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The Quote Of The Day:

We don’t want no killing, Lord
I don’t wanna see my brother die.
We don’t want no killing, Lord
I don’t wanna see my sister cry.


April 2- Doubletree Ballroom, Boise, ID (P,O)
April 3- The Rock, Pocatello, ID (P,O)
April 4- 7 p.m., Mount Baker Theatre, Bellingham, WA, $25 (T,O,P)


Going to a VF concert? Want to know if anyone
else on the list also going? Check here first!

Pocatello, ID

Bellingham, WA
BurrResear (Bob)

Eugene, OR
LilBoek (Steve)

Dayton, OH
rayr (Becky Ray)

Richmond, VA

Ann Arbor, MI
alexa135 (Andrea)

Cambridge, MA (If correct)
thenewkid (Drew)
potatoe482 (Em)

London, England
xav (Xav)



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In Today’s Issue:

Safe In Yugoslavia
Harvard Info
Newark Info Needed
Reply: A Dream…
RE: Faith Dance
RE: What Album Should I Get..
RE: Cover This
RE: Cover This
RE: Cover This


Sorry about the issue-free Wednesday. Anybody who has ever gotten a
massive migraine will know why I went nowhere near the computer for
most of this week.

Safe In Yugoslavia
> As far as I know, you are the only subscriber to American Music in
> Yugoslavia. I just wanted to write to tell you that I have been
> thinking of you quite a bit these past few days, and hope you are OK.
> If you are able, please write back to tell me how you are doing. My
> thoughts are with you and the people of your country.

Hello Pat & everybody on the American Music list!

Thank you for those kind words – you have no idea how much they
mean to someone who spent the last week in constant fear.
I got on this list thanks to Deanna, but I never found time to
write anything. I figured the list was mainly about VF concerts and
similar (for me – distant) topics. Now I’m writing for the first time
and the subject couldn’t be worse.
My country – Yugoslavia – is under NATO aggression! Day after day,
bombs and cruise missiles are falling on our heads. I live in the
capital, Belgrade, where air raid sirens can be heard 2-5 times a day!
Then we have two options: go to the shelters and stay there 3-10 hours,
or stay at home and pray! It is hell! I keep telling my girl-friend
not to worry and that everything’s gonna be O.K., but as days pass and
bombs keep falling, I’m starting to disbelieve those words myself.
I don’t want to go into any political dicussion about the matter,
but I think I have the moral obligation to say this:
Our country is not only targeted by NATO bombs, but also by a huge
propaganda machinery!
We are no barbarians as CNN and others try to picture us.

Best regards from Belgrade, Yugoslavia


-Pat. Says: Dear Viktor, I could not write again due to the migraine
of these past few days, but I hope you and your girlfriend
are still safe. I too do not want to talk about political
matters, but I do want to assure you that I’m sure many
people know that you are not all barbarians, just as most
southerners in my country are not white-hooded church
burners. There’s not a country in this world who has not
at some point in its history committed horrible crimes
against minorities or militarily/technologically less-
advanced peoples. Every one of us has something of which
to be ashamed. But I believe that most people are basically
not violent, and I feel for those who have had to suffer
because of the actions of others. Our leaders? Don’t get
me started. No matter how idealistic they seem to have been
early in their careers, they all become enamored of power
and end up prepared to do anything; sacrifice any principle
(or any person for that matter) in order to keep a hold of
their power. You know, it would seem that we have a golden
opportunity here, with the internet, to meet and understand
people of other countries and different beliefs and ways of
life. It would seem that maybe we could try…just *try*
to learn how to live together. And while we’re at it, maybe
we could not teach our childrn to hate.
Everybody should read today’s quote a few times, and take
it to heart.
Call me aggressively pacifist.
Oops! What’s that I’m standing on? A SOAPBOX??? Sorry.

I will also be going to the Eugene show… it’s number 7 for me… I
can’t wait.


Harvard Info
just to let you know, the harvard Mass show is ONLY for harvard
students…so, unless you can find a harvard brain soon, it looks as
though theres not much more that can be done. sigh. but hey…I found
a friend of a friend whose brother goes there, so its not as hard as
it seems! good luck!

em (potatoe482)

Newark Info Needed
does anyone have any infor about the show in newark, nj at the
performing arts center……i checked their web page and the Femmes’
webpage and neither said anything about it.


Reply: A Dream…
This is very, very bizarre, because a few months ago I had a dream
that the Femmes played at my old elementary school back in Rockford,
Illinois. They played in the library, and there was a huge pit in there
full of pillows that the kids always read books in, and the crowd
danced in the pit. I don’t really remember the music, but what happened
afterward is very vivid.
The dressing room was the kitchen in the cafeteria, and for some
reason I got to go back and meet the guys. I sat down in there and
started talking to them and Brian started making fun of me, saying that
I don’t cuss enough (which is very untrue… I’ve been told I “talk
like a gutter tramp.”) Guy was just sitting back and trying not to
laugh, and Gordon was telling Brian to lay off, but Brian kept
lecturing me on how important it is to cuss because it lets you let
your emotions out “without sounding like a book reading nerd.” That
made me very angry because I’m a voracious reader and see nothing
wrong with that.
I jumped up and started yelling obscenities, telling him that
there’s nothing wrong with education, and in fact I happen to love to
“Read, read read read read read read…everything I can read… and
learn, learn learn learn learn learn learn…everything I can learn.”
At this point Brian’s whole face lit up and he said to Gordon
and Guy, “There! I helped another one of ’em!” They thought that was
hilarious, but I was greatly confused. Then we sat down and the four
of us talked like old friends and they all signed autographs for me.
The next thing I know a lunchlady with a hairnet comes in and
shoos us all out, telling us that she’s gotta make lasagna for the
schoolchildren, and I woke up…
I’m sure this dream has some strange meaning that I could fugure
out if I took the time to analyze, but I really don’t have the patience.
But it WAS very cool and my Femmes lovin’ friends loved hearing about
it. Anyway… peace out y’all!


RE: Faith Dance
>-Pat. Says: This dance should be videotaped and put on the web so we
> can all see it. Then we can all do something during a
> show that doesn’t involve pink flamingoes.

Don’t you love these little nuggets of joy from Pat? I know I look
forward to them. I am going to get those pictures back some day and
then I will make a web page and then I am going to put these pictures
ON that web page and then the whole world will see my Faith dance, and
then it will be a great day when sometime in the distant future, after
the femmes are long dead and there is a cover band playing their stuff
for kids who never lived while Gordon did and they will ALL be doing
the Faith dance, and they won’t know who will have started it, or where
it came from, but it will be the most fun part of any show. Gordon and
I will just smile down from heaven on them.


RE: What Album Should I Get..
<< What album should I buy>>

I have long held the opinion that the Femmes are the only band who are
able to sound like a different band on every album. This is the main
reason that I like them; you can never get sick of their music. I
recently rediscovered the album The Blind Leading the Naked. Right
now, it is my favorite album, and I recommend that you buy it, whereas
a week ago and for three months before that, I was not able to listen
to any song on it all the way through. Ask this question in two to
three weeks from now, and I will most definitely have a different

P.S. This is a good album for someone who is not overly anti-religious.
There are numerous references to the Lord and to Gordon’s faith, but,
as an atheist, I find the religious lyrics easy to tolerate while still
enjoying the music.


RE: Cover This
FYI: ‘love potion #9 was originally done by the Searchers.
I’d love to see the femmes do a cover of ‘ashes to ashes’ by david
bowie, ‘i’ll never fall in love again’ by burt bacharach, or ‘you’ve
got a friend’ by carole king……. the list goes on and on, maybe i’ll
send in a few more suggestions sometime soon….


RE: Cover This
Speaking of Covers…..

I don’t know if anyone on the list has ever heard of the punk band
BigWig. Any hoo, I saw them at a small show about a month and a half
ago and they played “Kiss Off”. It was really awesome hearing a (for
lack of a better term) punk version of the song. After the show I was
talking to the band and I metioned “kiss off” and how the Femmes were
playing a show in kutztown and Tom, the guitarist and singer, thanked
me and he and the rest of BigWig planned on going to the show. I don’t
know where I’m going w/ this, so I’ll stop now.


RE: Cover This
> It seems many VF love songs are done with tongue planted
> firmly in cheek, so I’d have to cast a vote for
> Love Potion #9

hank williams’ “lovesick blues”




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