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In Today’s Issue:

RE: Pain and Disappointment
New Management?!?!
RE: Topic Starters
RE: Naked..Dreams
RE: Kissing..Naked..Etc.
RE: The Video Compilation!!!

RE: Pain and Disappointment
<< .I’ve tried EVERYTHING!! Even trying to sneak backstage….but alak no avail. >>

my advice: go to the back of the club where there will be this big
silver bus. stay there for a little bit with the other people and youre
bound to see them. guy’s pretty talkative. and dont ask gordon for
his comb though. if you really want it, it will be sticking out of his
back pocket…


New Management?!?!
>>FYI, the Femmes are now being
managed by The Hornblow Group, who also manages They Might Be Giants.<<
posted to Never Tell – the VF message board by TDK

A quick look at the MSO webpage does NOT show the Femmes listed in
their artist catalog anymore!!! Yippeeeeeee!!!! New management!
European Tour Dates! Things are looking up ….


RE: Topic Starters
<< Topic starters:
What is your favorite femmes song?
mine is gimme the car, because it’s crude and hilarious, and very
What is your favorite Femmes album?
(i haven’t heard all of the albums, so i don’t have one)
What is your funniest memory of a femmes concert? >>

My favorite song…hmmm….there’s so many too pick from…i don’t
think I could narrow it down to just one….I love Gimme the Car too
….Out the Window….I absolutely LOVE Heartache from The Blind
Leading the Naked……Blister of Course…Add It UP…..American
Music without a doubt…..I love Breakin’ Hearts too…..That is too
hard of a question:P

My favorite album,…Why Do Birds Sing probably….what a great album
….Used to Be is such an awesome song…


RE: Naked..Dreams

Ive never seen the Femmes in the minus panty mode, but have pranced
around the house in the buff listening to the Femmes. I’m kind of
guessing at least half of the people on the list have done the nasty to
the Femmes. Makes for a wonderful, upbeat experience.

In the dream/wish matter, I think I would have to travel the world on
tour with them in the buff, as long as I can bring my GQ/Calvin Klein
underwear model boytoys along with me. I might have to get them to
visit Richard Simmons first-maybe good ol Rich could make a Sweatin to
the Femmes video.


RE: Kissing..Naked..Etc.
Hello Friends–
This is my first time writing to A.M. and this may be a bit long
….so I’m gonna apologize now.

<<1st up–in response to “Good Feeling”–Gordon the amazing kisser.
Personally I imagine that a bad kiss from Gordon would have to
be amazing. But, a kiss from Gordon before, in the middle of or after
“Good Feeling” is more like “O.K., I can die now” Ya know what I mean?
So, I guess it’s obvious that I’d pick Gordon over Guy. Still, I do
agree that Guy is sexy. However, Gordon is BEAUTIFUL!!! Also, I would
love for the femmes to bring me and the guy of my dreams together. So,
that story was really cool, I envy you. But, in all honesty, if I
thought that Fred Flinstone singing “Amazing Grace” would attract the
man of my dreams, I’d have Fred blasting from my C.D. player, (and me)
happily singing along.Whatever works.




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