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May 2- Salisbury State College, Salisbury, MD (O,P)
May 3- 99X Stage@Music Midtown, Atlanta, GA (O,P)

The Quote Of The Day:

My memory’s still clear
It hurts me dear
it’s sharp today like it was yesterday
no, I don’t have much hope
-From Cold Canyon

PLEASE send your VF quotes to

Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Salisbury, MD

Atlanta, GA




Past Tour
Une banane:Send in your top five faves each week to:
HERE I AM: Tell me where you live for the Here I Am list.


In Today’s Issue:

Tentatively Gone
Freak Magnet?
No Freak Magnet
The LaSalle Show
The LaSalle Show
Summerfest Info Needed
RE: Reggie White
RE: Reggie White..Pancake Day
Modern Rock Live
Lou Reed

Tentatively Gone
Remember all those tentative dates I put in Wednesday’s issue? Well, I
am sorry to say that they are no longer on the Official Homepage, so
you can forget about them for now.
Thanks to the 6 of you who wrote to tell me that Jones Beach is on Long
Island. I hope that for your sake the VF do end up playing there, but
it’s too far away for me.

Freak Magnet?
Hi, I know i must be the only one who doesn’t have this tattooed on
their forehead yet, but please remind me when is the new CD release
date? And a single release, too?


-Pat. Says: There is no release. Read on….

No Freak Magnet
As we have all feared, Freak Magnet has been withdrawn, according to Ice
magazine this month. I did not see this with my own eyes (i’ll check it
out this week) but I was asking at one of the local record stores if
they had gotten in one of the promo copies of the disc, and Fred Mills,
one of the store employees (and sometime writer for Rolling Stone) said
“No, I haven’t seen one, but I was reading in Ice that it had been
withdrawn. I wanted to hear it. If I see a copy of it, I’ll hold it for

One of the other stores in town has a copy of it on their listening
wall, but they wouldn’t sell it too me. I begged, I pleaded, I cried.
But it was no go, they wouldn’t sell it. I was rather upset.
I’m (like the rest of you) still hoping I can find a copy.


The LaSalle Show
Hi all…I am very sorry for all of you who wanted tix. I haven’t been
online in days and didn’t know that people wished for me to get tix for
them. The show was good. THe first time I saw the femmes last year at
delaware u. was better. This rap band DAS EFX opend which was extremely
strange. I dwas just waitin for the femmes in anticipation, so I never
got a chance to really look at them. FEmmes were good but the crwd
sucked they didn’t give the femmes any props. It upset me. Part of
the reason was that the femmes played a lot of songs that aren’t on add
it up like Prove my love I had a good time. They played a 20 min. solo
on black girls which rocked. I gotta jet though. see some of u at the
drexel show


The LaSalle Show
Well, as Femmes shows go, it was definitely not a “BEST”. For one
thing, the auditorium they played in was so cavernous and huge that
every little sound echoed off the walls and was totally distorted.
The crowd was a group of college students who were into partying with
their friends before the big finals depression. They were not at all
into listening to music or showing any enthusiasm for the Femmes,
especially when they did some new songs. The guys were obviously
angered by their lack of response. The result was a noble effort on
the part of the Femmes, with some really good jamming and some rare
plays (It’s Gonna Rain) which was lost on a very indifferent audience.
I loved it, but I don’t think the Femmes did.
I have never seen a bad Femmes show, but this horrible audience made it
a less than spectacular one.

hi, just wanted to let u know that ill be going to see the femmes in
atlanta this weekend (may 3)!!! ill just die if they cancel! also, i
noticed that a few weeks ago they were scheduled to be at springfest in
pensacola, fl–is this still on??? its my birthday that weekend so im
praying they are still going to be there? please tell me that they are!!
anyway dont forget to put me down for atlanta! thanks!!!!!!

Summerfest Info Needed
aarrrgghhhh!! someone give me details on the summerfest show! i’m
soooo excited! i saw the femmes at summerfest on the fourth of july and
it was aawweeesome…what are the ticket details for this??


-Pat. Says: We’ll find out more at time progresses

wow, if the femmes really are playing at summerfest, that would be
incredible. that would mean i could see them 3 times in less than 2
anyway, for those of you that dont know about summerfest, there is one
gigantic stage (the one the femmes played at in 96) which sells tickets
ahead of time, and numerous small stages. it appears as if they would
play one of the smaller stages,since phil collins is playing the big
stage the same night (june 26) that is not a problem that they are
playing a small stage, i’m just wondering which one. smaller is better,
you get to be closer, you pay less money ($7-9 GenAdm to summerfest or
FREE with one of their various promotions). the only problem is that
you have to wait the entire time and get there early, since there are no
reserved seats and no guarantees you’ll get in. but it should be damn

“she beleived collage was the greatest of all the arts”


RE: Reggie White
after reading all these messages about the reggie white song i just
feel i need to say that i was at the peoria show when he sang it and it
was just really good and cute because they just made up a melody to play
it to right there so they just winged it and it still worked really
well. and there was a funny time when he screwed up and he goes- oh
its just the chorus we’ll get back to that later. so it was cool. and i
knew he was singing about people being different and stuff but i didnt
know it was about what a specific person said. actually, i didnt even
know who reggie white was until people started mentioning him in this
letter. i thought gordon was singing “reggie’s right”. oh well. i do
like what reggie said about how everyone is different and good at
something for a reason- because God is trying to portray himself. im not
sure about my beliefs about God and I don’t follow any religion, but if
I beleive anything, it would be that, thats really clever and i like it
a lot.
okay. i just felt that i should say i saw this increasingly famous song
performed. it was great. the whole concert was. its the best femmes show
ive been to. okay, bye!

RE: Reggie White..Pancake Day
i hate Reggie White (whoever he is)! I wonder if the Violent Femmes
really agreed with it or not. I imagine it to be somewhat of a mockery
of his ignorance, but that’s just me!
Having said that, I just bought Victor DeLorenzo’s solo album
“Pancake Day” for $1.50 at a CD blowout sale. It’s pretty damn good!


Visit Johnny and Ryan’s homepage at

Modern Rock Live
Ug. I vote an instant suspension of all Reggie White-based discussions
of personal politics and/or semantics. Just put it in your manifesto,
people, because the rest of us will simply page down right through it.

While browsing through the used cd section of half priced books
yesterday, I found an odd album featuring the Femmes. It was a Modern
Rock Live two-disc set of live tracks recorded in their studio,
released in 1996. It has She Went To Germany and an odd little picture
of the guys on the inside. It’s one of those old west style photos, in
black and white, with gordon dressed up like a 19th centry wild west
hooker. Brian’s standing beside him, i think with a gun, but i don’t
recall if guy’s in there.

Even though the cd also has a great song from Ben Folds Five
(philosophy!), i couldn’t bring myself to spend just about all my
remaining money on a $15 used cd with two good songs. The other bands
were bubblegum crap like Jewel and the Goo Goo Dolls.

anyone have this cd?
And better yet…the femmes are supposed to be on modern rock live
again soon, right? when??????
and can anyone tell me more about the dallas show? could finally be my
chance to see the femmes for…sigh…the first time.

later y’all

Lou Reed
For those of you who caught the hour long Lou Reed special on PBS
Wednesday night, consider yourselves very lucky. I thought it was very
well done and seeing as how especially Lou and to a lesser extent the
rest of the Velvet Underground were major influences to the femmes it
was really a must see. It was very interesting to kind of see the
similarities between Lou and Gordon. I’ve never met either one, but
through what I’ve heard them say or write they do seem to share kind of
the same mind set.
Well, I hope they show that special again so more people can get a
chance to see it. It was definitely worth the time.



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