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The Quote Of The Day:

What’s for breakfast?
What’s for lunch?
What’s for dinner?
Captain Crunch!!!!!
-From mOsH PiT
-Submitted by ddearry

PLEASE send your VF quotes to patwary

Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!



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In Today’s Issue:

Summerfest Info Needed
Hey Hey My My
What Free Time?
Many Topics
Never Tell..Tonight..Ska..Drag
RE: Cover As Ska
RE: 4:20
Best Bassist..Dallas

Isn’t there anyone going to the Birmingham or Milwaukee show who wants
to be placed in the Who/Where?

OK, here’s a cute story: Last night, my boys went to their grandmother’s
because she’s taking them to Niagara Falls and Ontario, and won’t be
back till Saturday. So my husband was talking to them, saying how much
we’ll miss them, and he asked “what are we going to do without you
boys?” To which my youngest (Ethan) replied “Why don’t you go to a
Violent Femmes concert?”

Summerfest Info Needed
I was just wondering if the bands on the big stage at Summerfest have
been announced yet?


Hey Hey My My
> “Its better to burn out than to fade away”
> I heard this in the Highlander movie but apparently it was taken in
> some form from a Niel Young song of name unknown to me

I believe it’s “Hey Hey, My My” by Neil Young. And the line is a bit
different than that (if I remember correctly). The verse goes like this:
The king is gone but he’s not forgotten
Is this the story of Johnny Rotten
It’s better to burn out cause rust never sleeps
the king is gone but he’s not forgotten

I think it’s a semi famous quote that is said in the music industry
because a lot of artists do just burn out and not fade away (Jimi, Jim,
Janis, Pigpen, etc) and the ones that fade away (one hit wonders)
usually suck, while the burn outs are cool, meow meow
*smooch* *smooch* love wes

| Wesley Torres |
| |
| |

-Pat. Says: OK, those are the lyrics written in the Neil Young
Anthology. BUT we also have him on CD clearly singing
“It’s better to burn out than fade away” Yes, well, the
burnouts may be cool, but that doesn’t make them any less
stupid. Much cooler in my mind to be like Bob Dylan and
Neil..still alive; still showing the young’uns how it’s
done; refusing to either burn out or fade away.

Hey guys. Quick note. I’m sure I meant the Refreshments and not
Banditos (I asked the person to play the song by the Refreshments..I
clearly remember that)…hehe..sometimes this old brain of mine
malfunctions (especially after the 12.5 hour days I’ve been pulling)….


What Free Time?
>>Grand Kaiser: You need to get a job or do something with all that
>>free time(grin)

Would ya belive I do have a job and a girlfriend and all that good stuff
to take up my time AND i still find time each day to work on school, my
hobbies, my web page and hang out with my friends. Pretty freaky isn’t


Many Topics
Ah-ha! I remembered what I was going to say before! (It’s like my mind
was somewhere else!)
Kraut? Kraut?!! KRAUT!!!! It IS kraut!!! WOW! That is so perfect now
because man, those Germans love their pork and cabbage products! (and
beer of course, never forget the beer, and WHITE asparagus!, and lots o’
bread!) You know, it wasn’t even that line that made me go to the
homepage in an impatient search for lyrics. The normally articulate and
enunciating Gordon gets so fast and angst-ridden in that little break
(understandable since she, she went to Germany without him!) and I
couldn’t understand the first line (“She’s eating wurst”). I played
around with “she’s stealing first” for a while b/c it KIND-OF fit
(well..maybe a little bit? ok you’re right, not at all) and then I
thought he was saying something about a “verse”. My stupid American
mind didn’t even think of the word “wurst” b/c I always pronounced it
“worst” instead of “vurst” ya know? So, that was the line I looked the
lyrics up for and I just accepted the rest on faith.
I once told Deana that I thought Country Death Song was the
quintessential camp-fire story. You know, the stories that get told
around girl scout campfires after the S’MORES have been consumed and
the leaders have gone to their tents 😉 The way Gordon has the red
light shown on his face as he tells his tale is very reminiscent of the
little flashlight-held-under-the-face trick that has lended its
creepiness to many a camper’s narrative. Now I’ve decided that
A Story is the perfect urban rumor–those stories that have always
happened to a friend’s cousin’s petsitter’s godfather-in-law’s barber
and are always TRUE! I remeber coming back from Mardi Gras last year
and being told that I was lucky to make it back with all my bodily
organs intact because there was a kidney-stealing ring operating in the
New Orleans area. Having read at least one book on urban myths, I
thought I recognized one here and told the girl so but she got angry at
me and swore that it happened to a very close relative of a guy she
worked with and he wouldn’t lie to her. I let it go but I logged onto a
New Orleans site and found that the rumor was so widespread there was an
official statement from the Chief of Police debunking this story and it
was signed by himself and the mayor, with phone numbers to call for more
information. I printed it out and gave it to the girl–she still
claimed it was true. To me, A Story is reminiscent of tales like that.
(Remeber the one about the teenagers making out at night in their car
near the woods where a Captain Hook type murderer has just escaped
prison when they hear a scratching…scratching…They drive away and
when they get home they find AN ARM WITH A HOOK attatched to their car!
Boo!) Of course, it also reminds me of Rapture by Blondie, but that’s
just me. I was listening to it and giggling when my sister said “This
sounds like Marilyn Manson”. Don’t blame her; blame the ’80’s–they
were rough on her (fun too, or so she claims!) She also regularly
watches TGIF and thinks Sabrina is funny. How can we be so different???
I also read her what Gordon said about it in CMJ and she said “What
happens to preacher’s kids anyway?! Is he always so sarcastic??” Who,
Gordon? 🙂
PS: My current idea for a farm name is Fair Day Farm–it’s pleasant,
general, and a fun play on the German word for horse (pferde).

Never Tell..Tonight..Ska..Drag
>The Femmes really should re-learn how to play “Never Tell”: that
>would be the ultimate live Femmes song, imho.
….. they do still play it but it seems to me only when the crowd is
“really” into the show and only when the sound is very good. Now that I
think about it I don’t remember ever hearing it outside …. I think
Requiem live could be even more powerful than Never Tell though…
hopefully we’ll find out someday….

>”Tonight.” That has ska written all over it.
I can imagine Tonight done ska style! Actually I just want to hear
tonight done any way at all!!! Tonight is now at the top of my list for
songs I want to hear live! Mother of a girl is 2nd – I’ve heard it
before but not in a LONG time….

>-Pat. Says: You know actually Guy looks great in drag.
I think they all made very attractive women. They could have done an
episode of Bossom Buddies! hee hee And since we’re on this subject …
How about that fantastic shot of them in CMJ?? Very fashionable, uh,
Sarapi’s (?). I think that’s what they’re called anyway….


RE: Cover As Ska
> “Tonight.” That has ska written all over it. I just listened
>to exerpts from every Femmes song I have . Tried to skank to each one,
>and “Tonight” is the numero uno choice. Man, actually you know there’s
>like a grnd total of about 10 songs by the Femmes that you can’t
>convert easily to Ska.

i want to cry….no i think i have chunks coming up the throat….
hey pat


-Pat. Says: I think we can assume that Kyle does not like Ska.

RE: 4:20

><<<“Happiness Is” (4:20) >>> I wonder if that was done on purpose or
>not…anyone have any opinions on it? (For those of you that are
>clueless..welllll…you just don’t know what you’re missing 😉 )

ya 4:20 …”DUDE” i’m clued in …man…rock n’ roll….sorry had to do


Best Bassist..Dallas
My brother and I are fighting over musicians. If anyone is familiar
with Pop Poppins, please help me convince my brother that Mark (their
bassist) is not nearly as talented as Brian. I am so fed up with my
brother’s “holier than thou” attitude.
Also, yes, I was almost set on fire at the Dallas show. I tried real
hard not to be around those drunk bastards (sorry for the language), but
these Toadies fans thought it would be cool. Now, my idea of cool is
shade in this 100 degree Texas weather, but I guess I was wrong.




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