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The Quote Of The Day:

i forget what 8 was for, but….
-From Kiss Off
-Submitted by

I have more quote submissions. I’ll put them all up in the order
they were received.


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Burlington, WI (May 15)

Pensacola, FL (May 17)




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In Today’s Issue:

Hot Fun in the Summertime
Drexel Info Needed
Birmingham Info
About That Quote
About That Quote

Hot Fun in the Summertime
Well folks, despite the calendar, I can say for sure summer is
definitely here, at least on AM. Many college students have thoughtfully
remembered to unsub themselves, many more have just disappeared, leaving
me the work of trying to track down undeliverables before unsubbing them
myself. Many of you have email at home, and have changed your addys.
What all this means is, at least from my experience last year, that
things might surprisingly get very busy around here. College and high
school students who remain have the pressure off, and can write in more.
Those of you who have been lurking these long cold lonely nights
suddenly find you have a voice, or at least a few tippity tappity
fingers. I hope this happens again this summer. If however on a Mon,
Wed, or Fri there’re fewer than 3 posts, there will not be an issue.
It’s not worth the work or the stuffing of your mailbox. But that won’t
happen, will it? Because all of you who are starving for talk of all
things Femmes won’t let it, right?

Drexel Info Needed
can someone please send me info on the drexel show…i am planning on
attending, but i need to know where i can get tickets. i am going to be
in philly the 29th of may for a concert, and am just staying overnight @
drexel…i talked to my friend from drexel and she hasnt heard anything
about the show…couls someone please fill me in?!


-Pat. Says: If you have a friend from Drexel, you’re halfway there,
because if you’re not a student, you need a student to
escort you in. I believe the tix may be free to Drexel
students and their guests, and there’s free food too.
To find out about the Drexel SpringJam, go to

Birmingham Info
The Birmingham show (June 21st) is at the 10th annual City Stages
Festival in Linn Park in downtown Birmingham AL. 3 days – 16 stages-
270 acts. Tix are $25 for all three days. Call (205) 715-6000 or
1-800-277-1700. You can also pick up one-day tix at the event for $18.
Here’s the webpage for more info:
The Femmes seem to be headlining the Miller Lite stage but it doesn’t
look like most of the rest of the acts have been booked yet. Stage

It will be hot as blue blazes in Bham in late June – ya’ll come
prepared now ‘ya hear! ;O)


About That Quote
hey, pat. just FYI:

>She loves a crowd, that’s what I hear.

actually, the last line is
“She’s loving some Kraut, that’s what I fear.”

About That Quote
Um…not to be picky, but isn’t it “She loves some Kraut, that’s what i
fear”??? Maybe less p.c. but it makes sense in the context of the song.
Or am i wrong?


-Pat. Says: That was a test. Just wanted to check to be sure people
were actually reading the issues. The fact is, the line
“she loves a crowd” is from the lyrics section of the
Official Homepage. I agree, it sounds more like Kraut to me.
I doubt they would change things for political correctness.
Maybe from time to time as I find a lyric which is different
on the Official Homepage from what I believe the lyrics to
be, or from what is printed on the liner notes, I’ll post
the “Official” version, see if anyone catches the diff. I
think Oellablue caught one last summer.



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