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AMERICAN MUSIC – May 13, 2002


** Solo Project**

Carmaig de Forest’s BLACKOUTS w/Brian Ritchie
May 15 – Knitting Factory – New York City
May 18 – Fergie’s Pub – Philadelphia

Carmaig de Forest’s BLACKOUTS w/Brian Ritchie
RE: cd-r tree
Benjamin’s Story
St Paul Femmes
St Thomas
RE: Victor

Dear east coast friends and fans,
Finally I’m coming east again. Just a few shows — so please mark your
calendars, spread the word (you remain my best PR), and don’t miss me. I’m
NEW YORK CITY: May 15 (Wednesday)
PHILADELPHIA: May 18 (Saturday)
Digging deeper into my performance art roots, I’m coming east to rehearse
and perform BLACKOUTS, an experimental, “theatrical” presentation of
selected songs, stories and performance pieces — some from El Camino Real
+ a lot of newer work. I’ve roped my longtime friend, colleague and
virtuoso multi-instrumentalist, BRIAN RITCHIE into these shows. Some of you
know Brian as the bass player and co-founder of the Violent Femmes. In any
case, he’s an innovative and superb musician/performer and I’m way looking
forward to this collaboration.

WHERE: AlterKnit Theater at the Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard Street,
Tribeca, Manhattan
WHEN: Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 pm
WHAT: Performance and music
–> 2nd SET – Brian and I play old and new songs in a more informal
setting (joined perhaps by some special friends??).
HOW MUCH: $10 (advance tickets available)
AGE RESTRICTIONS: All ages. (Actually, double-check with venue)
VENUE INFO: Phone 212-219-3006 or visit

WHERE: Fergie’s Pub, 1214 Sansom St.
WHEN: Saturday, May 18, 9:30 pm
WHAT: Performance and music
–> Brian & I perform BLACKOUTS
–> 2nd SET – TBD
HOW MUCH: No cover?? (Please double-check with venue)
VENUE INFO: Phone 215-928-8118 or visit www.fergi

Best spring wishes,
Carmaig de Forest

RE: cd-r tree
i could be interested in a cd-r tree. i also don’t know exactly what
it is or how to set it up, but i do have a little femmes cd collection
that i can’t help but be proud of. i would be interested in trading
rareties for rareties or anything else, for that matter…..


RE: Benjamin’s Story
There is a song on the Violent Femmes tribute by a band called the
Benjamins. I had the opportunity to see the Benjamins last year at
Milwaukee’s Summerfest. The first thing that struck me about them was
how young they are. The second thing was that were a really great, fun
band. The likes of which I hadn’t seen since the early days of the
Femmes or Green Day. The best thing about seeing the Benjamins was
that all of their parents were in the row in front of me. I had the
feeling that these middle age adults were their biggest fans. One of the
mom’s even has a Benjamins patch sewn on the back of her jeans. I hope
they have some success, they deserve it.


RE: St Thomas report
Hey people,
I haven’t ever written here before but my school was the one who brought the band to St paul last week so I thought I would report. It was our big summer send off party… Yo! There was a lot of shit on campus about this bcause more students actually voted to bring Dave…. but anyway though the show was real cool and I didn’t hear anybody complaining anymore after that. I’ve been a fan since high school but I’m from Idaho so I haven’t ever seen the band before. I thought the music was real good and there was a lot of surfing and high energy in the crowd. Oh yah we do too many drugz … I read on here about the original drummer coming back and the drum dude that night was introduced as Victor so I guess that did happen. I don’t know how long he’d been gone (sorry… I don’t know the story here so someone fill me in) but I didn’t hear any problems. It was all good…


RE:St Paul Femmes
He’s baaaaaack …
The St Paul show was not just a rumor & niether was that part about
Victor. He was there and he was in fine form. Actually they all were.
I never saw a show with Victor before so I don’t have anything to compare
it to but I thought it sounded great. It’s weird though – he set up in the
middle (where Gordon usually is). I was surprised but I ended up liking it a
lot. He’s REALLY energetic and smiles a lot so he draws you in. There
wasn’t any kind of announcement about it or anything special – just a
normal intro. I tried to get backstage and ask somebody what was going on
but I didn’t have any luck :o( The webpage still says “Femmes are not doing
shows” so I don’t know what we are all supposed to think about this.
Anybody hear anything else???


RE: Victor
Chalk one BIG one up to the violentfemmeslist person. Thanks to you I
took a chance and used my my last sick day at work. I’ll have to find
a new job before Summerfest but I was there yesterday at Midway for the
reunion of the decade!!!! It ain’t no rumor … VICTOR’S BACK!!!!! Oh
baby it was SWEET!! They didn’t say a thing about it and I don’t think
more than 4 or 5 people around me even realized it but there he was …
trance and snare … grinning like the fucking chesire cat.
Best damn sick day I’ve ever had…


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