getting tickets???? Thanks!!

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Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996
Subject: my mistake

I feel like a real idiot but on my last entry in to ROCK!!!!! I asked if
their were any fans on the east cost what I meant to say was west cost. I
am a dumb ass.

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Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996
Subject: The Guffs & The Refreshments>

hi 🙂

i do talk about the femmes too..
anyway..i was went to a Refreshments concert a few days ago and i had
never heard of the opening band, The Guffs. Well! the first thing they
say is they are from Milwaukee!! and i’m like cool! so anyway..i really
enjoyed their part of the show great music and the band interacts with
the crowd really well..inbetween the 2 bands i went to go buy the guffs’
cd and i was talking to the dude selling them..and i asked if the guffs
will be at summerfest, and he said yes 🙂 they will be headlining one of
the stages at night, he thought the 5th of to all of you going
to summerfest..check out the guffs..

then..the Refreshments came on..and..after many songs guess what they
break into??!! KISS OFF!!! the crowd went crazy! the only song did they
cheer and mosh more too was the Refreshments own song, banditios(i think
its called somethign like that) their version was pretty good…(not
like who ever totally fucked up add it up in the movie, reality bites..)

{{hi yosh, blister, and fukthecia(are you on the list?)}}

i take 10 10 10 10 for everything everything everything everything!!!

**NOTE FROM JAMES: Oh, Just so you know, it Gufs, not Guffs. I’m not
trying to be picky or anything but just though you should know. Everybody
go buy every one of their 6 CDs. They are awesome (in my opinion). You
don’t have to though. If you don’t like them that’s fine with me. I really
don’t care whether you like them or not.**
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Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996
From: El Kabong is not a song
Subject: Femmes at Lolla!

I heard (first rumors, then announced at a local radio station today) that the
Violent Femmes are playing Lollapalooza (at least at Buckeye Lake, OH where I
am). I don’t know if they are playing any other dates. Seems sorta weird! oh
well I got tix & will let you all know how it went. 🙂

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Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996
From: Femmes Freak
Subject: ROCK!!!!!: Dance, Motherfucker, Dance

In the 6/10 ROCK!!!!! digest, someone wrote:
> 2. And if so is that why I have never seen them in concert or am I just not
> looking hard enough?
> 3. I love every one of the Violent Femmes tunes but is it just me who
> thinks
> that DANCE MOTHER FUCKER DANCE is the most moronic song ever written?
> Please someone explain this strange phenomenon with me.

Perhaps on the CD Dance, Motherfucker, Dance sounds stupid…but there is
just something about Brian belting the song out during a concert that
makes this probably one of the best live songs I can think of….anyone
who has been to a femmes concert (I think) will agree with me….
Once you do see them in concert (BTW they are on the east coast a lot),
you’d probably understand

—–>18 days until the VIOLENT FEMMES at Milwaukee’s very own Summerfest!!

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Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996
Subject: Vidio Collage

All right, my friends and I, who might I add are really into the Violent
Femmes. We are orginizing a vidio callage of the Violent Femmes. But sadly
supplies are limited. I beg of any of you, if you have it to send footage of
Violent Femmes Vidio’s, Concerts, TV appearances, you know that sort of
thing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me, ChewVitC, if you have anything.
Please tell me what the vidio is of. Please keep in mind that I will send
you back you vidio tape, unless for som very very very strangs reason you
don’t want it anymore. I will also send you the tape when it is done.
Please help out, I really would appriciate it. Thanks so much!!!!!


ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996
From: Femmes Freak
Subject: ROCK!!!!!: New Concert Date!

Just found this from …thought i’d pass it along…

Cadott is about 15 miles west of Chippewa Falls and just north of Eau
Claire, in other words…Western Wisconsin…something like 80 miles east
of the Twin Cities. From what I understand, Rock Fest ’96 is a 4 day
festival. Also on the 18th are Golden Smog, and Sheryl Crow. Acts for
other days of the festival include Kansas, 10,000 Maniacs, and Ted Nugent…

Also, for those of you planning on going to Summerfest this year…a
complete schedule of all the groups performing for the enitre festival is
located at


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Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996
From: Azure!
Subject: #ViolentFemmes


You may not want to put my last msg about a bot on irc in the digest, as
the information is out of date, because the bot is now up and kicking!!!!

I’ll send you another msg for the digest about ppl getting ops and
everythign shortly 🙂


ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996
Subject: Re: Rude, Azure, Holly

Hey Rudebass The Dead Milkmen ROCK! But I like the Butthole Surfers better!

Azure! Love the idea of a big Femmes family! Let me know when and where!

And Holly where in Alabama are you? I’m in Knoxville TN -Femmes played here
last August- and they played in Nashville in May so I doubt they will hit my
state again for a while! BUT they have been known to play in Bama before…
I saw them at Lambda Chi when I was in school at Auburn Univ.! A Femmes
fan’s DREAM! Only about a thousand people and they played forever! I’ll
let you know if I hear of anything west of the Mississippi!

By the way does anyone know what the signifigance of the Lambda Chi
fraternity is to the Femmes? I think they’ve played several shows at other
campuses and I noticed when I searched for Femmes info the other day on the
net that a link came up to the Lamda Chi homepage – haven’t had time to check
it out yet though.

Hey by the way guys – it’s a little trendy – but if you haven’t checked out
Superdrag you should! It’s a local indie band made good- Sraight from the
underground clubs and White street parties of Knoxville TN! Their first vid
(Sucked Out) debuted on 120minutes two weeks ago!

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Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996
From: (Rick Lupert)
Subject: Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96

To the person who asked whether anyone had been exposed to the Femmes by
any album other than their first album first. Yes. I first bought Blind
Leading the Naked in 1986. It hooked me…I, of course, have them all now.
After a show once I had the opportunity to talk to Brian and he said that
they usually ignore Blind Leading the Naked and 3 when they play. Which of
course there are many exceptions to as I’m sure all you concert going fans
would agree with. It occured to me that the non avid-femmes fans really
don’t care for these two albums much and I was sad that Brian would
acknowledge this by making a conscious effort to not play songs from those
two much. (In case you didn’t know, it’s Brian who calls out the songs to
play as the concert goes on. They don’t go out with a set list.)

Anyway…I’ve seen them 15 times and hope to see them at least that many
more. Of course they don’t have any Los Angeles dates scheduled as of yet.
C’est la vie.


ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996
From: “Julianne :)”
Subject: bootlegs

In response to a previous questions about Femmes fans on the east coast,
I must enthusiastically respond, “WE ARE ALIVE!!” I live in southeastern
Virginia, and when the Femmes come here, they ROCK what seems like the
entire state. Tickets for concerts sell out almost immediately (as
expected — they ARE the *Femmes*, aren’t they? 🙂 )

I am looking for some bootlegs — I am willing to accept almost
anything. I’ve seen the Femmes twice — the first show I was too stupid
to record it, the second time the tape was lost in a move. 🙁 (I went
into mourning for what seemed like months..) If anyone has any good
things, I’m willing to either send a tape for a copy, or trade…(I don’t
have any Femmes, but I have a few other recordings…)

Also, someone asked about tour dates … there are some awesome Web pages
for the Femmes…A guy named Mike Merryman has probably the most indepth
one. Usually he keeps the dates accurate and posts new concerts very
quickly… Good luck… 🙂


I am the Eggman, They are the Eggmen, I am the Walrus!

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Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996
Subject: Femmes on da radio

For John (Noidless) who listed Femmes songs that have been on the radio, I
heard “Breakin’ Up” as well as “Don’t Start Me On The Liquor” on a St Louis
station back when New Times came out. Plus the Breakin’ Up video came on
Beavis and Butthead once.

As I rebel and riot

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996
From: “D.Martin”
Subject: RE: Femmes Punk?

Hi. I have always considered the femmes to be a type of folk
rock with an edge, but if you look at what was considered punk when they
started out (sex pistols, ramones, and other hard-core) and compare it
to what is considered punk today (anything that is played on 120
minutes(at least the last time I watched it 2 years ago)) you have to
wonder if the Femmes had any influence.

BTW I have also been a big fan of Bad Religion and The Dead
Milkmen as long as I have been of the femmes, also the first femmes tape
I heard was Hallowed Ground.

Some people say that there’s a woman to blame
But I know, it’s my own damn fault
–Jimmy Buffett

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996
Subject: Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96

Hi Everybody~
I just wanted to tell NoidLess that here in New Jersey I’ve heard
Please Do Not Go on the radio last year. I wanted to tell him so he could
add it to his list. I get so excited when I hear them on the radio, but I
hate it when all of these people say they love the Femmes when all they know
is Blister In the SUN. I am also a Femmes lover from the East coast. I got
into them 3 years ago, and have been hooked ever since! I saw them live for
the first time May 30. I almost died. It was the most amazing thing ever.
After they played Good Feeling Brian Richie appologized for singing a song
with rythm, and then suddenly they burst into an awsome version of Dance M.F.
Dance. Maybe that song isn’t the best, but it really is fun in concert.Well,
talk to everyone later.

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996
Subject: Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96

Hi all I have great news!!!!! Well a lot of you probaly don’ t know who the
Bouncing Souls are but this is still pretty cool. On Friday(June 21st) I
went to see the Boucing souls, Weston, and Lifetime in NYC. My friend that
went father knows the lead singer’s father so we got to go back stage!!!! We
talk with him for a little bit but I was mostly in shock because I had been
listen to this mans vocie for every and now I was there talking with him in
person!!!! When we went back my friends and I were standing around talking
when we thought of how we should have gotten him to sign our shirts. My
friend asked his father if he could get them signed for us so he went out to
get a marker and when he came back he went to go get them signed. When he
came back I was so happy that I had a shirt signed by the lead signer, Greg
Attonto!!!!!! My other friends, Becky and Tammy, has gotten Weston T-Shirts
so two of the guys in Weston signed their shirts. The cool twist to this is
that the guitarist came out and says to my friends that he doesn’t normally
sign shirts so he had them sign his shirt. This was one of the best days of
my life!!!!!!!!

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Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996
From: Patrick Marton
Subject: Re: ROCK!!!!! for 6-12-96

I felt a need to write, so finally I am. I’ve been on here since the first
issue, so away we go. I am 16 years old and live on the east coast (that
knocks off about 20 requests from people right there 🙂 I live in Maryland
in fact, about 20 minutes from the UMBC campus, which if any of you femmes
fans are on the net, Where Mike Merryman runs the best page on the net, the
Unoffical Violent Femmes Homepage. So, I mike, I wanted to drop you mail but
if you read this, I guess now I don’t. Love your page dude. ANYWAYS- The
first Femmes album I heared was Hallowed Ground, and it wasis my favorite
album. I have every Femmes album, with the exception of “Film Noir”. can’t
get anyone to import it for me 🙂 I also have a bootleg that I made from
there show at JHU. I know every lyric (test, me please!). I’ve been
listenting to them since I was 7, so I’ve been around a while. I’ve seen
them in concert twice (supposed to be 4 times :). Met Gordon, Brain, and Guy
once, nice guys, they really are.

My favorite song is NOT Blister in the Sun, in fact to tell you the truth it
is one of my least favorite songs. In my opinion it’s overplayed and over
rated. I don’t like it very much. My favorite songs include “Never Tell”,
“Good Feeling”, “Promise”, “Please Do Not Go”, “Faith”, “It’s Gonna Rain”,
“World Were Living in”, “No Killing”, Hey Nonny Nonny”, “Johnny”, “I saw Her
in the Crowd”, “I’m Nothing”, and “I wanna See you agian”. Not really radio
favorites, I’ll admit, but these are where Gordons songwriting talents
really shine (“Add it up” has great undertones for sucide too). I’m in a
band, 4am, we are a folk blues band (there is only too of us :), I sing and
play guitar. Right now we cover “Please Do Not Go”, “Good Feeling”, “Hey
Nonny Nonny”, a few others. Femmes really are the best band lyrically. They
redifne Teen angst and mix in Blues, Folk, Rock, and Punk. A taste for all.

Know in answer to “Dance Mother Fucker Dance”. It’s totally a concertParty
song. When I was in a punkrock band, everytime we did that song, the
audince went crazy. It’s just to have fun. It also shows all the different
types of music Gordon and Brian can go into. Like “Faith” shows us the
femmes are acctually really good Blues Musicans, this shows us they can kick
ass with the hardest of Alterntive rockers.

Just wanted to drop a line (a bit longer than I wanted to) to say to all of
the old Femmes listeners, there are some young listners that are really into
the Femmes more than the first album. My favorite song is “Never Tell” and I
can see half the mailing list going, “huh?” A note to the young listners: I
know the Femmes are amazing, but you need to expaned your horizons past the
First album and the “Add it up Album”. Gordon Ganos song wirting is amazing
on “Hallowed Ground” and “Blind Leadin the Naked”. The femmes are more thamn
the annoying song of “Blister in the Sun”.

Patrick Marton

ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!

Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996
Subject: when my love is so strong

hello =) a week back or so i found out my friend josh (HI JOSH!!) would
be having a friend of his come visit during the time i’ll be up in
milwaukee for summer fest..and i told him my little story of hopes and
dreams for going and he wanted me to send it to the list.
so this was for joshy, my texan pal…see ya in august baby 😉

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 18:47:15 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: when my love is so strong’ll have a little pal to keep you company while i’m seeing the
femmes..hunting down gordon, meeting him in his hotel room, with whips
and chains..i’ll bathe with him of course..i’ll kiss him i’ll screw him
and i’ll fuck him..then we’ll go to a prom…get too many
drugs..then after we take over the world with his machine then learn
french i’ll find another guy and he’ll fall down dead i’ll never see his
tears, then he’ll go out the window and i’ll take 5 5 5 for my lonely.
but none of this can happen unless his dad gives him the car..but he’s
been locked inside his room by his parents… my love is gone
daddy gone. for some stuff for rock!!!!!
one of the radio stations played Waiting for the Bus! that was cool but i
only heard them play it that one time.

i wish everyone going to milwuakee for summerfest a safe and Femme-filled

about IRC: i’m personally adicted to it…i think a channel with a bot
for opping us on the list and for discussion of femmes and other stuff
would be great. =)
who else on this list is big on irc? –speaking of which BLiSTER–are
you dead?!?!


its summer and i’m just a little dumber


ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!! <> ROCK!!!!!
**FROM JAMES: To, There wasn’t enough memory left on my
computer to put your letter in here, so I am going to put it first next
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