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The Quote Of The Day:

Laughs & loves & hopes & dreams
action will supply the means…
-From Life Is an Adventure
-Submitted by ddearry


April 20- 9 p.m., The Canopy, Urbana, IL, 18+ show, (T,P)
Note: this conflicts with the Absinthe show.
April 21- 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, MI (T,P,O)
April 22- 8 p.m., Agora Theatre, Cleveland, OH, $14 (T)
April 23- Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA (P,O)

**April 24- Gampel Pavilion, Storrs, CT (P)**
(NOTE: this conflicts with the tentative date at Bethlehem)

May 1- 4:30 p.m., Harvard, Cambridge, MA (O) STUDENT ONLY SHOW
May 1- 9:30 p.m., Johnson and Wales College, Providence, RI (P)
May 4- Le Batacian, Paris, France (P,O)
May 5- Forum, London, England (P,O)
May 6- Student’s Festival, Lisbon, Portugal (P,O)
May 8- Oporto Festival, Oporto, Portugal (P,O)
May 10- E-Werk, Cologne, Germany (P,O)
May 11- Rockefeller, Oslo, Norway (O,P)
May 12- Akadamiske, Bergen, Norway (O,P)
May 13- Stutentersamfundest, Trondheim, Norway (O,P)

**June 5- Pier 6 Concert Hall, Baltimore, MD (vanallen)**

June 6- Performing Arts Center, Newark, NJ (P)
July 17- LoDo Festival, Denver, CO (P)
July 31- Barnstable Co. Fairground, Hyannis, MA (P)
August 14- Historic Mountain Winery, Saratoga, CA (P)

**August 15- 7:30 p.m., Villa Montalvo, Saratoga, CA (T)**

Sept 5- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (P)
Sept 6- Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA (P)

April 24-Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (O) THIS CONFLICTS WITH THE

April 26- 8 p.m., Wetlands Preserve, NY, NY, $8 (T)
w/Heal, Lil Mama

NOTA BENE: ‘O’ stands for the Official homepage
‘P’ stands for Pollstar
‘T’ stands for Ticketmaster
‘I’ stands for Insider Info
All other references are subscribers


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Ann Arbor, MI
alexa135 (Andrea)

Cambridge, MA (If correct)
potatoe482 (Em)

London, England
xav (Xav)
eirikurs (Eirikur)

Denver, CO



VF Message

Yahoo Chat:

Past Tour Dates:



Glenn Gano’s Page:

Charm Records:


In Today’s Issue:

Paris/Cologne concerts
Femmes in Dayton
Femmes in Richmond
I hear music … sweet, sweet music ….


Sorry, folks. My email program self-destructed. I have now found a
free bulk-mailer, and hope this will work.

My friend heard last night on the news that the VF’s will be at Pier
6 at the inner harbor in downtown Baltimore in the beginning of
June?? Can you find out if this is true?

Stacey Wood

-Pat. Says: Read on…

i don’t have too much time right now, but the femmes are playing at Pier
6 concert hall in baltimore maryland on saturday june 4th, (might be the
5th, whichever is the saturday) more info later…gotta run


Paris/Cologne concerts
Hello everybody,

I’m living in Brussels, Belgium, and I plan to go to the Paris or
Cologne concerts in May.
I don’t know any other fan interested in this trip. I will go there
alone, but it could be nice to meet fans there. Anyone from the list
goes to one of these concerts ?
Could anyone tell me how to buy tickets for Cologne from Belgium ?

Thanks in advance,


Femmes in Dayton
Hey Femmesters,

I saw our boys last Friday in Dayton, Ohio. It was a spirited show in
front of a sparse crowd (about 1500). Needless to say I had quite a
good time and the show was dandy. The only thing that was rather
unique was that the Femmes offered up no between-song banter, not even
before DMFD. This may have stemmed from the fact that they were opening
up for George Clinton. Either way I thought it was a pretty decent
show. We were all corralled in chairs which led me to ask a question.
Of those of you who’ve been to recent Femmes shows, have any of them
had open floors on which to dance. I know the boys aren’t too hip with
the moshing scene but have they gone as far as to request no more
general admission floors? Just a thought.


p.s. Whatever happened to that compilation of DMFD intros some guy was
collecting for a web page?

i am depressed. i missed the femmes opening for george clinton (in
dayton) because i was STUCK in the fucking TRAFFIC on one of the many
interstate-like things on the way to dayton from where i live. i
scratched myself until i bled. yup.

i may go to the columbus show this sunday if i can convince someone to
drive. and if i can tell my dependent friend i don’t want to go to
pittsburgh with her. meow.

love to all,

Femmes in Richmond
I just got back from the femmes show at the university of richmond. it
had been 4 years since i’d seen them and it was brilliant. there were
the usual antics of a whole +lot+ of crowd noise, especially during
good feeling, which sucked, but the crowd surfing/moshing was pretty
mild. some dude got arrested, or at least, dragged out by the police.
there was also a couple having sex in the top row. i kinda got the
feeling not many people were paying too much attention to the music,
cause there was constant movement in and out of the basketball arena,
so that was kinda annoying too.

The support band, The Pat McGee band were hometown heroes and well-
received,although they sounded a little bland and repetitive for mine.
They have a website, with audio samples if you
wanna check them out.
I don’t think they’re touring any further with the femmes though.

They played Never Tell! I was so happy i almost cried. Brian’s solos,
esp in never tell, were incredible.

after the show I went to the tour bus and got to meet Guy, have him
sign my old t-shirt, tell him i came “all the way from australia to
see you guys play” etc. he was really sociable, signed the ladies’
breasts (including my wife’s… heh), etc. Travis from the list was
there and talked to him about absinthe and offered to play clarinet
for them in the horns of dilemma (which were particularly discordant at
this show, the audience was stunned and a woman in front of me covered
her ears and left during the songs the horns played on) on sweet misery
blues. i wanna be there for that. guy was really keen about it. guy
posed for photos with my wife and i. it was really cool. we also snuck
a camera into the concert, but don’t know if the photos will turn out
or not. brian and gordon snuck off in a van, much to my dismay, so
hopefully i’ll be able to complete my signature collection some other
time… oh they sent some black and white photocopy promo posters to
guy to hand out to the 8 of us around the tour bus… guy looked at
the photo used [the one from the debacle cover] and ripepd them all up,
stomped on them, etc. yelling about using the “old drummer” instead of
him. :^) in all i spent about 40 minutes talking to guy with a few
others, and he was really nice. it’s a shame brian and gordon aren’t so
interested in meeting their fans anymore.

when i introduced myself to Guy as “therapy” (what everyone calls me),
he just flipped out as though it was the funniest thing he had heard…

anyway, here’s the setlist:

out the window
look like that
country death song
blister in the sun
prove my love
dahmer is dead
don’t talk about my music
waiting for a bus
jesus walking on the water
good feeling
gimme the car
rejoice and be happy
american music
never tell
black girls
add it up
old mother reagan
kiss off
the ending was awesome… brian put on this hat with a big rollerball
in the top of it that controlled the frequency of noise from his bass
in the amp… you gotta see / hear it. i can’t describe it properly.

they were on top form musically (except the horns of dilemma :^) )
not too much banter other than gordon saying noone was happier to be
there than he was, and the usual intros to dahmer, etc. the new songs
sounded very cool. i asked guy whether the record company actually told
them their new album “sucked”, but i think he thought i was asking him
whether it was true that it sucks… or something. he said the promo was
put together hastily and wouldn’t be the album released, the dylan cover
song would go, etc. he also said he doubted it would be released, but i
think he meant that out of frustration…

all in all, i’m completely buzzing. it was a great night.

oh, and travis, write me before the next boathouse show. i wanna see
you there, going the solo on sweet misery blues. :^)

?therapy —

I hear music … sweet, sweet music ….
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t written much lately – I’ll try to make up
for it now though :o) Ya know sometimes life just takes you as low as
you can go, but, ohhhh how sweet those high points are when you get
back up!
Femmes/ Femmes/ Cowboy Mouth – that’s how my weekend went and I’m
feeling great to be alive at the moment so I wanted to share the luv
with my 1000 closest friends here on the list. The weekend began about
4 hours later than scheduled (damn work!) but Amber and I made it up to
Richmond VA with about 20 minutes to spare before the show Friday night
(whew – that was a close one!) Very good set & good crowd. Here are
some of the highlights: a blistering rendition of Never Tell, big HOD
– Ray, Darren & the “Two Doms” (Dom Jr/Sr), a couple of new horns for
Mr. Ritchie – one was a very long, trumpet shaped, collapsible wooden
horn and the other looked and sounded like a snake charmer’s flute, and
we were treated to the theremin “top hat” as a finale. Okay, okay I
know that review was kind of lacking – normally I’d have gone on and on
about a show that solid BUT -I’m afraid I just can’t wait to get to
last night’s show!! On a scale of 1-10 … it was a 12!!
Shepherdstown College YOU GUYS KICK ASS!!!!!!!!! Oh my GOD – were
these kids excited about having the Femmes there?! They had a festival
going on all day, they had T-shirts printed up – they even had chalk
drawings on the sidewalks leading up to the arena! I’m thinking they
must have been piping in Femmes music to all the dorms & classrooms too
because it seemed they all sang along (correctly) to every song! The
guys rewarded them for their excitement – oh yes!
Check out this set list!! Nothin, Special, Ctry Dth Song, I HEAR THE
RAIN, Blister, Out th Wind-O, Prv My Luv, Nonny (with an extended woo
hoo jam), LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE, W8n for th Bus, Good Feeling (sniff
sniff – I had tears – really), Country Roads, Dance MF, BAD, Am Music,
BREAKIN’ UP (I had goosebumps on my goosebumps), Girl Trouble – well
kind of, the WV state song, Black Girls, Gon Dad-D, Add it up – the
encore: Mthr Reagn & Kiss Off. I thought Amber was going to jump
over the barrier and run onstage when they started Life is an
Adventure! It was fun just standing next to someone having that much
What’s that you say? The Femmes don’t have a song called Country Roads?
That would be John Denver’s song folks – add that one to the list of
song covers in full. Guy, Gordon & Johhny O serenaded the crowd on
this one – well actually the crowd wasn’t really listening too well –
they were too busy singing and cheering themselves silly! Very cool!
At this point the show really took on a life of its own. Dance MF was
absolutely wicked and Brian went totally NUTS at the end. Between the
last chorus and when he does the “you’re such an uuuuuuggglllyyy…part,
he started spewing out all kinds of nonsensical bits of chatter and odd
noises and then began squealing this high-pitched dolphin-like sound –
it was quite impressive – no college sorority girl could do better –
not even on Rush day! The veins on his neck were popping out & his
whole head was pink when he was done – I can’t even describe the look
on Gordon’s face! FrEaKy … then came Bad, heh heh – nice
follow-up dontcha think? Hey Nicker – Amber and I sang a few lines just
for you! Am Music was the song so nice we got it twice – well 1 verse
anyway. Breakin’ Up – like I said goosebumps! Then Girl Trouble …
sort of … Gordon was either overcome with excitement, suffering from
temporary Lou Reeds disease or some other exogenous factor. I’ve heard
that Lou Reed’s disease doesn’t normally strike such a young man so
hopefully it was just temporary whatever the cause! :o) Sooo… this
was an absolutely original version of this one guys! In the middle of
the mayhem, Guy took over on bass & Brain sat down at a little mini-
drum kit and proceeded to kick the rhythm up to a fever-pitch! I’ve
read a few posts about it recently but I don’t remember ever seeing
Brian play drums before – I liked it but I hope he doesn’t quit his day
job! Oh NO! (rolling my eyes now) Don’t anyone start a Guy vs. Victor
vs. Brian thread! Girl Trouble somehow morphed into the West Virginia
state song. Gordon first played the melody on the guitar and then sang
the lyrics acappella. Very nice! Black Girls – Guy was NOT going to
be outdone by Brian – I think I saw smoke rising from the kit when he
was finished with his solo! Gone Daddy Gone and Add it Up were almost
a let down after the flurry of excitement onstage during the previous
songs – almost. But then they came back out for the encore and I swear
it felt like they were singing Kiss Off for the very first time ever!
I can’t remember the last time I got into that song that much and
actually counted up with Gordon and everything! It rocked! I was high-
fiving everybody around me! Then Brian donned the theremin top hat
thing AND simultaneously blew the digeridoo! Unbelievable! It was a
FAN-tastic show! Thank you band & crew!
I just have one thing to say to everyone! Get off your asses and go
see the Femmes! If they aren’t coming anywhere near you get on the
phone with a promoter in your area and tell them you want to see them!
Every concert ad you see has the promoter listed somewhere on the ad –
write down the names and look them up in the phone book. It doesn’t
matter if you’re 15 or 50 – they can’t see you over the phone just call
’em. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed just DO IT!
And for all the fans in Europe – get ready! They’re coming & you’re
going to hear some great music!

Laughs & loves & hopes & dreams – action will supply the means…

